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地质测绘科技发展趋势与对策 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
吴景勤 《国土资源科技管理》2001,18(6):30-35
文章展望了地质测绘科技发展趋势,并就核工业部门今后地质测绘工作提出了几点对策与建议。 相似文献
电子平板技术就是全站仪+笔记本电脑(或PDA)+相应控制软件,将该技术应用到数字测图中,其优点是在电子平板(笔记本电脑或PDA)上,可以直观、实时显示出所测绘的地形图,这样可以及时检查,及时发现错误并改正。 相似文献
郭平 《吉林省经济管理干部学院学报》2006,20(4):77-78
机械制图是高等职业技术院校机械类专业的一门重要的技术基础课,课程教学质量的好坏将直接影响到学生对后续专业课的学习和课程设计。如何使学生既有一定的理论知识,又有一定的操作技能、识图能力,在教学中根据专业特点及学生的实际情况,选择合适的教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣,培养空间想象能力,大胆实施教学改革创新,将会起到事半功倍的教学效果。 相似文献
元语否定是常见的语言现象。根据已有的研究发现 ,元语否定句中 ,前后话语之间存在着概念的投射 ,即从始发模型 (sourcemodel)向目标模型 (targetmodel)的映射 ,并形成隐喻。作为一种手段 ,元语否定运用隐喻 ,可以唤起人们的想象力 ,赋予静态的、呆板的意象以流动的、鲜活的色彩。没有活泼的隐喻 ,也就没有元语否定。 相似文献
In this Executive Digest, we make the case that aggregate individual expertise as a resource and intrinsic capability of the firm are hidden in plain sight, or worse, are assumed to exist where they do not. With high levels of complexity, business diversity, and number of geographical locations, the issue becomes even more acute. We propose strategic resource mapping (SRM) as a methodology designed to provide top managers with a rapid, comprehensive, and penetrating assessment of a firm's ‘meta-capability’: an actionable overview of the capabilities that exist within the firm. Based on multiple successful implementations, we describe the key features of SRM and provide several illustrations. 相似文献
三维激光扫描技术是近代广泛应用于建设工程的一种集光、机、电及信息技术于一体的综合测量技术,得益于其现场海量点云的快速采集和分析能力,为地质检测提供了一种全新的、可实施手段。三维激光扫描技术作为近年来测绘领域的热点技术,因其快速、精确、无接触的特点,应用越来越广。然而该技术具体的运用还存在时间较短的问题,我国当代将三维激光扫描技术运用在地质工程勘探方面起步较晚,还有许多问题以及难点需要去解决。 相似文献
Cognitive mapping has been used to support strategic planning in business. However, the process has seldom been utilized to
support strategic planning in nonprofit public organizations, where many reporting lines are less clear. This paper describes
how the cognitive mapping process was designed and implemented to help a large academic department identify and merge the
individual goals of faculty members as a first step in creating a strategic plan. Each map was created using the Decision
ExplorerTM software during individual interviews, as opposed to using paper and pencil. An action case approach was used to plan and
evaluate individual mapping sessions. Eliciting individual cognitive maps led to greater engagement by faculty in the strategic
planning process. Nearly all of the participating faculty members believed that the cognitive mapping process was helpful
and insightful and the resulting map was accurate and complete. 相似文献