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This paper examines the provisions of the recently completed Uruguay Round and evaluates the qualitative and quantitative effects of the Round on major countries and regions of the world. The implications of the Uruguay Round are measured using the G-cubed multicountry model. This model captures macroeconomic and sectoral linkages within the global economy. This study differs from other studies in that it considers the dynamic adjustment path, the impact of expectations formation, and the sectoral as well as macroeconomic consequences of the Round. The results are compared with other studies of the Uruguay Round. Ignoring major changes in productivity induced by the Round, it is found that the gains to the world economy are likely to be around $200 billion (1990) per year by the year 2000. The distribution of the gains across regions from the Round differ from other studies because of the adjustment of international capital flows. Private capital flows to regions that undertake the most extensive liberalization initially worsen their trade positions. In regions that liberalize less and experience a capital outflow, the production gains tends to be less than conventional studies find. The adjustment of private capital has important implications for exchange rates, and therefore for the adjustment of the international trading system over the decade of the implementation of the Round.  相似文献   
Abstract. The three substantive sections of this survey deal with the economic consequences of voluntary export restraint agreements (VERs), e.g. the Multi-Fibre Arrangement and VERs on Japanese auto exports. Section 2 focuses on the disposition of quota rents under the assumptions of perfectly competitive markets and the absence of substitute suppliers. Section 3 considers imperfect competition and the role of VERs as cartelization instruments, facilitating collusion. Section 4 analyzes the discriminatory effects of VERs when there are third country suppliers. A broad conclusion is that the economic consequences of VERs are more complex than the standard trade policy analysis based on tariffs because of the issues discussed in Sections 3 and 4.  相似文献   
An oil tariff has potential to alter the pattern of production and income distribution across productive factors. This paper use a general equilibrium model of production and trade with inputs of capital, labor, and international energy to examine the effects of an oil tariff. Under a range of conditions, higher energy prices created by oil tariffs would lower the ratio of wages to capital rents, and production of labor intensive goods would fall. This paper concentrates on the potential of oil tariffs to alter patterns of production and income distribution.  相似文献   
文章援引GATT第20条豁免条款经典案例,将碳关税合法性纳入WTO争端解决机制"两步走"审核程序。通过剖析争端解决机制对案例的裁决,认为碳关税满足GATT第20条(g)款,同时通过与多边国家协商制定多方认可的碳关税征收的无歧视标准,可通过GATT第20条前言的要求,从而认为碳关税征收满足GATT第20条豁免条款,案例折射出WTO争端解决机制对可耗竭自然资源保护措施的态度由承认其重要性、到肯定再到鼓励,都增加了碳关税征收的可能性。  相似文献   
CEPA协议的实施对内地与香港的经贸合作起了很大的推动作用,零关税规定使内地与香港之间逐步成为自由贸易区域。但在CEPA的实施过程中,仍然存在着一些问题,如CEPA条件下港产品零关税规定对广东市场造成的冲击;现行香港原产地规则未能与实际情况相适应;原产地证书申领期限长、核查程序复杂等。这些问题在CEPA实施中应予以完善。  相似文献   
气候变化日益成为全球问题。贸易通过规模效应、结构效应和技术效应影响全球气候变化,但以碳关税为代表的贸易政策并非有效缓和气候变化的工具,其实质是新型的绿色贸易壁垒。碳关税的最终实施迫切要求中国转变发展方式,向低碳经济转型。结合中国目前现实情况,应尽快实施碳税和建立与国际接轨的碳交易市场。  相似文献   
This paper analyzes the role of central government in a Nash tax competition between two heterogenous regions, which differ in their endowments of two production factors. Regional governments use a source-based unit tax on mobile capital to finance their public service expenditures. The central government employs excise subsidies and lump-sum taxes to induce the two regions to efficient resource allocations. We answer to the question that whether the central government can induce an efficient equilibrium, and investigate the effects of endowments difference on the optimum subsidy rates. We find that there exists a unique tax rate under which the efficiency is achieved. We identify the set of endowment allocations for which the subsidy rate to one region is higher (or lower) than the subsidy rate to the rival. The large poor region receives a higher subsidy than the small rich region, but the subsidy to the small poor region may be higher or lower than that to the large rich region. [H2]  相似文献   
Conditions for the occurrence of immiserizing growth and the Metzler paradox are analysed in the Ricardian model when consumers in the foreign country have Leontief preferences while consumers in the home country have Cobb-Douglas preferences. By using specific functional forms, the conditions for the occurrence of the two paradoxes are defined in terms of the exogenous parameters of the model rather than endogenous variables such as the foreign import demand elasticity in the conditions of Bhagwati (1958) Bhagwati, J. N. 1958. Immiserizing growth: a geometrical note. Review of Economic Studies, 25: 201205. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] and Metzler (1949a Metzler, L. A. 1949a. Tariffs, the terms of trade and the distribution of national income. Journal of Political Economy, 57: 129. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar], b Metzler, L. A. 1949b. Tariffs, international demand, and domestic prices. Journal of Political Economy, 57: 345351. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). It is shown that the simultaneous occurrence of both paradoxical results is possible for some parameter values.  相似文献   
环境关税体现了关税的环境保护职能,而且完全符合WTO的原则。目前,美国和OECD成员国等都已成功实施了环境关税措施。然而,中国还没有将环境保护作为一种指导思想贯穿到整个关税制度改革中。本文在简要介绍国外环境关税的实施现状和分析中国建立环境关税体系必要性的基础上,借鉴国外的成功经验,并结合中国的实际情况,提出了建立中国环境关税体系的初步构想。  相似文献   
This paper investigates the effects of R&D spillovers on the R&D choices of foreign exporters when the importing country adopts either uniform or discriminatory alternative tariff regimes. We show that the importing country should optimally choose a uniform tariff regime. A uniform tariff regime is also advantageous for foreign exporters if the R&D spillovers are sufficiently large. A comparison of free trade with the two tariff regimes reveals that there are some situations in which both the importing country and foreign exporters are better off under free trade, which supports trade liberalization.
Pei-Cheng LiaoEmail:
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