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Antai Wang;Ziyan Guo;Yilong Zhang;Jihua Wu; 《Statistica Neerlandica》2024,78(1):191-207
In this paper, we derive the copula-graphic estimator (Zheng and Klein) for marginal survival functions using Archimedean copula models based on competing risks data subject to univariate right censoring and prove its uniform consistency and asymptotic properties. We then propose a novel parameter estimation method based on the semi-competing risks data using Archimedean copula models. Based on our estimation strategy, we propose a new model selection procedure. We also describe an easy way to accommodate possible covariates in data analysis using our strategies. Simulation studies have shown that our parameter estimate outperforms the estimator proposed by Lakhal, Rivest and Abdous for the Hougaard model and the model selection procedure works quite well. We fit a leukemia dataset using our model and end our paper with some discussion. 相似文献
Jun Zhang;Bingqing Lin;Yan Zhou; 《Statistica Neerlandica》2024,78(1):25-67
This paper considers linear regression models when neither the response variable nor the covariates can be directly observed, but are measured with multiplicative distortion measurement errors. We propose new identifiability conditions for the distortion functions via the varying coefficient models, then moment-based estimators of parameters in the model are proposed by using the estimated varying coefficient functions. This method does not require the independence condition between the confounding variables and the unobserved response and variables. We establish the connections among the varying coefficient based estimators, the conditional mean calibration and the conditional absolute mean calibration. We study the asymptotic results of these proposed estimators, and discuss their asymptotic efficiencies. Lastly, we make some comparisons among the proposed estimators through the simulation. These methods are applied to analyze a real dataset for an illustration. 相似文献
交通部门是中国最重要的碳排放源之一,交通电动化对实现双碳目标至关重要。本文以中国纯电动汽车消费为例,采集2017年1月至2020年11月中国31个省份(因数据缺失,不包含港澳台地区)充电桩数量及电动汽车销量数据构建面板固定效应模型和门槛效益模型,实证分析了不同类型公共充电基础设施对不同用途纯电动汽车购买的影响,以及不同地区温度对销量影响的门槛效应。研究发现公共充电桩数量增加1%,纯电动汽车购买量显著增加0.85%,其中出租租赁用途纯电动汽车销量显著增加1.57%。直流公共充电桩对纯电动汽车购买的影响远大于交流公共充电桩,并对不同用途的电动汽车存在异质性影响。此外,在气温更低的地方公共充电桩对纯电动汽车购买的影响更大,其显著门槛值为15摄氏度,且气温对出租租赁汽车的影响比非营业用途更大。政策制定者应合理考虑公共充电桩等基础设施的增设布局以保障电动汽车的续航能力,从而促进交通运输部门的脱碳进程。 相似文献
试论电子商务对组织设计的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
企业心智模式是企业在生产经营活动中形成的思维方式或思维惯性 ,它像一只“无形的手”影响着企业商机的捕捉和对战略构想的决策 ,影响着管理行为的选择及其对学习的阻碍。 2 1世纪企业面对的将是与工业经济时代不同的知识经济时代 ,这就迫切要求企业改善工业经济时代积累的心 相似文献
This paper aims to review past literature on hotel location models and evaluate the state of the art, as well as set out future directions. This study divides hotel location models into three major categories: theoretical models, empirical models, and operational models. Four theoretical hotel location models are reviewed and discussed, including the tourist-historic city model, the mono-centric model, the agglomeration model, and the multi-dimensional model. Based on previous literature, six empirical models and three operational models of hotel location are elaborated. Furthermore, some challenges related to hotel location studies are discussed, and future research directions are provided. In particular, we advocate the development of more sophisticated hotel location models and the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in hotel location analysis. 相似文献
Spatial modeling of economic phenomena requires the adoption of complex econometric tools, which allow us to deal with important methodological issues, such as spatial dependence, spatial unobserved heterogeneity and nonlinearities. In this paper we describe some recently developed econometric approaches (i.e. Spatial Autoregressive Semiparametric Geoadditive Models), which address the three issues simultaneously. We also illustrate the relative performance of these methods with an application to the case of house prices in the Lucas County. 相似文献
This paper derives analytical solutions for arbitrage-free bond yields when the short-term interest rate follows an autoregressive process with the intercept switching endogenously. This process from the SETAR family is especially suited to capture the near-unit-root behaviour typically observed in the evolution of short-term interest rates. The derived yield functions, mapping the one-month rate into n-period yields, exhibit a convex/concave shape to the left and right of the threshold value, respectively, a pattern which is also found in US bond yield data. The longer the time to maturity, the more distinct the nonlinearity of the yield function becomes. 相似文献
In this paper we examine the usefulness of multivariate semi-parametric GARCH models for evaluating the Value-at-Risk (VaR) of a portfolio with arbitrary weights. We specify and estimate several alternative multivariate GARCH models for daily returns on the S&P 500 and Nasdaq indexes. Examining the within-sample VaRs of a set of given portfolios shows that the semi-parametric model performs uniformly well, while parametric models in several cases have unacceptable failure rates. Interestingly, distributional assumptions appear to have a much larger impact on the performance of the VaR estimates than the particular parametric specification chosen for the GARCH equations. 相似文献