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As the sudden earthquake hit China, quite a few factories collapsed to pieces in seismic area, and many textile factories still couldn't resume production in the constant aftershocks. Will they recover immediately? Will the suffering pass on to other places in China? With these questions, China's Foreign Trade does a detailed research. 相似文献
陆圣 《世界贸易组织动态与研究》2012,19(3):53-60
《美韩自由贸易协定》是近年来美国与贸易伙伴间所达成的最具经济重要性和影响力的一项优惠贸易安排,中国亦是该协定的重要"利益攸关方",尤其在纺织品服装领域。本文在对该协定的纺织品条款进行全面分析的基础上,就协定实施后对中国输美纺织品服装的贸易影响进行了初步定量评估。评估主要基于2005~2010年数据,从中韩两国输美产品总体结构相似度和具体产品类别的贸易替代价格弹性两方面展开。 相似文献
人民币汇率升值下纺织品贸易摩擦应对措施 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
人民币汇率机制调整以来,我国与欧美等国家和地区的纺织品贸易摩擦并没有因此而缓和.我国一直采取的自愿出口限制、出口税等措施,在人民币汇率升值后应适当调整.当前,发展纺织产业的产业内贸易,即积极采取自愿进口扩大措施,并鼓励纺织品企业向发达国家跨国并购,不但有利于缓解贸易摩擦,而且在汇率升值的契机下更有利于我国纺织产业保持比较优势,形成竞争优势. 相似文献
随着电子信息技术的发展,在纺织品对外贸易中,进出口双方更倾向于运用电子邮件进行沟通交流。在此,将两家纺织品外贸公司的163封电子邮件作为依据,从语篇结构、词汇和句法三个方面对纺织品对外贸易商务电子邮件的语言特征进行分析。发现,此类电子邮件不仅兼有口头语言和书面语言的特征,而且邮件中有大量纺织英语表达方式。该研究有助于织品对外贸易商务电子邮件的撰写和教学。 相似文献
本文从静态和动态角度考察了2002~2010年中国纺织服装业总体、水平型和垂直型产业内贸易现状及其决定因素.实证结果表明:中国纺织服装总体产业内贸易发展缓慢,水平不高,仍以产业间贸易为主;各子产品产业内贸易水平高低不一,以垂直型产业内贸易为主导.经济规模、人均收入水平与我国产业内贸易尤其是水平型产业内贸易呈正相关,且有显著增强趋势;人均收入差异对我国纺织服装VIIT起到正向作用,且影响显著;地理距离对中国纺织服装TIIT、HIIT和VIIT起到了较显著负面影响;人民币汇率变动与中国纺织服装TIIT、HIIT和VIIT正相关,且影响程度有增强趋势;贸易不平衡与我国TIIT、HIIT和VIIT显著负相关,且影响程度有增强趋势.贸易开放度对我国纺织服装TIIT、HIIT和VIIT的影响不显著. 相似文献
《Business History》2012,54(1):88-107
While fashion piracy has been practised on an industrial scale for at least a century, the levels of intellectual property protection for fashion design have been low in most nations. This article gives a summary of the context of the lack of design protection for the Swedish textile and fashion industries, broadly defined, in the twentieth century, with comparisons to contemporary debates on fashion and creativity and to the historical French and US context. France, the US and Sweden have followed different paths in their approaches to intellectual property protection for fashion design. A study of the Swedish legislative debates 1916–70 shows that the different legislative approaches are connected to the local contexts of production. It is proposed that one way of understanding the levels of protection for fashion design is in terms of the differences in logic between ‘fashion’ and ‘clothing’. 相似文献
纺织企业财务风险探析——基于雅戈尔集团案例分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
林波 《广西财经学院学报》2012,1(1):80-85
以劳动力与资本密集为特点的纺织行业,在中国经济刘易斯拐点及银行紧缩政策,以及劳动力、原材料、资金成本不断上升情况下,正面临着前所未有的财务风险。本文根据雅戈尔集团2005—2010年年报数据,深入分析雅戈尔集团的筹资风险、投资风险、汇率风险与收益分配风险等主要财务风险,得出纺织企业财务风险管理的启示,包括:财务风险管理贯穿于公司经营、投资、筹资全过程,综合考虑宏观经济状况,综合运用多种手段实现避险目的,利用自身的内部管理提高应对本币升值风险能力,保持一定的现金储备以确保企业资金链条的完整性和资金充足性。 相似文献
中印纺织品服装出口竞争优势的实证研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
中国和印度劳动力资源都比较丰富,在劳动密集型产品出口方面有一定的比较优势。在纺织品服装贸易领域,印度一直对中国影响比较大。随着中国生产要素成本的不断提高、人民币升值的步伐加快,中国纺织产业国际竞争压力日益凸现。因此,借鉴印度纺织产业的成功模式,提升中国纺织产业竞争力正成为人们关注的热点。 相似文献
Rachel H. McQueen Jane C. Batcheller Lori J. Moran Han Zhang Peter M. Hooper 《International Journal of Consumer Studies》2017,41(1):36-45
The use and disposal phase in a garment's life cycle is highly dependent on the choices made by the consumer. Maintenance procedures such as laundering and drying require energy and water use. Garment disposal increases waste in landfill sites, unless incinerated, which can take a toll on the environment through greenhouse gas emissions. Therefore, encouraging consumers to launder less frequently and finding ways to extend the useful life of clothing are two ways of increasing sustainability within the clothing industry. Denim jeans are one of the most popular items of clothing worldwide. Changing habits such as reducing the frequency with which a person washes their denim jeans could have a positive impact on the environment through less water and energy use. However, environmental knowledge about what is detrimental to the environment may not necessarily lead to pro‐environmental behaviour. In denim jeans fibre loss results in thinning and loss in colour due to use. Laundering in particular can degrade clothing due to the abrasive forces applied to the surface of wet fibres. Therefore, this study highlights the effect that frequent laundering can have on the degradation of jeans with the aim to provide additional motivation to encourage change in consumers’ laundering habits. Consumers wore jeans for the equivalent of 60 days and either washed their jeans after approximately 2 days of wear or after approximately every 20 days of wear. The findings confirmed that frequent laundering reduced mass, increased colour loss, and reduced tensile strength in the warp direction of the fabric. Although washing is a major contributor to the degradation of jeans, the process of wearing denim jeans also naturally degrades the denim as the thigh region of the jeans showed greater colour loss and reduction in tensile strength than the shin region, which is typically less prone to abrasion through wear. The findings from this study provide compelling evidence to encourage consumers to reconsider their laundering habits in terms of wash frequency as both a means to behave in a more environmentally sustainable way, and to preserve their favourite garments. 相似文献