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通过对西安江村沟垃圾填埋场内及周边村民生活生产区共57处土壤进行实测与问卷调查,运用IPA分析方法,从村民景观生态感知角度出发,探讨村民对周边垃圾填埋场实际景观生态感知与期望之间的关系,以及影响村民景观生态感知的重要因素,得出景观生态满意度模型。对影响景观生态感知因素的重要性与满意度进行测量,同时生成IPA表现值与期望值,并以此为依据结合土壤实验结论,运用景观生态恢复技术,对垃圾填埋场的景观生态恢复提出了相关设计策略。  相似文献   
大型节事具有活动的周期性、时间的暂时性、人员的爆发性等特点,这些特点决定了成功举办一次大型节事活动必然需要大量的节事志愿者提供服务。目前,我国的节事志愿者中高校志愿者是主力。我国学术界在高校志愿者参与大型节事服务满意度方面的研究尚处于空白状态。本文以2009年在洛阳举办的世界集邮展览为例,基于深度访谈和问卷调查,运用SPSS13.0统计软件对调查结果进行了详细的分析,并结合IPA分析法对影响满意度因子的重要性和实际表现进行对比分析,在此基础上提出了促进我国节事志愿者组织持续、健康、有序发展的一些建议,旨在为我国今后举办大型节事活动中志愿者的管理工作提供一些借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper provides insights into techniques used to determine the attributes that influence overall satisfaction. A survey of zoo visitors illustrates several key findings relevant for both managers interpreting survey results and researchers designing studies. First, the assumption of importance-performance analysis (IPA) that self-stated importance measures the influence of attribute performance on overall satisfaction is endorsed. Second, relative importance is shown to be vital as it improves the prediction of overall satisfaction from attribute performance while absolute importance makes it worse. Third, techniques using self-stated relative importance are shown to be superior to statistical techniques such as regression, however new techniques using both self-stated importance and regression are shown to be even better. These findings apply generally to tangible products in marketing and management as well as to tourism services.  相似文献   
本文基于旅游者的博文资料,运用内容分析法和重要性—表现分析法(IPA),初步研究了外国游客对2010年上海世博会的满意度问题。研究发现,外国游客对上海世博会的满意度主要取决于城市环境、世博会参观质量和游客自身状况3个维度,具体包括"产品"、"游览环境"、"管理水平"、"其他游客"、"价格"、"形象"、"游客自身状况"、"外部环境因素"、"配套服务"和"工作人员"等10个概念类属;外国游客对2010年上海世博会的总体满意度为6.15,属于基本满意水平。基于IPA分析的结果得出,展出内容的质量、游览环境、工作人员培训以及游客行为等因素是大型活动现场管理的重点。  相似文献   
Cruise tourism is a significant growth trend in Europe and America. However, in recent years, it has gradually gained popularity among tourists in Asia, showing great potential. Strategically located in Asia, Taiwan is an ideal place to develop cruise tourism. This study explores how Taiwan could build a niche in Asia's cruise tourism industry. It applies the Fuzzy Delphi and Fuzzy IPA methods. According to study results, Taiwan should prioritize on the following aspects: establishing a 24-h tourist service center, providing a complete cruise logistics service, inviting foreign cruise operators to inspect special resources in Taiwan, cooperating with other Asian countries, setting up a special government unit, as well as planning and developing unique tourism resources.  相似文献   
Manager-ruled organisations are supposed to be less innovative than artist-ruled ones. However in France from 1995 to 1997, the managers of ‘scénes nationales’, who are not usually directors, are more open to lively playwrights than the ‘managers-cum-directors’ of national theatres and drama centres. Since audiences' risk aversion for contemporary authors is similar in all types of theatre, we may infer that ‘scénes nationales’ are more innovative than national theatres and drama centres. Nevertheless, internal observations on uniform criteria of selection qualify this view Multidimensional scaling of similarities in selling performances partly supports the assumption of status-oriented trade in theatre.  相似文献   
在经济新常态下积极推动发展高端乡村旅游产业已经成为我国建设美丽乡村的重要着力点,与此同时"反生态"问题的不断显现已成为阻碍我国乡村旅游经济实现可持续发展的掣肘,因此,高端乡村旅游产业的发展模式向生态化转型势在必行。以天津市蓟州区乡村旅游景区的环保基础设施为研究对象,从环境情况、设施配备和从业人员3个方面确定了20个影响因素,通过向游客发放问卷进行满意度调查,从游客感知角度的基础上采用IPA模型分析游客对景区环保基础设施的重要性和满意度。结果表明,准则层及指标层感知均值都为游后感知实绩(满意度)<游前期望(重要性),在此基础上提出用冲突协同理论来指导蓟州区高端乡村旅游产业发展中的环境管理工作,实现高端乡村旅游产业与环保基础设施的协同发展,也能为今后的相关研究奠定基础。  相似文献   
在游客满意度概念的基础上,对拉萨市游客满意度进行了实地调查,运用IPA分析法对满意度进行了分析,发现拉萨市旅游业在发展过程中存在的问题,并提出改善和提高拉萨市游客满意度的措施,以促进其健康发展。  相似文献   
Transformational tourism is an emerging form of tourism that deserves better attention from researchers and reviewers. This article provides a better understanding of the phenomenon, its varieties and its different stages, drawing on the metaphor of Campbell's archetypical journey of transformation: hero's journey. Using a phenomenological approach, the article tries to shed some light upon the conditions of the touristic experiences that foster transformation. Eight factors were identified: personal situation, being away doing unfamiliar activities, interaction with people, live the moment, difficulty, setting, reflection and integration. The three stages of the hero's journey (departure, initiation and return) are subsequently applied to describe the transformative travel process. The paper concludes with implications for research and professional practice.  相似文献   
This study uncovers the distinct contribution of investment promotion agencies’ (IPAs) overseas branch offices in advancing and even creating foreign direct investment. It offers a novel categorisation of IPAs depending on location and headquarter/branch status, and conceptually connects the known functions of IPAs with the advantages set out by the OLI paradigm. Empirical examination of longitudinal data from 29 European IPAs finds that the activities of their branches in China instilled greater awareness and confidence in Chinese multinational enterprises about their ownership- and European location-specific advantages. This contribution of IPA branches is especially salient in emerging economies with newcomer investors.  相似文献   
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