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欠发达地区新农村建设与农村公共产品供给   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村公共产品的供给对欠发达地区新农村建设意义重大,而现阶段欠发达地区农村公共产品供给却存在着供给观念滞后、供给主体单一、城乡之间供给的不公平性以及监督管理体制的缺失等突出问题。如何解决这些问题。主要应从转变观念、引入市场机制和社会力量、建立城乡一体化的公共产品供给体系、创新农村行政管理制度等方面入手。以此推动欠发达地区新农村建设的进程。  相似文献   
The paper proposes a broad argument that the end of state–led development from the 1970s coincided with (i) the final wave of major redistributive land reform, and its place within transitions to capitalism, that lasted from about 1910 to the 1970s, and (ii) the beginnings of contemporary 'globalization'. Self–styled 'new wave' agrarian reform in the age of neo–liberalism, centred on property rights, is unlikely to deliver much on its claims to both stimulate agricultural productivity and reduce rural poverty. The reasons are grounded in the basic relations and dynamics of capitalism, and how these are intensified and reshaped by and through globalization. Understanding these processes, with all their inevitable unevenness, requires (i) recognizing that the historical conditions of the 'classic' agrarian question no longer apply, and (ii) developing the means to investigate and understand better the changing realities facing different agrarian classes within a general tendency to the concentration of capital and fragmentation of labour, including how the latter may generate new agrarian questions of labour.  相似文献   
The exchange between Brenner and Wood on the Low Countries in the early modern period raises a number of theoretical and historical issues relating to the conditions for the emergence of capitalist social-property relations and their unique historical laws of motion. This contribution focuses on three issues raised in the Brenner-Wood exchange: the conditions under which rural house-hold producers become subject to 'market coercion', the potential for ecological crisis to restructure agricultural production, and the relative role of foreign trade and the transformation of domestic, rural class relations to capitalist industrialization.  相似文献   
西气东输工程用感应加热弯管技术条件探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在对国外X70管线弯管技术条件进行调查分析与研究的基础上,对其中的几个关键技术问题包括母管成分,弯管的制造工艺和技术路线,强度与韧性要求,屈强比,Cu污染问题等进行了讨论。一些观点在西气东输感应加弯管技术条件中得到应用。  相似文献   
东中西协力联动 推进西部大开发   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
东中西合作可分为对口支援和互惠互利的区际贸易经济技术协作两类;互利双赢是东中西合作常青不衰的关键.中央和地方各级政府应共同努力,从政策上促进东中西合作,规范跨区合作规则,降低合作风险与交易费用,提高合作各方的投资回报预期和合作项目的成功率.  相似文献   
翻译难 ,难就难在文化背景知识的理解与翻译上。翻译问题不单单是个语言问题 ,在很大程度上 ,它与文化因素、背景知识有着密切关系 ,受着它们的影响和制约。一般来说 ,一种语言中的纯语言障碍可以比较容易地在另一种语言中得到克服 ,但要克服文化上的差异及其在语言上的反映则比较困难。因此 ,人们对翻译教学过程中异域文化导入的重要性认识已成为一个不容争议的论题。  相似文献   
中国及各经济区工业企业效率的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章利用数据包络分析(DEA)方法,对1998—2003年我国全国及各经济区工业企业的效率水平进行了实证研究。结果发现,这几年我国工业企业发展基本健康,但缺乏突破,东部地区的工业企业效率基本无变化,东北地区、西部地区的工业企业效率有所改进,中部地区情况有所恶化。进一步分析认为,中西部地区的工业企业均存在获利能力差的问题,其中,中部地区的工业企业还存在投入结构不合理的问题。  相似文献   
在民族地区发展经济比其他地区面临更多的困难,在这些困难中最突出的是人才缺乏。它制约着经济的快速发展。要解决这一难题,一个重要的途径是发展高职教育。同时,只有民族地区的经济得到快速发展,民族地区的高职教育的发展才有良好的基础。因此,必须使民族地区的高职教育与当地的经济建设形成良性互动,才能实现两者的持续、稳定发展。  相似文献   
城乡界限趋于模糊是20世纪后半叶以来亚洲许多国家城镇化进程的一个重要特点,大城市周边城乡融合区的形成和发展及其人口的就地城镇化即是这一特点的一个突出表现。以就地城镇化发达的闽东南地区的福州市为例,从实体地域和未来人口规模两方面探讨其城乡融合区的现状特点和发展趋势。在制定大城市的发展规划时,要密切关注其周边城乡融合区内农村人口就地转变为城镇人口、城市核心区人口向城乡融合区转移的状况,并在制定城市规划时把城乡融合区的发展趋势考虑进去。  相似文献   
There are significant disparities in homeownership rates across the regions and states of the United States. The causes of these disparities are determined within a standard probit model of the individual homeownership decision where the micro-level observations are aggregated to the regional level. Factors which play a significant role at the individual level are evaluated for their ability to explain regional differentiation. The relative price of owning and renting plays a major role as do other market level determinants. Individual demographic characteristics are not as important with the exception of those related to the immigration and citizenship status of the household head.  相似文献   
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