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提到蔬菜保护地栽培大家都知道是利用日光温室、大中小棚采用塑料薄膜覆盖,进行冬春季节蔬菜生产的方式。由于采用了保护地栽培,才使人们能常年吃到各种新鲜的蔬菜,同时也使菜农的收入大幅度提高。但是日光温室、大中小棚的建造投资比较大,而夏季一般不用。从而造成了一定的浪费。怎样利用原有棚室骨架.在夏季进行蔬菜生产,提高棚室利用率,  相似文献   
林权混乱是现阶段阻碍林地实现综合开发利用步入良性循环的最主要因素:在国家实施西部大发战略后,我省被列入了全国重点水源林保护地和生态环境重建恢复区之一,但现阶段我省在林地管护和林地资源综合经营利用中有两个问题始终存在:一是时常出现偷砍盗伐、火灾、牲畜践踏损毁和造林成功率不太高等森林管护较为困难的不良局面;二是对林下资源实行掠夺式的开发,造成很多林下资源物种濒临灭绝的现象。  相似文献   
草莓属于蔷薇科草莓属宿根性多年生常绿草本植物。园艺学上将其归为浆果类。我国建国后开展草莓种植,发展至今草莓已成为我国水果市场上重要鲜果之一。但因我国保护地生产草莓历史短,栽培技术尚不完善,存在品种混舌腿化严重,单产不高、品质不好等问题。致使草莓生产仍处于一利氐水习砘弋态,远未达到其应有的经济效益。  相似文献   
近年来,辽宁省以日光温室和大棚为主的保护地蔬菜生产得到了快速发展,目前已成为我国较大的保护地蔬菜生产省份之一。保护地蔬菜生产的迅猛发展,不仅促进了全省农村产业结构的调整和农村经济的快速发展,同时也为改善北方地区城乡居民对蔬菜的需求,逐步实现蔬菜的周年均衡供  相似文献   
2010年12月11日,"斯巴鲁生态保护奖"获得者、丽水市野生动植物保护协会会员、松阳鸟类摄影师宋世和,与其他鸟类摄影爱好者一起,终于在松阳中华秋沙鸭保护地——松荫溪石门圩段河道追拍到了盼望已久的中华秋沙鸭的倩影,  相似文献   
以东莞市自然保护地为研究对象,按照地理信息系统的方法,调查全市自然保护地的基本情况,研究自然保护地空间分布、生态效益、社会效益,讨论自然保护地加强整合、优化、勘界立标等管理改革问题。  相似文献   
云南省会泽县大桥乡,有一美丽的湖,波光粼粼,清澈明净,被早年来此旅游的外国游客称颂为念湖,相传至今.湖区周围有13.5平方公里的沼泽地,水草丰茂,环境优美,是曲靖市重要的湿地生态保护地.每年9月至次年4月,有世界濒危物种、国家一级保护动物黑颈鹤2000余只和灰鹤、斑头雁、红嘴鸥、苍鹭等76种3万余只水禽来此越冬,寒来暑往,周而复始.  相似文献   
近年来,山东省枣庄市山亭区在发展保护地栽培中,探索出了一套五种五收高产、高效蔬菜栽培模式,即西葫芦-芸豆-油菜-番茄-大葱。现将其具体技术介绍如下:  相似文献   
The increase of land fraud statistics in Malaysia's administration system shows that the legal security, at present, is not able to guarantee landowners in the long run. Furthermore, there are registered landowners who are not able to recover their losses due to the stripping of title done erroneously by the government. This occurs due to the Malaysia's administration system only practices two principles out of the three principles in the Torrens systems, which are the mirror principle and the curtain principle. The retention of these two principles for the last 40 years since the National Land Code came into effect on the 1st January, 1966, and this has revealed the failure of the government in guaranteeing the landowners in the form of the economic security. This can indirectly impact the real estate investment in Malaysia due to the complaints pertaining to the loss of trust in the Malaysia administration system. Based on the studies conducted, we can see that the recognition towards economic security in the form of assurance fund can impact the increase of real estate investment in Malaysia. This can bring benefits not only to land owners as a protection but also towards the increased securities legislation in the form of the Malaysia land administration system, which could attract in an increase in the interest of investors to invest in Malaysia. So, the interviews with the directors of the land office in Peninsular Malaysia, legal practitioners, and insurance companies have been conducted to support this study. The results of this study hopefully will assist our land administration system in creating a form of economic security in order to make our system more guarantees, efficient, and good governance in resolving matters related to land, especially to address the issue of fraud and forgery. Furthermore, it is expected to help the landowners and innocent buyer in seeking protection of economic loss is not due to their own mistakes and to increase the investment in Malaysia.  相似文献   
盛长荣 《浙江经济》2010,(14):38-38
位于浙江省母亲河——钱塘江源头的衢州一带是钱塘江上游重要水源保护地,为浙江的"西大门"生态功能重要保护区。上世纪中叶,由于历史种种原因导致毁林开荒、乱砍滥伐、无序开发等人为破坏,使母亲河——钱塘江源头的衢州森林资源急剧减少,森林覆盖率下降,水土流失加剧。  相似文献   
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