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The rise of a global welfare economics directed at the environmental challenges facing our planet represents a new policy phenomenon. This paper examines the most ambitious attempt so far to put such economics into practice via the Kyoto Protocol and more specifically the Clean Development Mechanism of the Protocol. The Copenhagen and Cancún climate change conferences have put an end to hopes of the Protocol serving as an effective tool in the mitigation of global warming. This failure of the new global welfare economics is the result of flawed principles, not just defective implementation.  相似文献   
The article introduces the impact and essence of climate change and analyzes the attitudes and measures of international community to fight global climate change. From the perspectives of Clean Development Mechanism, Voluntary Carbon Market, energy audit and potential carbon asset investment, this paper discusses the feasible paths of Chinese steel & iron industry against global climate change and summarizes the main fields of adapting to the development of CDM project activities.  相似文献   
文章选取中国CDM碳交易数量位居前列的十个省份为样本数据,对产业结构系数与单位GDP碳减排量之间的关系进行了梳理,并通过分析目前中国碳金融市场发展困境与碳金融市场对产业结构的影响方式,探究出中国碳金融市场对区域产业结构的影响。通过采用面板数据背景下的固定效应模型进行统计分析,从定量的角度研究了碳金融对区域产业结构的影响,得到了某一区域碳交易规模的大小会对该区域产业结构系数起到积极的正向影响的结论。但是,不同区域之间存在差异性,主要原因归根于当地文化、发展阶段与政策导向。最后文章有针对性地从制定碳金融发展战略、加大碳金融市场基础设施建设与完善碳金融的监管和风险防范体系三方面,进一步提出了促进碳金融和低碳经济发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
现代贸易方式不仅导致贸易利益在全球价值链上进行分配,还带来了贸易隐含污染排放在全球贸易网络中的分布。两国之间的贸易利益分配除了表现为贸易经济福利的分配,还表现为贸易隐含碳福利的分配。本文将贸易增加值分解法结合MRIO模型对2000—2014年中美双边工业品贸易增加值所隐含的碳福利分配及影响机制展开深入分析。研究结果表明:(1)在中美双边工业品增加值贸易隐含碳福利分配中,碳福利逆差在中国,碳福利顺差在美国;(2)中美工业品贸易碳福利级差经历了“先扩大,后收窄”的过程,美国次贷危机之后双边碳福利不平衡状况重新呈现扩大趋势;(3)中国碳排放强度下降、价值链地位提升以及对美进口规模扩大都有助于改善碳福利逆差的局面,但美国对中国不断扩大的中间品和最终品需求以及双边复杂的技术关联结构仍是中国碳福利逆差的主导因素;(4)全球价值链的深化可能将导致对出口国加征关税会通过降低进口消费侧排放的方式恶化加征国的贸易隐含碳福利。本文研究的时间范围同时覆盖中国加入WTO以及美国次贷危机两个重要节点,这对于重新审视中美经贸关系新格局下双边贸易隐含碳福利分配构建了一个新的分析视角,为中美未来贸易谈判以及全球碳排放责任认定提供了一个新的解读方向。  相似文献   
This study explores the empirical relationships between GHG emissions and an extensive range of business performance measures for UK FTSE-350 listed firms over the first decade or so of such reporting. Despite the popular and policy generated environmental imperatives over this period—along with growing evidence of the corporate added-value of having an ‘environmental conscience’, voluntary disclosure of emissions has been slow to adopt by firms. The leading contribution is to present clear evidence of a non-linear relationship, initially increasing with firm performance and then decreasing. An extensive pattern of non-reporting of emissions is also observed over time, and prior literature has introduced questions of endogeneity existing between firm performance and emissions. Steps are taken to ensure confidence/robustness of the results to these concerns. Accordingly, a two-stage (Heckman-type) selection model is used to analyse the emissions-performance nexus conditional upon the firm choosing to report (i.e. treating the choice to report as being endogenously determined with firm performance). From this—in addition to confirming the robustness of the non-linear relationship—it can be observed that the decision to report emissions is not directly influenced by wider social/governance disclosure attitudes of a firm, thus suggesting that firms disassociate environmental responsibility from social responsibility.  相似文献   
郑玲  周志方 《财经科学》2010,(3):111-117
由于CO2大量排放,不仅使全球气候变化问题更加严峻,而且给企业带来了巨大的财务影响及会计处理难题。近年来,国际会计学界、相关机构及协会纷纷对二氧化碳排放所引起的会计问题展开理论研究和实务探讨,并取得了一系列的进展。本文介绍了当前国际研究机构及相关研究者就碳排放与交易的会计处理、规范所作的努力和最新研究成就,同时也提出了我国发展碳排放与交易的会计规范所需注意的原则及相关建议。  相似文献   
Instruments used to regulate the consumption of oil in the transport sector include fuel taxes, biofuel requirements, and fuel‐efficiency standards. However, the effects that these have on oil consumption and price vary. If market power is present in the oil market, the directions of change in consumption and price might contrast with those in a competitive market. As a result, the market structure affects not only the effectiveness of the policy instruments used to reduce oil consumption, but also the terms of trade and carbon leakage. In particular, reduced oil consumption, as a result of increased fuel‐efficiency standards, will unambiguously increase the price of oil under a monopoly.  相似文献   
Previous research has shown that afforestation of agricultural land is a relatively low-cost option compared to energy-based approaches for mitigating net carbon dioxide emissions, and that financial incentives affect landowner behavior and can be used to increase carbon sequestration on private land. In this paper we use stated preference data from private landowners in the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S. to examine the key factors affecting participation in an incentive program for carbon sequestration through afforestation. We also estimate the corresponding potential for carbon sequestration and its cost. Our results suggest that incentive payments would significantly and positively affect landowners⿿ level of enrollment in a tree planting program.  相似文献   
Innovation clusters combining public and private effort to develop breakthrough technologies promise greater technological advances to slow down climate change. We use a multi-country model with an emission trading system to examine whether and how international climate policy can incentivize countries to create such innovation clusters. We find that a minimal carbon price is needed to attract applied research firms, but countries may nevertheless fail to invest in complementary research infrastructure. We construct a mechanism that leads to innovation clusters when emissions targets are set before uncertainty surrounding technological developments is resolved. It is a combination of low permit endowments for the country with the lowest costs to build the needed infrastructure, compensation for this country by profits from permit trade, and maximal possible permit endowments for the remaining countries. We outline how the EU-ETS can be further refined according to this mechanism.  相似文献   
For a long time, the correlation between random sources has never been considered in carbon futures pricing, which virtually exists. We document the presence of high correlation between variations in convenience yields of carbon futures with different maturities, whose essence is correlation between random sources. Correlation of random sources arises from the long coverage of convenience yield of carbon emission spot and the complementarity in expiration between carbon futures with different maturities. Since if random sources are correlated will significantly affect the dynamics of convenience yield and finally affect futures prices, we introduce quantum field method to account for the impact of this correlation on futures prices, and proposes the correlation between random sources extended HJM convenience yield model (CRS-HJM-CYM). Empirical results indicate CRS-HJM-CYM performs better than traditional model owing to the role of correlation, which means the correlation between random sources is a pivotal factor in carbon futures pricing.  相似文献   
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