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Suburban leisure and tourism are important supplements to the suburban economic development and urban tourism and of great significance under the background of urban-rural integran'on Wangcong Shrine in Chengdu is still in the initial stage. Regarding the development Of tcowns the advantage of environment, transportation, Tourism development of Wangcong Sluine lands'cape, architecture, content, identity, and publicity as well. Development of suburban leisure travel is one direction of tourism development of Wangcong Shrine. The people of Chengdu are main target tourists of a one-day trip, And various parks, Farmer's House Tour, leisure villa and other suburban attractions are its competitors. To developing Wang- cong Shrine tourism, increase of historical contents is its focus. The positioning of the civilization of ancient Shu should be shifted to Shu civilization; and renewal of the Huangcheng (Imperial City) is necessary to attract more Chengdu people for short tour and leisure.  相似文献   
The ubiquity of information and communication technology (ICT) and application of global positioning system (GPS) enabled cell phones provide new opportunities to implement ride-sharing in many ride-hailing platforms, where matching proposals with multiple riders are established on very short notice. In this paper, the travelers joining in the ridesharing are assumed to be homogeneous in terms of having their own vehicles. When they have announced their travel requests, the ride-sharing platform will check whether they can be picked up by any other travelers. If failed, they will drive by themselves and become a driver who would like to pick up other passengers in the system. To solve this problem, the ride-matching problem is formulated as a set-partitioning problem and a so-called ordered greedy (OG) method is presented to get the approximately optimum under the large-scale circumstance. The results of simulation examples prove that the proposed method can achieve a reasonable matching result through Cplex within a few seconds but at most 3.8% worse than the exact optimum. Furthermore, several interesting results are also found via simulating generated data and the real-world data of Chengdu in China. In simulation experiments, with a higher level of demand density, the easiest place to find a ride is not in the center but a ring close by it, which is determined by traffic flows, OD distance and vehicles’ utilization. As a contrast, the optimal strategy for participants to be a rider is going to other specific regions rather than staying in the city center in real-world experiments.  相似文献   
重庆经济圈、成都经济圈、关中城市群联合打造西三角经济区,在国家层面具有重要的战略意义,也具有现实可行性。西三角经济区处于经济区发展的第三阶段初期,其进一步成型还需要国家政策支持和人为推动。西三角经济区应发展成为国家统筹城乡和区域发展的重要的协调型增长极、“中国的工厂”、国家南向对外开放重要基地以及生态安全屏障和国防安全战略基地。西三角经济区可划分为七大功能区,最终形成“三核、四轴、六带”的区域空间发展框架。目前,西三角经济区建设的重点是构建区域综合交通体系、建立产业分区与协作的新格局和完善城镇体系建设。  相似文献   
城乡二元土地制度是长期制约我国城乡统筹发展的主要原因之一.随着我国城镇建设的极度膨胀,城镇建设用地的紧张和农村宅基地闲置的城乡二元土地结构矛盾越来越突出,直接影响我国城乡统筹发展的步伐.成都和重庆作为全国城乡综合配套改革试验区,在宅基地流转方面进行了有力的探索.本文通过比较在地票交易制度下成渝两地农村宅基地流转的现实背景、流转方式、交易成本等环节,分析成渝两地在农村宅基地流转过程中的经验和弊端,希望为农村宅基地流转机制的健全提供一定的借鉴意义.  相似文献   
In the context of urbanisation and decline of its countryside in the 21st century, the Chinese government has initiated a campaign namely “building a socialist new countryside” in 2006 which is now renamed as “rural revitalisation”. Bringing together social capital, government intervention and other capital, we argue that rural revitalisation can be viewed as a process of the interaction between land transfer and community building leading to multiple gains of all stakeholders. Given the predomination of top-down government intervention and external capital investment in its campaign, this paper sheds new light on social capital in terms of not only mobilising community members’ participation, but also reaching a balance with interests of government and other stakeholders. The importance of social capital can be illustrated from critical evaluation on governmental pilot projects in the suburban zone of Chengdu, a model municipal in China in urban-rural integration. In particular, this paper aims to address the following questions: How does social capital engage and contribute to rural restructuring for sustainable rural livelihoods? What role can social capital play in the decision making of land transfer and community building? This paper contributes to rural revitalisation and land use debates in three aspects. Firstly, we post a triangular model by bringing together government intervention, social and other capital to emphasize the interwoven nature of the relationship between land transfer and community building for better understanding of the intrinsic dynamics within the communities and their interests interfaced with external stakeholders. Secondly, with respect to the impact of land transfer on sustainable livelihoods, we propose an evaluation framework to account and compare the roles of social capital against government intervention and other conditions in land transfer decision making. Thirdly, applying the above framework to sample villages, we identify three types of rural restructuring: government-led, farmer self-organising, and returned entrepreneur-oriented. Policy implications and further research direction are discussed.  相似文献   
我国2008年5月12日发生的汶川大地震,来势凶猛,波及范围广,破坏力大,它是板块活动的结果,震中位于龙门山断裂带的中央断裂带上,以汶川的映秀镇为中心。从地震成因、影响范围和便于灾后重建来讲,汶川大地震应更名为龙门山地震。本次地震有明显的“跷跷板”现象,主震发于断裂带南端,余震区集中于北端川、甘、陕三省接壤地区。因此在发震之初要加强对断裂北端的监视。此外,也要加强对灾区次生地质灾害的防备。灾后重建应尊重科学,严禁无序建设。成都地区虽未受大的影响,但今后该区建筑物抗震烈度还可适当提高,对成都附近断层也要加强监视。  相似文献   
刘沙 《商业研究》2006,5(17):183-185
旅游城市化趋势,使城市越来越成为旅游吸引的中心。城市游憩商业区作为城市游憩系统的重要组成部分,成为了现在研究的热点问题。结合游憩商业区(RBD)的概念和研究现状,分析成都城市RBD的形成及发展适宜度,对完善城市功能,促进城市旅游发展具有重要作用。  相似文献   
成都理工大学后勤社会化改革取得了极大成绩。成绩的取得主要源于后勤工作坚持走改革创新之路,不断推进后勤社会化;坚持走持续发展之路,不断提高后勤凝聚力;坚持走服务至上之路,不断巩固后勤社会化改革新成果。当然在后勤社会化改革中也存在一些不足,为此我校后勤工作应进一步理顺甲乙方及大后勤管理职能,加强外聘员工聘用的过程管理、改进后勤服务实体的自主创新能力等。  相似文献   
城市群对于区域经济的发展至关重要,成都城市群将带动四川融入到国家发展战略中。然而,国内城市群的发展并无太多经验可循,各地城市群也在摸索中不断前进,显然发展中出现的问题也多。利用文献研究、比较与借鉴等研究方法,分析土地利用审批程序(ULURP)的核心理念,结合成都城市群的特点和面临的问题,提出ULURP对成都城市群发展的借鉴及启示,主要表现在:土地利用规划委员会的设置与运行、竞争机制的发挥、市场机制的作用、参与机制的引入、沟通机制的建立等。  相似文献   
已有研究多关注现实空间中的乡村旅游地空间格局,本文则尝试利用互联网信息研究官方期望和公众认知状态下的乡村旅游地空间格局.设计了基于官方评价和电子社区信息的两种评价体系,借助互联网相关信息构建评价指标,计算出不同的综合权重值,用于表征官方与公众对乡村旅游地空间格局的期望和认知.选取成都市106个乡村旅游地为样本,运用加权标准差椭圆和空间自相关的方法将官方评价和电子社区两种评价体系下的乡村旅游地空间格局进行识别、探测和对比研究.结果表明官方期望与公众认知状态下的成都乡村旅游地空间格局既有共性也有明显差异.丰富了信息时代旅游地理学的研究理论和视角.  相似文献   
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