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随着制造业服务化转型的逐渐深入,制造企业的经营理念正由产品导向转变为服务导向。将服务导向划分为战略层服务导向、组织层服务导向和员工层服务导向,分析了各层次服务导向的内涵及外延,建立了以服务导向为自变量、服务创新为中介变量、服务价值为因变量以及竞争强度为调节变量的理论模型。同时,以组织市场(B2B)作为研究背景,面向制造企业的管理者收集数据,对提出的理论模型进行了实证检验。研究结果表明:各层次的服务导向之间存在显著相关性,且对服务创新和服务价值具有积极影响,竞争强度在员工层服务导向与服务价值之间起正向调节作用。因此,构建多层次的服务导向体系是制造企业推进服务创新,创造服务价值并构建竞争优势的有效途径。  相似文献   
西北城市多民族社区管理模式探究——以新疆伊宁市为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市多民族社区管理是国内学术界较少关注的交叉学科问题,对该问题进行研究具有重要的理论意义和实际意义。本文以新疆伊宁市为例,对西北城市多民族社区管理模式展开研究。论文通过定性研究和案例分析,深入解析西北城市多民族社区主要实行的政府主导型管理模式,并从经济、国家、社会和民族等四个方面阐述该模式的成因及未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
How do firms adapt to the intensity of adverse chronic conditions stemming from the natural environment? We seek to contribute to the debate on whether environmental adversity tends to be positively or negatively related to adaptation. We propose that both diverging perspectives tend to predict part of firms' adaptation to nature adversity intensity. This is because of the interplay between latent counterbalancing mechanisms. First, at mild levels of nature adversity intensity, organizational inertial forces constrain organizations' willingness to adapt. Second, at medium levels of nature adversity intensity, coalition building and internal organizational politics allow managers to deploy adaptation resilience capabilities. Third, at severe levels, growing natural forces eventually impose limits beyond which protective adaptation becomes unviable. Our findings from a 2001 to 2013 analysis of western U.S. ski resorts' adaptation to temperature conditions indicate that firms facing medium levels of nature adversity intensity appear more likely to engage in higher levels of adaptation whereas those experiencing lower and higher intensity show a tendency for lower levels of adaptation, yielding an inverted U‐shaped relationship.  相似文献   
Community involvement in regeneration is far from easy, and is difficult to define. The New Deal for Communities programme has directly involved residents in the governance of neighbourhood renewal with some success. However, community capacity has proved to be limited, adequate representation is difficult to achieve and there has been friction with local government. Community empowerment has to be enabled and supported by getting the structures and processes right, and supporting community representatives.  相似文献   
中国劳动密集型企业外部环境变迁的报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
企业的适应性理论、自生能力理论以及比较优势和竞争优势理论,都反映出外部环境对于企业生存和发展的重要作用。劳动密集型企业对于解决我国严峻的就业问题具有重要意义。本文将现阶段我国劳动密集型企业外部环境的变迁归纳为以下六个方面:国际竞争日益加剧、国内的工业化进入“工业反哺农业”阶段、人力资本的积累跟不上技术结构的调整、中国经济增长方式面临转变、社会责任逐渐成为企业发展的硬约束、民企资方权益缺乏制度保障。  相似文献   
与以往研究只强调农民工返乡创业不同,通过调查认为创业取决于创业的制度环境、个人素质和创业机会等,不管是在农村创业还是在城市创业,都对新生代农民工城市适应具有重要作用。通过对在城市中创业成功的新生代农民工的调查,结合学者将城市适应划分为社会适应、文化适应、心理适应和经济适应,探讨了创业与城市适应的关系。新生代农民工创业可以提高经济资本,是城市适应的基础;可以增加社会资本,是城市适应的保证;可以提升文化资本及心理认同,是城市适应的归宿。因此,应该采取各种措施支持和促进新生代农民工创业。以创业地域多元化和制度的开放性、实施资产社会政策和制定更人性化的制度安排促进新生代农民工创业。  相似文献   
This paper examines Australia's approach to Western European integration in the 1950s. While superficially supportive of steps towards greater Western European cooperation, the Menzies government had an ambivalent attitude towards the integration process. Ministers and officials in Canberra recognised the importance of a strong and prosperous Western Europe, but the formation of a tightly knit Continental grouping also posed a number of major challenges to the makers of post‐war Australian foreign policy. The Menzies government soon began to wonder whether attempts to create supranational bodies in Continental Europe accorded with Australian political, economic, and security interests.  相似文献   
日本村落营农组织在解决农业小规模经营、兼业化、劳动力高龄化问题方面具有独特优势,在维持村落农业和村落机能方面发挥着重要作用.通过回归分析得出,经营所得安定对策及农业村落数对村落营农组织发展有着显著的影响.村落营农组织有助于增加农户收入、减少劳动时间、降低生产成本,效果明显,具有进一步展开的可能性,也为我国解决农业小规模、劳动力高龄化问题,提高农业经营效率,提供了一种可选模式.  相似文献   
Boundaries of the firm: evidence from the banking industry   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Agency theory implies that asset ownership and decision authority are complements. Using 1998 data from Texas commercial banks, we test whether the likelihood of local ownership of bank offices increases with the importance of granting local managers greater decision authority (for example, due to location or customer base). Our empirical evidence is consistent with this hypothesis. It suggests that complementarities between strategy and organizational structure can foster differentiation among firms in terms of location, customers, and products. It also supports the growing view that small locally-owned banks have a comparative advantage over large banks within specific environments.  相似文献   
This study applied social network theory to investigate the factors influencing expatriate social networks and the consequences of expatriate social networks in China. Based on analysis of 171 Taiwanese expatriates in China, this study found that core self-evaluations and extraversion are significant for expatriates in developing expressive and instrumental ties with host country nationals. Moreover, job autonomy assists expatriates in developing instrumental ties with host country nationals. The expressive and instrumental ties of expatriates with host country nationals are significant for overseas adaptation. Finally, instrumental ties with host country nationals are significant for expatriate job performance.  相似文献   
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