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Based on upper echelon theory, this study has explored how CEO tenure affects ownership mode choice of Chinese firms investing abroad, and how some organizational factors, such as firm size, firm age and CEO duality, moderate this relationship. Using secondary data, this study finds CEO tenure has a positive relationship with the choice of full control mode, CEO duality can reinforce this relationship, but firm size and firm age have no significant moderating effect.  相似文献   
大连市区域性通胀问题的产生机理是极其复杂的,既有来自内部区域经济运转的因素,又有来自外部经济的负面性冲击,因此,大连市区域性通胀的成因分析也就具有了现实意义。全文共包括三部分内容:第一部分是大连市区域性通胀问题的现状;第二部分是大连市区域性通胀问题的成因分析,这将借助于Granger因果检验、供需理论及工资刚性的研究;第三部分是本文的结语。  相似文献   
《Journal of Retailing》2021,97(4):507-522
The reputation of firms for being environmentally friendly and socially responsible is a key purchase driver for sustainable products. However, the commitment of firms to sustainability varies – some firms are founded on strong environmental and social principles; other more traditional firms are built on strong product/brand focus and are not known for sustainability. In response to market trends, many traditional firms are introducing sustainable products to their portfolios. We argue that the firm’s sustainability reputation (FSR) will influence consumer purchase with respect to equally sustainable products from different firms. Two choice studies demonstrate that FSR favors sustainable product choice when the consumer decides between equally sustainable products. However, FSR affects the choice only for sustainable products and not regular products and does so only for consumers that construe sustainability at a high (abstract) level. Retailers should pay attention to the role that FSR plays in consumer response when they select sustainable products to sell.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the determinants of China’s outward foreign direct investment (OFDI) with a special focus on the role of government policy. In particular, we investigate the types of policies that are most influential in promoting OFDI. Our main contribution is to analyse, for the first time, China’s OFDI policies by means of quantitative indicators. We refine policies definitions and distinguish between Regulation Policies, Service Policies, Promotion Policies and Supervision Policies, and we develop a methodology for collecting, screening and coding policies; then we create new indices to capture different types of policies. We find that Regulation Policies, Service Policies and the general attitude of the government have significant effects on China’s OFDI at the national level.  相似文献   
根据资源基础观,中外合资企业建立的基本动因是为了克服各自资源限制而获得互补性资源。中外企业之间资源的互补性决定了合资企业资源的独特性,也决定了合资企业潜在的竞争优势和潜在绩效。在将合资企业潜在竞争优势和潜在绩效转化为现实竞争优势和现实绩效的过程中,母公司对资源的控制具有重要作用,资源控制的合理安排不仅有利于母公司独特资源向合资企业的有效转移,而且有利于资源在合资企业中价值创造功能的有效实现。  相似文献   
This paper examines the attitudes of the top managers within one large financial services organization in the UK to fixed and variable components of their compensation package. The rationale for performance-related pay for senior managers is to align their interests with those of the shareholders, but little is known about the views of top managers on the effectiveness of such incentives. The results suggest that the design of effective bonus systems is not just a technical issue: perceptions of market fairness with respect to the compensation package and the clear communication of goals are important in getting senior managers to focus on shareholder interests.  相似文献   
大众传播媒介及农业信息服务网络通过环保信息传播可在潜移默化中培养农户的亲环境价值观,进而影响农户的亲环境行为。基于信息传播培养理论,整合计划行为理论和“信念—价值—规范”理论构建亲环境行为理论模型,并采用甘肃省19个县(区)542户样本农户的调研数据进行验证,结果显示:环保信息的有效传播可以潜移默化地强化农户的亲环境价值观,农户的亲环境价值观、行为态度、主观规范、知觉行为控制及责任归属均对其亲环境行为有显著的正向预测作用,农户经营规模和专业化水平对其亲环境行为也有显著正向影响。应提高农户生产经营的规模化和专业化程度,加强对农户亲环境价值观及主体责任认知、亲环境行为知识和技能等方面的教育和培训,并充分发挥农村干部、党员、能人等的带头示范作用,以有效促进农户亲环境行为。  相似文献   
An Almost Ideal Demand System (AIDS) was utilized to model the United States demand for domestic and imported tobaccos. The model, which includes equations for domestic flue-cured tobacco, domestic air-cured (burley) tobacco, oriental tobacco, and imported flue-cured and burley tobacco, incorporates the impact of economic factors as well as changes in consumer tastes. In this model homogeneity was rejected under certain conditions, but symmetry could not be rejected. These results suggest that imported flue-cured and burley tobacco, to a limited extent, is a substitute for domestic flue-cured tobacco and is a complement for domestic air-cured tobacco. The trend toward lower average nicotine content of domestic cigarettes is shown to have a detrimenta1 effect on the demand for domestic flue-cured tobacco, but a beneficial impact on domestic air-cured (burley), and imported oriental tobaccos.  相似文献   
袁玲 《价值工程》2011,30(18):201-202
在高职学生的发展过程中,信息交互是高职学生获取隐性信息的重要方法之一,可以提高学生的可持续发展能力。然而由于其自身的特殊性,隐性信息的获取是及其困难的。因此本文以计划行为理论为基础,以高职学生为研究对象,深入了解高职学生对待信息交互的态度,在此基础上,拟定问卷并进行调研,最后利用SPSS13.0对调研的数据进行信度和效度分析,从而得出影响高职学生信息交互行为的要素。  相似文献   
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