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以排队论理论为基础,将仓库内的天车看作一个M/M/c/∞/∞排队系统,并根据实际统计情况确定天车随机服务系统的基本参数,由此计算出相应的运行指标,对天车随机服务系统进行优化设计,确定天车的合理数量。  相似文献   
In this paper we present an alternative framework to neoclassical theory of international trade and exchange rate determination. Our model, inspired in the classical tradition, provides support for the assertion that an exchange rate policy aiming to improve national competitiveness and to bring about a sustained trade surplus is a viable option. In fact, the success of this strategy does not depend on the effectiveness of monetary sterilization —as many argentinean heterodox authors claim— but on the ability to overcome the boundaries imposed by the evolution of the domestic wage rate and the potential emergence of competitive devaluations. In the particular case of Argentina, the introduction of export taxes on land-intensive commodities, in which the economy has absolute advantages, brings an additional policy tool that can make both the exchange rate target and the workers claims consistent.  相似文献   
刍议证券市场中的投资者保护理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
资者保护是全球证券市场发展过程中的一个十分重要问题,一直为各国官员和学者所关注,作为一个近二十年历史的新兴市场,中国目前在投资者保护方面还存在一些突出的问题,主要从投资者保护的概念,探讨投资者保护的两个理论:契约论和法律论,以及投资者保护的意义,借此为如何维护中国证券市场的持续、健康发展,保护中小投资者利益提供参考。  相似文献   
末位淘汰——管理中的一柄“双刃剑”   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
末位淘汰作为一种管理手段在企业界被广泛采用,在实践中具有优缺点,实施末位淘汰要根据企业的实际情况,选择一个部门或几个部门进行。同时要注重培育良好的绩效文化,让刚性的末位淘汰变得充“满柔性”以有利于末位淘汰制的实施。  相似文献   
The relationship between Karl Pearson and the Scandinavian statisticians was more of a competitive than a collaborative nature. We describe the leading statisticians and stochasticists of the Scandinavian school, and relate some of their work to the work of Pearson.  相似文献   
将变权理论与可拓理论相结合,构建了用于评估物联网产业联盟风险的变权可拓模型。用物元概念和可拓集合来判断联盟风险属于某等级风险的程度,利用距函数定义关联度,从而使识别定量化和精确化;运用变权理论,根据不同条件取适当的指标权重以反映其本质属性,克服了传统常权赋值的局限。最后,以无锡"感知中国"物联网联盟为例,运用提出的风险评价方法对其风险进行评估。结果表明,该方法具有科学性和有效性。  相似文献   
张振越 《价值工程》2014,(13):261-262
高职院校思想政治理论课教学应根据学科本身的属性,从所任教专业入手,深入社会与企业调研,探讨多学科知识教学方法以解读思政课的理论,把思政课内容与专业学科知识有机整合,予以思政课教学方法定位,侧重培养高职学生的职业技能道德素质和培育对社会秩序、人心秩序的认知理性,坚定社会主义价值信仰。科学构建多学科视角下的高职院校思政课教学方法机制。  相似文献   
基于交易费用理论的企业边界纵向一体化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
交易费用理论认为,企业的最优边界在市场费用等于企业协调成本那一点,交易费用中的企业规模实质上是企业的纵向规模即纵向边界,企业纵向规模的扩张主要通过纵向一体化来实现。虽然纵向一体化能够有效地削弱人的机会主义和有限理性,克服不确定性,降低交易成本,但它并不必然是企业发展的一种好办法,企业发展到一定阶段,纵向分拆策略是有效的。企业的纵向边界呈现扩张与收缩交互进行的局面。  相似文献   
我国信托法有关信托财产权配置不明、当事人权利义务不清等问题不解决,即使银监会转变对信托公司的监管思路也无法从根本上化解信托兑付危机。构建信托财产权的“三重二元”结构,即信托财产权包含信托财产物权和债权,信托财产物权由受托人和受益人分别享有,信托财产债权由受托人注意义务和对信托财产享有的债权构成,或可廓清信托公司不能兑付信托计划时的责任承担,赋予受益人竞合性请求权,既可化解刚性兑付危机,亦保障了受益人权益。  相似文献   
We investigate, in an experimental setting, the effect of private information on the Coase theorem's predictions of efficiency and allocative neutrality. For a two-person bargaining game, we find significantly more inefficiency and allocative bias in the case of private information compared with the case of complete information. We also find substantial bargaining breakdown, which is not predicted by the Coase theorem. For the case of private information, we reject the Coase theorem in favor of the alternative of a generalized version of the Myerson—Satterthwaite theorem, which predicts inefficiency, allocative bias in the direction of the disagreement point, and some bargaining breakdown.  相似文献   
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