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农地流转改革始终无法回避中国集体所有制作为地权结构基础的发展走向论证问题。做实集体土地所有权的观点忽略了土地的权利属性前提、历史与逻辑前提和地权发展的价值前提,中国终将会以"土地国家所有+做实使用权+做虚所有权"的方式来回复土地的私权属性。在土地国家独占基础下,需要对发展权的权利设置和土地承包制的运行逻辑进行着重论证,由此来夯实土地流转改革的应然性地权构造基础。  相似文献   
提名方式是选举的重要组成部分 ,农村民主选举的不同提名方式对村领导的行为及其绩效有不同的影响。对土地的投入是农村普遍的经济活动 ,与土地相关的活动对村民来说是至关重要的 ,村民对村领导决定的土地分配有着强烈的反响。从农村民主选举与土地管理体制的角度来研究选举提名方式是农村民主政治建设研究的一个新视角。  相似文献   
This paper presents an empirical analysis of the human appropriation of aboveground net primary production (aHANPP) in Hungary in the years 1961-2005. In this period aboveground HANPP dropped from 67% to 49% of the potential vegetation's NPP. The trajectory was not smooth, but aboveground HANPP fluctuated with changes in factors affecting agricultural production conditions. Both aboveground net primary production (aNPP) of the prevailing vegetation and harvested aNPP increased during the socialist regime, dropped when the system collapsed and has shown considerable fluctuations since. We discuss the development of aboveground HANPP and the Hungarian land use system in the context of socioeconomic changes during three distinct phases: (1) industrialisation of agriculture (1961-1989), (2) regime collapse (1989-1993) and (3) restructuring of a new economy (1993-2005). Within these periods, different driving factors influenced aboveground HANPP and its constituents. In the phase of industrialisation, mechanisation and agrochemical inputs reduced aHANPP while harvested amounts of biomass increased progressively. In the second phase, political and economic circumstances devastated production conditions resulting in a decline of productivity of actual vegetation and a temporary rise in aboveground HANPP. During the last twelve years, industrialisation patterns of agricultural production recovered. The restructuring of inefficient agricultural production systems raised harvest at moderate levels of agricultural inputs, while climatic conditions intimidated high yield and harvest security. The paper discusses the effect of different economic and political regimes and of major socioeconomic restructuring on the development of the land use system, biomass production and aboveground HANPP.  相似文献   
现行土地征收制度的缺陷是引发征地矛盾和冲突的根本原因,为此,文章基于制度的视角,重新审视中国的土地征收制度,分析制度的缺陷情况,指出完善中国土地征收制度,应理顺农村土地产权和使用权,保证所有者、经营者的权利和利益,给予农民合理公平的补偿,以土地资源配置的市场化为目标,构建长效的安置与保障机制。  相似文献   
To halt the decline of biodiversity in New Zealand, the government has formulated a strategy of maintaining and restoring a full range of remaining natural habitats to a healthy functioning state. Many indigenous forest remnants exist on private land, and these could be utilised to increase biodiversity. Resources for conservation of forest remnants are limited, so they must be used wisely to deliver the greatest possible biodiversity gain. This paper presents a rapid method for valuing the biodiversity of a region's indigenous forest remnants to help prioritise conservation resources. The region is divided into environmentally distinct areas called land environments. A detailed land-cover map is derived from satellite imagery and used to estimate the proportion of natural habitats remaining in each land environment; from this the biodiversity value of any forest remnant may be calculated. The method is rapid and does not require detailed biodiversity information. When combined with conservation costs, it may be used to create a priority list of forest remnants for conservation. The Manawatu/Wanganui region of New Zealand is used as a case study to demonstrate the method.  相似文献   
我国部分省市已开通直达欧洲的铁路货运班列,但出现班列货源少、频次低、物流成本高、回程货少、政府财政补贴压力大等问题.本文针对这些问题提出了中欧铁路货运集拼方案,并通过模型和数值分析,揭示了该集拼方案对于改善目前中欧铁路货运现状的作用.  相似文献   
To combat the critical stresses of rising urbanization, the government acquires land from private owners using the power of eminent domain. This land assembly causes negative externalities such as increasing social tension and injustice that may impose a long-term threat to stability and sustainable development. Therefore, there is a need to make the land acquisition process more transparent and just. Considering the unique Indian context where informality has a strong presence, we propose an approach based on game theory that models the bargain through a three-stage Nash equilibrium game. Four agents – the government, the private developer, the landowner, and the free rider – are considered. We provide conditional solutions for the generalizable Case and proceed to model different stakeholder behavior patterns through two utility functional forms – linear and exponential. In the linear case, we find that the free rider obtains half of the revenue of the project, whereas the landowner gains between one-fourth and one-half of the revenue. Thus, we highlight the undeniably crucial role free riders play in land acquisition negotiations. However, closed form solutions cannot be obtained for the exponential form, due to which we use simulations to demonstrate a solution procedure. We conclude by stating that the proposed model can be useful in formulating future land policies in a sustainable and inclusive manner, with optimal utility derivations for all concerned stakeholders. Our model can also be extended to other spatial contexts where informality features heavily in the land market, especially in the Global South.  相似文献   
Suppose we are given a cake represented by the unit interval to be divided among agents evaluating the pieces of the cake by nonatomic probability measures. It is known that we can divide the unit interval into contiguous and connected pieces and assign them to the agents in such a way that the values of the pieces are equal according to the individual agents measures. Such division is said to be equitable and simple. In this paper we show that an equitable and simple division also exists in the case of dividing two-dimensional cake represented by the unit square. In this case, by simple division we mean dividing the unit square firstly by horizontal cuts, and then partition the resulting rectangles by vertical cuts. We give a method of obtaining a proportional and simple division of this cake. Furthermore, we prove the existence of proportional, equitable and simple division.  相似文献   
地税部门是国家对国民经济进行宏观调控的重要经济杠杆的实体机构。地税部门工作成绩的好坏,不仅会影响国家财政收入的正常实现和国家宏观经济调控的结果,还会影响到正常的市场竞争秩序。本文从两个方面浅析了地税系统存在的理论依据,使税收工作在党和国家大局中发挥应有的作用。  相似文献   
安徽省农村土地流转分析——基于460户样本的调查数据   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘越 《新疆财经》2014,(6):68-77
本文基于安徽省具有代表性的县(市)农村土地流转情况的实地调研数据分析评价全省农村土地的流转情况。调查结果显示,目前安徽省农村土地流转呈现流转方式多元化、流转过程市场化且日益规范化、流转价格日益合理等趋势。虽然农村土地流转提升了农业经济效益、提高了土地资源利用率、增加了农民收入、加快了产业结构调整进程等,但同时也面临一些新问题,如土地产权不明、缺乏有序的土地流转中介组织、土地流转形式过于分散、农村社会保障体系不健全等。为此,本文提出相应的建议,以期促进安徽省农村土地科学合理有序的流转。  相似文献   
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