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Applying the hedonic approach to land prices, this article investigates the capitalization of public services and pure amenities in a cross section of German communities. Possible spillover effects from neighboring municipalities are explicitly included in the analysis and prove to be of considerable importance. Estimates of the impacts of local attributes on land prices are obtained taking into account the spatial structure among unobserved variables. The results confirm that differences in land prices are largely attributable to local conditions and policies. This implies a significant degree of mobility as well as high estimation of local attributes on the part of German households.  相似文献   
本文以政策外部性关联与协同效应为切入点,通过陕西省西安市新农保试点区县农民问卷调查,对引入土地流转因素的新型农村社会养老保险基金预测进行精算建模和政策仿真研究。结果表明:土地流转因素对新农保参保率、缴费率具有显著影响,基金收支呈现由盈余转向缺口、并逐年扩大的趋势,基金、制度存在双重失衡风险。通过关键制度因素的单一、组合调整结果分析对比,提出促进土地流转与新农保制度良性融合与可持续发展的对策建议。  相似文献   
中国现行的农村土地制度,随着经济的发展和经济、政治体制改革的不断深入,其自身的缺陷和弊端渐渐明朗化,同时,在一定程度上阻碍了经济的持续快速发展,所以,必须进行农村土地制度改革。文章认为中国农村土地制度改革的框架应包括农村土地产权制度、经营制度、流转制度;改革的方向和具体措施是在坚持土地的集体所有即家庭联产承包的前提下,走小农集约经营的道路。  相似文献   
Land use externalities, open space preservation, and urban sprawl   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Parcel data on residential land conversion are used to investigate how land use externalities influence the rate of development and modify policies designed to manage urban growth and preserve open space. Several “smart growth” policies are found to significantly influence land conversion, including a development clustering policy that concentrates development and generates preserved open space. In addition to directly affecting a parcel's hazard rate of conversion, this policy is found to affect neighboring parcels' conversion by generating a positive open space externality that hastens their development. The implication that the clustering policy could generate a more sprawled pattern of development is explored using spatial simulation.  相似文献   
1978年,我国农村确立了以家庭承包经营为基础、统分结合的双层经营体制;1984年《中共中央关于一九八四年农村工作的通知》中最早提出了农村土地流转,与此同时,国内学者开始了关于土地流转的相关研究。在二十几年的发展进程中,国内学者对土地流转的成因、现状、出现的问题与对策进行了大量的研究。本文就农村土地流转相关问题作一综述,以期对我国农村土地流转问题作一些有益的总结。  相似文献   
used by cities and towns during 1952-2005 according to statistics, and then analyzes the evolvement of the structure. At last, it puts forward several countermeasures to ensure land resource requirement for urbanization in future.  相似文献   
The Hawaiian archipelago was the last major land area on the planet to be settled, with Polynesians making the long voyage just under a millennium ago. Building on new archaeological and historical research, the lecture provides an overview of the economic and political history of Hawai‘i from the first Polynesian settlements in the thirteen century through U.S. colonisation and statehood. The analysis considers how the political and economic institutions that emerged and evolved in Hawai‘i during its centuries of global isolation changed in response to Hawai‘i's post-1778 integration into a new world of global markets and colonial politics.  相似文献   
刘根  廖鹰 《特区经济》2013,(9):149-152
在城乡一体化进程中,征地纠纷具有多发性、群体性、复杂性、长期性,其社会关注度高,经济社会影响大。然而,我国征地纠纷解决方式存在诸多不足,导致被征地农民存在诉讼难、请律师难、信访难。维护农民的土地权益,化解征地纠纷,当务之急在于完善和创新征地纠纷解决机制,增设征地听证程序,设立独立的土地裁决机构,扩大诉讼救济的范围,改革现行的信访制度。  相似文献   
李霞 《新疆财经》2014,(3):27-34
我国干旱区的农村土地流转在全国来说相对较为缓慢。为研究其原因,本文以新疆北疆地区、东疆地区和南疆地区的389户农民的有效问卷数据为依据,通过建立Logit回归模型,对农地流转的影响因素进行了系统分析。结果表明,影响新疆农户农地转入意愿的主要因素是农业生产条件、家庭人口、农业收入、农业优惠政策等;影响转出意愿的主要因素是家庭人口、非农收入、农村劳动力转移、农村社会保障制度等。因此,要推进干旱区农地流转。必须从政策方面予以支持。  相似文献   
为矫正土地出让金实际支出中的"重城轻农"倾向,国家相关文件原则性规定了土地出让金的五种支出方向,但并未给出各支出方向的具体比例。基于广州市土地出让金利益相关者对各支出方向相对重要性排序的495份调查问卷,采用相对熵组合赋权方法测算土地出让金各支出方向的具体比例。研究表明,土地出让金用于城市建设、支农、土地开发、征地拆迁补偿、其他支出的合理比例应分别为19.51%、21.35%、18.88%、19.15%、21.11%;其中支农支出比例最高,支农支出与征地拆迁补偿支出比例合计达40.50%,与土地出让金支出"重点向新农村建设倾斜"的政策契合。在土地出让金支出重点向新农村建设倾斜的大前提下,可制定土地出让金各支出方向比例的合理区间给地方政府预留一定的弹性操作空间;建立土地收益基金等措施维护上下届政府间的"代际公平"。要确保土地出让收益用于农民、农业、农村,还可参照目前土地复垦净收益分配方式,硬性规定土地被征收前的土地所有权人与土地使用权人占土地出让净收益的一定比例。  相似文献   
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