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Aside from the very high inequality of land ownership, South Africa is characterised by a dual land tenure system comprising of private ownership and communal land ownership. Using waves 4 and 5 of the National Income Dynamics Study longitudinal data set, a set of econometric methodologies is employed to quantify the impact of ownership and tenure on an index of subjective wellbeing (SWB) constructed from eight self-reported responses covering general life satisfaction, contrast, social capital, mental health and hope for future. Controlling for the income effect and other pertinent drivers of SWB, the study highlights the non-income impact of land ownership and tenure on the subjective wellbeing of individuals. To account for possible endogeneity and self-selection, instrumental variable and matching method-based treatment effects are computed. This paper has two main findings in relation to land tenure in South Africa: (a) land owners have on average a higher index of SWB compared to those not owning land, and (b) owning land privately, compared to owning land communally, has a positive impact on subjective wellbeing within land owners. These results are consistent and statistically significant across the various estimation strategies and provide additional motivation for expediting land reforms in South Africa.  相似文献   
明清时代的徽州民间文书和赋役文献广泛使用土地字号。明初,土地字号的分配单元是保,万历清丈以后逐渐演变为以图为单位,显示出图甲组织在基层地籍编造管理中的作用。在图甲组织的地籍管理、民间社会的契约表述等实际使用场合,土地字号与基层单元的结合仍带有明显的都保痕迹。图甲的增减变动也对字号分配有较大影响。  相似文献   
明洪武到弘治年间,州县官府的赋役管理从基本不依赖核算向需要且能够进行核算的状态转变。洪武、永乐时期,在官府体系内部,只有田赋被部分地纳入核算管理,其他赋役征发则完全或绝大部分无法计量,也没有计划性。宣德以降,地方官员吸收民间粮里阶层分担赋役负担的经验,在此基础上进行旨在“均平”的改革,以确保赋役的可持续征发。在探索均平之道的过程中,不同地方官员多采取量化赋役负担、预定征收计划、将派征对象标准化并进行摊派核算的方式。其中,田赋额等开始扮演摊派对象的角色。这开启了州县层面赋役征收核算体系的发展之路,也导致府、州、县与户、工等部及布政使司之间产生了赋役核算信息不对称,出现了二重会计结构。  相似文献   
Analyses were carried out on financial compensation to avoid loss of tropical forests and related carbon (C) emissions when marginal financial yield declined for land-use options with extended areas, and when a risk-averting perspective (modeled according to financial theory around the capital asset pricing model) is assumed. The approach in this study was to consider natural forest, forest plantation, pasture, and cropland simultaneously to investigate how an optimized land-use distribution may reduce the amount of compensation necessary to avoid C emissions from forest loss.The financial compensations derived were as high as US$ 176 per hectare per year when comparing natural forests only with the most profitable alternative (croplands). However, compensation decreased to US$ 124 for risk-neutral decision-makers, who would strive for optimized land-use allocation, and to only US$ 47 per hectare per year for risk-avoiders, who would look to maximize the reward-to-variability ratio. Sensitivity analyses indicated that the compensation under risk-aversion increased much less than under risk-ignoring when increased productivity of agricultural land-use or growing demand for agricultural products was simulated. It was concluded that considering appropriate diversification strategies and the well documented human behavior to avoid risks is an important step in developing cost-effective compensation policies.  相似文献   
通过统计报表分析与典型调查相结合的方式,对31个省(区)直辖市的公务员人才状况、16个部直属事业单位人才状况、19个省市县三级单位的人才状况进行了统计分析,同时对5个省级国土资源厅(局)、6个地市县、5个直属事业单位进行了调查分析。在此基础上,我们对国土资源部系统人才现状、存在问题及对策提出建议。  相似文献   
吴迎新 《特区经济》2009,(8):109-111
十七届三中全会对农村制度建设作出了具体部署,未来农村制度建设的走向之一是实施从紧的土地管理制度。分析这一制度实施的原因、与土地承包经营权流转的关系、运用文献资料法、对比法研究土地流转的主要类型、存在的主要问题并给出相应对策,具有重要的理论价值和现实意义。  相似文献   
中国农村土地制度的变迁是在特定的环境下发生的,本文通过对诺斯关于制度环境的定义,给出了交易环境的概念,并以交易环境为分析工具,分析了影响中国农村土地制度变迁的交易环境,具体包括:正式制度和非正式制度。  相似文献   
本文在一个包含金融加速器的新凯恩斯动态一般均衡模型中引入土地财政和政府隐性担保融资机制,借此考察在土地财政体制下土地价格的波动特征、驱动因素和对宏观经济的影响机制,同时使用2004Q1到2016Q1的中国宏观经济数据对模型进行贝叶斯估计。方差分解的结果表明,在样本期间,土地需求冲击、土地供给冲击和货币政策冲击是驱动中国土地价格变动的主要因素,货币政策冲击和土地供给冲击是引起短期土地价格波动的主要因素,土地需求冲击在长期中驱动了土地价格波动。数值模拟结果发现,土地财政对宏观经济波动具有放大效应,正向的土地需求冲击将推高土地价格,并通过抵押约束机制引起宏观经济波动,地方政府对土地财政的依赖将放大该效应,并进一步对土地价格形成正向反馈,从而引起宏观经济更大的波动;在土地财政体制下,正向的土地供给冲击有助于抑制土地价格上涨,并减少宏观经济波动。  相似文献   
文章结合山地建厂设计工作实例,就总平面布置、竖向设计、土石方工程、物料运输、防洪、安全防护等问题进行分析,并提出了相应的技术方法。  相似文献   
中国城镇化过程中的土地利用问题及政策走向   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
中国是一个人口多人均耕地少的国家,随着经济的高速增长和城镇化的快速发展,土地资源的约束越来越突出.论文简述了中国在城镇化快速发展过程中的耕地保护和土地利用政策,分析了现阶段城镇化发展过程中存在的土地利用问题,探讨了当前和今后一个时期中国在土地利用与耕地保护方面的政策走向.  相似文献   
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