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南方长城与"长城文化之旅"的开发   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
王亚力 《旅游学刊》2003,18(3):53-57
中国南方长城的存在已是不争的事实,苗疆边墙不论在修筑的时间还是在结构和功能上,都与北方长城没有什么两样,不同的是它经过我国湿润的人口密度较大的地区,从而使长城作为历史上中国特定地区不同民族文化之间的功能界线,这一特有的文化背景,在更小的区域内得到了清晰的体现。由于南方长城的存在,凤凰的文化景观形成了差异明显的三大区:民族文化分界区、民族文化分离区和民族文化联合区,它们各自具有鲜明的特色,都是凤凰旅游的重要引力源。本文在挖掘长城文化内涵,诠注凤凰三大文化景观区之间成因联系的基础上,提出以长城文化为旅游主题,以“中国南方长城之旅”为旅游形象,以南方长城和民族文化分合为景观整合的线索,打造中国长城文化旅游精品的思路和措施。  相似文献   
南北苏丹的油气资源分布不均,北苏丹仅拥有原苏丹油气储量的30%,南苏丹拥有原苏丹70%油气储量。南北苏丹主要含油气盆地包括穆格莱德盆地、麦卢特盆地、喀土穆盆地和红海盆地。南北苏丹分离后,核心矛盾是石油收益的分配、领土划分问题和民族宗教冲突问题。南北苏丹分离后的油气资源分布、投资环境等已发生重大变化,因此南北苏丹分离对我国的油气合作提出了新的挑战。为应对苏丹南北分离的新局势,我国需化解南北苏丹矛盾,巩固原有合作成果,加强前期投资环境研究,增强投资合作中的社会责任,提高国际竞争力,同时建立多元化油气进口通道,有效保障我国油气供给安全。  相似文献   
党的十七届三中全会明确提出了“坚持工业反哺农业”的方针。如何有效地实施“工业反哺农业”方针,实现目标任务,韩国实施工业反哺农业的目标导向明晰化、财政支持力度大、实施手段法治化、重视智力反哺和提高农民的组织化水平等成功经验,为我国提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   
石油是不可再生的重要能源资源,在经济和社会发展中具有不可替代的重要作用。随着我国经济的快速发展和世界油价的不断攀升,石油供需矛盾日益突出,石油安全面临着严峻挑战。在陆地油气资源日渐枯竭的背景下,开发海洋油气资源已成为人类的必然选择。在我国四大海区中南海不仅海域面积辽阔,而且油气资源蕴藏丰富,开发潜力巨大,开发南海资源,对保障我国能源安全和维护国家海洋权利具有重要的战略意义。加快南海开发步伐,不仅需要国家从战略层面制定中长期规划、加大开发力度,而且要提高自主创新能力,在深海勘探、生产和运输等关键技术领域实现突破;还要妥善处理好与周边国家的关系,在致力于最终解决南海争议的同时,探讨共同开发的有效机制。  相似文献   
There has been an increase in the number of arts and music festivals held annually in South Africa. These festivals range from wide all-encompassing arts festivals, such as the National Arts Festival, to specific festivals that cater for very specific audiences, such as the Jazz Festival and the Philharmonic Orchestra Festival. It may therefore be expected that the attendees of the various types of festivals would differ quite substantially. While much research has been conducted to understand visitor behaviour at general arts festivals and the economic contributions of these festivals, attendees of these more specialised events have been neglected. However, understanding who the attendees are and their behaviour is paramount to the sustainability of these festivals. Therefore, this paper aims to address this void and set the following objectives: (1) to compile a profile of attendees at the Philharmonic Orchestra Festival; (2) to cluster attendees of the Festival into distinct groups; and (3) to compare the various clusters with one another. Data were obtained by administrating 500 visitor questionnaires during January 2010. Using cluster analysis, visitors are grouped based on various characteristics and the differences between the clusters are explored using factor analysis and analysis of variance. Main results indicate that most visitors are mature in age and well educated, from which three clusters were identified with differences evident between the clusters.  相似文献   
South Africa's sugar industry has long been distinguished by its large number of small‐scale sugarcane growers (SSGs) farming on ‘communal’ land and its peculiar privately administered regulatory structure. In recent years, however, the numbers of small‐scale growers have declined precipitously. This paper argues that the relationship between the rise and fall of SSG production and the industry's governing regulatory structure is closer than usually appreciated. The emergence of SSG production in the late 1970s and the 1980s can be traced to industry‐subsidized initiatives, disguised as small‐scale credit, to bring commercially inalienable Bantustan land into cane production with strong miller oversight. From the late 1980s to 1990s, however, the elimination of these subsidies encouraged millers to subcontract support to farmers, while simultaneously instigating an increase in SSG numbers by removing restrictions on grower registration. Although low rainfall is a central proximal factor in the rapid decline of the SSGs in the 2000s, their rapid increase was structurally fragile.  相似文献   
In this paper, we assess the determinants of secondary school outcomes in South Africa. We use Bayesian model averaging techniques to account for uncertainty in the set of underlying factors that are chosen among a very large pool of explanatory variables in order to identify the subset of explanatory variables most strongly associated with the dependent variable. Our analysis indicates that the socio‐economic background of pupils, demographic characteristics such as population groups (Black and White), as well as geographical locations account for a significant variation in pupils’ achievement levels. We also find that the most robust policy determinants of pupils’ test scores are the availability of a library at school, the use of IT in the classroom as well as school climate.  相似文献   
新能源已经成为目前各国竞相发展的产业,新能源技术开发甚至被喻为"第四次科技革命"。在从熊彼特创新理论角度探讨新能源开发重要性的基础上,分析了中日韩三国在新能源领域合作的基础和意义,最后提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   
In order to understand the economic incentives behind gender discrimination in India, this paper provides the first estimates of the magnitude of the economic benefits of having a son instead of a daughter. The study estimates large gains from a first-born son to per capita income and expenditure, household assets, and a reduction in the probability the household is below the poverty line. Estimates show that a first-born son may provide economic advantages through a reduction in total children born and also from an adult son’s labor supply contribution to his parents’ household. The observed pattern of incentives is also compared with observed patterns in sex selection as a test of whether the relative economic value of first-born sons and daughters can explain the prevalence of sex-selective abortion.  相似文献   
近年来,韩国政府非常重视科教事业,希望通过科技创新实现经济可持续发展,为此,投入大量的科研经费,取得了一些成绩。然而,科研经费投入的增加,科研器材采购管理监管的缺位,造成了韩国大量的科研经费的浪费。为避免浪费,实现科研器材的最大化利用,韩国政府制定了诸多法律法规来规范科研器材的使用和管理,如,《科学技术基本法》、《技术研发促进法》、《基础科学研究振兴法》等相关法律法规。通过对韩国科研器材共享法律法规、科研器材的购置管理和科研器材共享流程等内容的分析研究,期望韩国科研经费使用,特别是在科研器材管理和共享方面好的做法,对我国科研器材管理、完善健全科研器材开放共享机制有所借鉴。  相似文献   
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