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随着我国加入WTO,将会有越来越多的外国企业进入中国市场,那样将对我国内的企业带来严峻的考验,在这样的情况下,一定找到我国内企业与外国企业的差距所在,挖掘新的利润点,设法降低物流成本将是一个很好的武器;想要发挥物流的重要作用,就一定要实现企业运行过程中的物流与商流的分离,从而从最大程度上降低物流成本,提高企业的核心竞争力。  相似文献   
The Game Academics Play: Editors versus Authors   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This article studies a game between authors and editors. Editors play as leaders while authors are the followers. Authors maximize the number of publications seeking to increase the impact of their work in the literature, captured by citations. Editors maximize the quality of papers they publish in order to increase the reputation of their journals. The main results are: (i) rules aimed at increasing scholars productivity, such as requirements to obtain tenure, increase author's citations and journal's quality; (ii) editors willingness to build journal's reputation hurt journal's quality and increase author's publications; (iii) journal's reputation increases citations and journal's quality.  相似文献   
以往的研究把网络拍卖的绩效界定为拍卖成功和收盘价格(成交价格),事实上网络拍卖真正成功与否是看现实中的交易是否完成,尤其是在中国由于信用体系建立远远还不发达,加上网络竞拍方式本身规则的限制,网络上的成交与现实中的成交相去甚远,真正的网络拍卖成功不是用网络成交来衡量而是用实际成交来衡量。因而我们把研究的问题集中在网上一元竞拍现实成交及其影响因素的研究上,并以中国最大的C2C网站eBay易趣网络MP3竞拍为实证。文章选取网络参考价、网络成交价、出价次数、浏览次数、物品在线时间、是否广告位、卖家信用度、是否超级卖家、买家对卖家好评率、注册天数、是否支持安付通、买家是否认证、买家信用度和是否有店铺等变量作为网络竞拍现实成交的衡量指标,基于因子分析的方法对这14个指标进行了分析。研究表明信息因子、卖家信用与经验因子、交易安全因子、价格因子、买家信用因子等五个因子是衡量网上一元竞拍现实成交的关键因子。  相似文献   
中国国际旅行总社与我国现代旅游业几乎同步发展.能集中而典型地体现、揭示我国旅行社业的整体发展、演进趋势。在市场经济体制下.资本动态能集中反映所属行(企)业的发展态势。探讨中国国际旅行总社的资本动态.对揭示我国旅行社业整体发展具有集中而典型的管窥作用.对中国国际旅行总社的资本演进过程进行较为系统的理论解析.初步论证了在我国当前市场环境下大规模的优势资本寻求变革、逐步淡出传统市场的趋势。大规模的优势资本退出传统旅行社市场具有经济学“理性”的积极性.但却是我国旅行社行业的忧虑甚至悲哀。  相似文献   
Postmaterialism influencing total entrepreneurial activity across nations   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The relative stability of differences in entrepreneurial activity across countries suggests that other than economic factors are at play. The objective of this paper is to explore how postmaterialism may explain these differences. A distinction is made between nascent entrepreneurship, new business formation and a combination of the two, referred to as total entrepreneurial activity, as defined within the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM). The model is also tested for the rate of established businesses. The measure for postmaterialism is based upon Inglehart’s four-item postmaterialism index. A set of economic, demographic and social factors is included to investigate the independent role postmaterialism plays in predicting entrepreneurial activity levels. In particular, per capita income is used to control for economic effects. Education rates at both secondary and tertiary levels are used as demographic variables. Finally, life satisfaction is included to control for social effects. Data from 27 countries (GEM, World Values Survey and other sources) are used to test the hypotheses. Findings confirm the significance of postmaterialism in predicting total entrepreneurial activity and more particularly, new business formation rates.
Roy ThurikEmail:
李平  陈计芳  郭洋 《江苏商论》2013,(12):77-82
随着生产技术的不断提高,生产不再是单一产业孤军奋战,而更多的是进行产业整合,使各产业之间形成一个有机整体,因此,"产业链"的概念因运而生。由于目前对产业链的概念还缺乏相关的理论知识,不断涌现的关于产业链的定义给学术研究带来了许多困惑,本文综述相关资料,运用内容分析的方法对国内30个产业链概念进行了分析,提炼出了能代表产业链概念及其内涵的标准,通过对这些标准的识别和对已有的产业链概念的分析,将产业链重新定义为:产业链是各产业之间以及产业各部门之间以供需关系为基础,以产业关联关系为纽带,以价值增值为目的,由从最初原材料生产到最终产品的各个环节组成的链网式组织结构。  相似文献   
国际贸易政策中的原产地规则——文献综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪90年代以来,世界各国日益倾向于通过缔结或参加区域贸易安排(RTA)以实现区域内自由贸易来加快本国经济的发展和福利的改善。原产地规则作为一种重要的贸易管理措施,是决定RTA能否顺利实现的一个关键性问题。本文对原产地规则的主要理论研究和实证分析进行了归纳和对比,并指出进一步研究和拓展的方向。  相似文献   
The aim of this article is to analyze the extent to which organizational culture contributes to the symptoms of psychological distress in the workforce. Integrating organizational culture and work organization conditions makes it possible to examine how culture is associated with the various components of work organization conditions, and how these conditions might relate to symptoms of psychological distress in employees. Data from the SALVEO study were collected in 2009–2012 from a sample of 1824 individuals nested in 60 Canadian workplaces. Multilevel regression models were used to analyze the data. After controlling for individual and family characteristics, only group and rational cultures were associated with psychological distress, but both type of organization cultures were mediated by work organization conditions. Group culture is indirectly associated with lower levels of psychological distress since it favors lower levels of psychological demands and job insecurity. Rational culture is indirectly associated with higher levels of psychological distress because it favors higher psychological demand levels. The results obtained highlighted the importance of including variables relating to broader organizational context in models examining stress in the workplace.  相似文献   
Considering the interrelationships between periods and the influences of non-operational factors, a new framework based generalized three-stage DEA model, grey relational analysis theory and disparity disassembly model is proposed in this paper. Then, we measure the technical efficiency, scale efficiency, and pure technical efficiency of innovation in China's semiconductor industry between 2009 and 2014. In addition, we conducted projection analysis of the inputs to innovation and the disparities analysis in innovation efficiency across the industrial chain and within each segment. The results of our analyses reveal four key findings. The overall innovation efficiency of China's semiconductor industry is increasing; however, each segment of the industrial chain had different trends and different levels of innovation efficiency. All segments show a consistently upward trend except for package testing, which dipped in 2012 due to the time lag between the inputs and outputs associated with major technological advancements. The most efficient innovation is occurring in design and package testing, followed by manufacturing, materials, and equipment, in that order. Low levels of innovation efficiency were found to be the most significant factor restricting further improvement in the design, manufacturing, and equipment segments of the industrial chain. But the opposite is true for the package testing segment, where pure technical efficiency is the main factor. A range of redundancies in input were found across the industrial chain, mostly in manufacturing and equipment. These two segments are capital-intensive and characterized by a high level of technical complexity coupled with a long research cycle. The disparities in innovation efficiency in and between the segments decreased over the period. However, interestingly, the main disparities were found among the enterprises within each segment, which we attribute to the Chinese government's concerted efforts to support particular companies. Package testing and manufacturing had the highest levels of disparity due to relatively high agglomeration of these two segments. The materials segment had the lowest disparity, with equipment and design falling somewhere in-between.  相似文献   
徐玲 《企业活力》2010,(7):94-96
科技成果转化是一项复杂的系统工程,其本质是知识流的运动。科技成果的转化需要团队之间的协作、配合。团队之间的知识共享方式分为两种:紧密知识共享联合体和松散知识共享联合体。当共享知识为显性知识时,双方都采用弱联系策略,当共享知识为隐性知识时,双方都采用强联系策略。知识共享方式也会对双方的学习态度产生影响。  相似文献   
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