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Green behavior among employees can contribute to the green performance of organizations. Regardless of the salience of human resource (HR) practices in translating organizational strategy into employee behaviors, this role of green HR practices in shaping employee green behavior has been under-explored. Through surveys of the participants from tour operators in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, our study seeks to investigate how green HR practices impact organizational citizenship behavior for the environment (OCBE) at team and individual levels as well as the mechanisms underlying such effects. The results demonstrated the positive relationships between green HR practices and collective as well as individual OCBE. Collective green crafting was found to mediate these relationships. Besides, environmentally specific servant leadership served as a moderator to strengthen the effects of green HR practices on collective green crafting as well as OCBE at team and individual levels. We anticipate our research to solicit further investigations into mechanisms underlying the nexus between green HR practices and employee green behavior. Discussion on the implications for tourism practitioners is presented.  相似文献   
员工群体离职问题近年来频繁出现于企业。由于这种离职给企业造成的影响和损失要远远大于个体离职,因而成了我国企业管理实践关注的新热点,但相关的学术研究还较少涉及。基于此,本文通过对国内外群体离职研究文献的梳理,对群体离职概念、群体离职动因、群体离职过程模型以及群体离职的影响等问题进行了较全面、深入的分析,提出了群体离职研究需进一步关注的方向。  相似文献   
Studies of retailing have highlighted its long-run evolution, particularly the emergence of multiples. Such developments were a challenge to the market position of independent retailers, especially owners of small shops. Such retailers responded through collective action designed to justify their commercial and social functions and to counteract the competitive threats. Recent studies have emphasised the significance of trade associations and collective action in grocery wholesaling in Britain and Ireland. A substantial literature has documented the activities of trade associations representing English grocers. This paper examines the responses of Scottish grocers to their changing environment between 1915 and 1965. It highlights similarities to associational behaviour in England and Canada in terms of unifying independent traders and articulating their concerns in public and to governments. But it emphasises the limitations of collective action among Scottish grocers, highlighting their subordinate relationship to government and the difficulties of modernising their business methods. Of greater significance was the gradual adjustment of their concept of the service provided by local grocery stores.  相似文献   
This paper argues that the investigation of slavery heritage within a ‘thana’- or ‘dark’ tourism framework invariably fails to appreciate the subtleties, power relationships and various contestations that are at play in both the presentation and consumption of former Transatlantic Slave Trade (TAST) sites. Instead, the authors argue that a combination of Halbwachs’ collective memory theory and Tunbridge and Ashworth's concept of dissonant heritage can provide a deeper understanding of tourism linked to such sites. A study of TAST sites in Ghana identified six key groups of stakeholders involved in the interpretation of slavery heritage, each with its own agenda, desire to remember or forget slave memories and desire to compose different narratives. By analysing collective slave memories, the study proposes a framework that demonstrates that tourism to TAST-related sites is complex and nuanced because it relates to the nature of the historic event itself, intrinsic qualities of TAST-related sites in terms of current relevance and the closeness of the event or site to each stakeholder.  相似文献   
Heritage sites important to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the Mormons) are scattered across the United States. The most famous is Temple Square in Salt Lake City, Utah. A much more obscure site, Iosepa, is located in a desert valley west of Salt Lake City. Iosepa was a settlement of Hawaiian converts to the Mormon faith established in 1889 and abandoned in 1917. It was abandoned when plans for a Mormon temple in Hawaii were announced and most of the residents returned to the islands to help with its construction. Ignored until the centennial anniversary of its establishment, Iosepa is emerging as a heritage destination for Polynesians in the Utah region. The factors explaining its emergence as a heritage site are associated with a growing Polynesian population in the West and their recognition of the role early Hawaiians played in settling the region. The focal point of the site is the annual Memorial Day celebration when many people come to honour and celebrate the early Hawaiian pioneers. This paper examines the reasons Iosepa has turned into a heritage destination and its role in enhancing and maintaining the group identity of Utah Polynesians.  相似文献   
我国城镇化进程和城乡一体化提出对农村土地制度变迁的要求,集体土地的隐性流转在20世纪90年代就已经存在. 法律规定农村土地只能通过征收为国有的方式上市流通,理论界褒贬不一,但赞成农村集体建设用地直接流转者居多. 以城镇化、城乡一体化为背景,结合典型理论和实践中的试点模式,提出制度完善的建议.  相似文献   
集体林权制度改革是以林地权益为核心的森林资产权益关系进行重大调整的综合性改革。改革目的是保护和发展森林资源,促进森林资源总量增长和生态效益提高,促进农民增加收入。辽宁丹东市在改革中深化认识、正确导向、规范操作,强化主体改革,积极推进配套改革,取得良好成效。  相似文献   
利用遥感手段并结合地面调查,针对广州市这一区域进行森林空间分布和时间序列的分析,然后依据研究区实地情况构建森林固碳释氧价值核算模型,并将核算结果与区域发展水平进行时空相关分析,探讨广州市森林生态系统固碳释氧价值时空动态变化及其与人口、经济、社会发展水平、可持续水平之间的相关关系。结果表明:1995~2000年森林固碳释氧价值增加了5.79亿元,森林仍然起到碳汇的作用,但其空间分布极不平衡,呈现北高南低局面;森林固碳释氧价值的增长落后于人口、经济的增长,社会发展水平指数与森林固碳释氧价值的增长速度为负相关关系,人口及经济的迅速增长在一定程度上阻碍了森林固碳释氧价值的增加。  相似文献   
我国农村集体土地使用权的确立及改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农村集体土地使用权是农村土地财产权利的重要组成部分。农村集体土地使用权的确立,具有科学的理论依据,是对集体土地所有权功能的有效弥补。经过多年实践,我国通过法律的形式将土地使用权加以建立,并不断进行改革。科学认识现行土地使用权法律制度,完善农村土地使用权体系,是推进我国土地制度改革,维护农民合法权益的必经之路。  相似文献   
豫、陕、皖三省省委、省政府把推进集体林权制度改革作为统筹城乡发展、维护农民权益、增加农民收入的重要抓手,高度重视集体林权制度改革,从组织保障、确权勘界、纠纷调处、档案管理、检查督导5个方面强化明晰产权的工作,在服务平台、公共财政、金融服务、合作社发展、采伐限额改革方面积极探索,全面深化集体林权制度改革,在此基础上,积极推进林下经济发展,取得了很好的成效。  相似文献   
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