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This paper analyzes a multinational corporation that may use tax evasion and profit shifting as a means to minimize tax liabilities. Our main finding is that profit shifting may occur even when tax rates are the same across countries. This will be the case whenever there is a tax differential in effective tax rates resulting from differences in tax enforcement. In this context, profit shifting occurs to enable tax evasion in a country where tax enforcement is less harsh. Moreover, for a given differential in tax rates, differences in tax enforcement may either accentuate or dampen profit shifting. Importantly, the predictions regarding the direction of profit shifting that would result in our set-up may contrast sharply with those of the preceding literature.  相似文献   
There is an impressive body of empirical evidence which indicates the existence of an intraday U-shaped curve in stock prices. In an effort to shed additional light on the U-shaped curve a new procedure for U-shape testing is introduced. From careful analysis of intraday data it is observed that minimum or maximum stock prices can occur several times during the day. Here, attention is focused on the first time during the day that the maximum or minimum stock price occurred. Because of the importance of the first time during the day that the maximum or minimum stock price occurred, an attempt is made to model these two characteristics with probability distributions. The objective of this study is to use a generalized beta distribution to examine the intradaily behaviour of stocks, using closing stock prices for each one-minute interval, using data from Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). This generalized beta distribution has not been used before to model U-shaped behaviour. The results are consistent with the intraday U-shaped curves, i.e. the time to first maximum (or minimum) stock prices follows a U-shaped pattern. In addition, some potential applications of the generalized beta distribution are discussed and exemplified by analysing the relationship between herd behaviour and U-shaped.  相似文献   
ontisch还是应该翻译为“存在的”或“存在上的”。李章印先生建议把它翻译为“存在者具体存在的”,这一译法其实也主张将ontisch翻译为“存在的”,只是在前面作了限定,加上了“存在者具体”这样的限定词。从李章印先生所作的具体阐释来看,他对于这个概念的认识还是有许多模糊的地方。拟对李章印先生的观点进行分析和评论,同时也申述了作者自己的观点。  相似文献   
This paper attempts a brief overview of China's economic performance since the Sung dynasty. It discusses Chinese long economic stagnation since the Sung dynasty and explores the reasons why it was quickly lagging behind western countries from the 1800s. It explains why the industrialization and modernization led by Chinese government from 1949 to 1978 failed in narrowing the gap between China and the developed countries. It examines Chinese rapid economic growth during its reform and opening up period.  相似文献   
洪堡特的语言观关注语言与民族精神、思维方式的关系,认为一个民族的语言是民族精神的外在表现,能够体现出该民族独特的精神个性和思维认知方式。赛珍珠英译《水浒传》刻意模仿中文语言结构,创造了大量汉语色彩浓厚的英语词汇和句式,是一个用英语语言符号的外衣套在汉语语言结构和文化躯体上的译本。赛译本里的中国英语抓住了西方人潜意识里对中国文学作品的心理预期,给予读者充分的想象空间,丰富了目的语词汇,同时对消解西方话语霸权、传播中国语言和文化具有积极意义。  相似文献   
本文通过对企业从2001年到2006年12个半年间汇兑损益的分析,以及运用重复抽样技术(bootstrapping)计算出行业的风险价值VaR并进行分析,找出我国企业本币升值背景下外汇风险产生的深层次原因,为后续研究企业应对人民币升值风险作好铺垫。  相似文献   
当今世界经济处于失衡之中,而在众多关于世界经济失衡的解释中,只有马克思主义的观点才真正抓住了失衡的本质。文章以马克思的《资本论》为基础,从探讨资本失衡导致世界经济失衡的过程出发,对资本在全球的积累、配置、流动、竞争和要素分配进行了分析,认为资本的失衡是世界经济失衡的本质原因,资本在全球的积累、配置、流动、竞争和要素分配的失衡导致了世界经济的失衡,从而勾勒出资本失衡导致世界经济失衡的全过程。  相似文献   
我国农民专业合作社利益协调机制的法律分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段我国农民专业合作社发展形势良好,其中政府的大力扶持发挥着重要作用。农民专业合作社的长远发展离不开自身管理机制的完善。如何发挥农民专业合作社自身的能动性,增强其应对市场的竞争力,实现农民专业合作社设立的目标,是目前农民专业合作社发展中的难题。文章认为农民专业合作社内部利益协调机制的完善是解决此难题的核心环节,并针对实际中存在的问题提出对策。  相似文献   
在银行信贷资金配置存在产业间差异的假定下,建立引入产业因素的银行贷款决定模型,考察产业因素影响银行贷款渠道有效性的内在机制,并运用2007年到2010年14家上市银行和5组产业数据展开动态面板模型估计,结果表明:从贷款需求角度看,各个产业的产出对产业贷款的影响效应存在产业间差异;从贷款供给角度看,人民银行运用货币政策工具调控产业贷款的影响效应也存在产业间差异。也就是说,产业因素确实影响到人民银行调控各个特定产业贷款的力度。  相似文献   
制造传统——关于傣族泼水节及其相关新年话语的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
褚建芳 《开放时代》2010,(2):101-114
有关泼水节即傣历新年的说法在当代学术界已成定论。然而,为什么这一节日庆典的日期不在傣历的一月一日?对此,既有研究并未给出令人满意的解释。在对相关文献进行梳理和作者本人田野研究所得发现的基础上,本文提出了自己的看法,认为泼水节并非傣历新年,而是佛教新年和傣族远古泼水习俗两个来源的结合体。继而,作者指出,被视为傣历新年的泼水节实际上是一种被制造出来的传统。  相似文献   
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