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程小卫 《价值工程》2014,(29):64-65
汽车电器已经成为现代汽车结构中必不可少的一部分,所有的电器系统要工作都必不可少地要有电能的支持,因此汽车电源就居于非常重要的地位。本文着重探讨汽车电源系统的常见故障分析、诊断以及维修作业的主要内容。  相似文献   
刘伟 《价值工程》2014,(22):93-94
随着民用航空维修技术的发展,对航空电子维修技术人员综合能力的要求也越来越高。在现有民航维修质量体系的要求下,航空电子维修站应如何进行质量改进以最大限度地保证维修部件的持续适航性的问题。本文对此进行一个分析研究。  相似文献   
The bulk of the product architecture and make-buy choice literature deals with product architecture changes from integral to modular form. This development is often associated with a firm's tendency to change from a make to a buy strategy. However, a few studies investigate the change of product architecture in the reverse direction - from modular to integral form - and the subsequent change in the firm sourcing decision from a buy to a make strategy. These studies hold to the presumption that a firm following a make strategy will outperform firms following a buy strategy in dealing with integral product architectures. Based on the knowledge-based view, we argue for the viability of a sourcing strategy between the pure make and buy strategies - a pseudo-make strategy. We also argue that as product architecture changes from a modular to integral form, firms adopting this pseudo-make strategy are likely to show better product performance than firms following a pure make or buy strategy due to the relative knowledge advantages of the pseudo-make strategy in dealing with the integral product architecture. We examine the impact of the make/pseudo-make/buy strategies on product performance in the U.S. bicycle derailleur and freewheel market from 1980 to 1992 and provide theoretical and managerial implications of our results. Our findings highlight an important distinction between the pseudo-make and make-buy strategies that has not previously been fully appreciated in the extant literature, and as a result increases our understanding of why some firms do not switch strategies from a buy to a make strategy when product architecture changes from modular to integral form as previously expected.  相似文献   
目前,高职模具设计与制造专业教材的主要不足是没能培养学生设计模具、制造模具的技能,学生很难找到专业对口的专业技术岗位。文章阐述了高职模具设计与制造专业理论实践一体化教材编写方案、主干课程的组成与各课程主要内容。  相似文献   
文章研究中等职业学校电子专业彩电维修与实训、实际工作程序如何进行零对接的教学办法,提出电子专业彩电维修与实训应具备的基本技巧,并按彩电维修的实际程序进行具体的分析和论述。  相似文献   
文章介绍了泊松积分在正态分布、二维正态分布、对数正态分布等问题中常见的应用,并给出了具体的例子。  相似文献   
孙明君 《价值工程》2014,(17):322-323
近年来,军队建设得到了快速发展和提升,高科技的广泛推广和应用在一定程度上也促进了装备维修和保障工作的发展,为了更好地服务于军队建设,车辆装备维修工作也将面临大的挑战和新的要求。如何提高车辆装备维修保障能力成为一项亟需解决的问题。文章就现在车辆装备维修保障工作中存在的问题进行分析,并提出相应对策,以供参考。  相似文献   
This article highlights several methodological issues associated with estimating the demand for home upkeep and improvement. Using a sample of owner-occupants from the Survey of Housing Adjustments, alternative estimation approaches are evaluated. Although previous research has failed to incorporate the provision of nonmarket labor into demand or expenditure models, this omission does not appear to affect results significantly. The demand for upkeep activities was found to be distinct from the demand for improvement. Finer delineation of upkeep activities into discretionary and nondiscretionary categories provided new insights into different strategies for home upkeep.  相似文献   
潘劲鹏 《价值工程》2012,31(34):78-80
本文对2011年佛山供电局某区局的快速复电的现状进行分析,并就该区局局建设新快速复电中心进行了探讨,并介绍快速复电指引中的快速复电处置、快速复电"一线一预案"和快速复电现场作业风险管控进行现场快速复电抢修进行,为提高快速复电水平确保抢修安全及缩短事故抢修提供了可行性方案,为其他地方建立快速复电中心提供了良好的参考实例。  相似文献   
在后张法预应力混凝土简支箱梁的施工中,模板的外形尺寸、反拱及预留压缩量的控制尤为重要,中交四公局兴安制梁场在箱梁的预制过程中采用整体模板,文章结合现场施工,就模板在箱梁预制中的应用进行探讨.  相似文献   
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