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国有林区缓解贫困与生态保护共生协调度及应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]缓解贫困与生态保护的协调发展关系到区域的可持续发展问题,对国有林区缓解贫困与保护森林生态系统安全两者关系的分析研究是生态文明建设新阶段值得高度关注的课题。正确处理生态保护与林区经济发展互促互进具有重要意义,把国有林区缓解贫困与森林生态保护看作两个相互影响相互作用的生物体,用以揭示国有林区缓解贫困与生态保护之间的协调共生关系,以期为区域可持续发展提供理论基础和现实依据。[方法]以黑龙江省国有森工林区40个林业局为研究对象,选取2016年国有森工林区贫困与森林生态综合发展水平的14个指标数据,并运用主客观赋权法确定各指标权重,构建两子系统的共生协调度模型,探究国有森工林区各林业局贫困与生态的共生协调模式的空间布局和差异。[结果]黑龙江省国有森工林区共生协调模式呈现多样化趋势,经历互利共生、寄生协调、寄生冲突和互害竞争等关系,但寄生模式是黑龙江省国有林区贫困与生态的主要模式。[结论]黑龙江省森工国有林区要想实现缓解贫困与生态保护的共生协调,一方面需要加大对森林资源的保护的投入及抚育力度,另一方面森工企业要转变生产方式,优化林业产业结构,提高对林木资源的利用效率。  相似文献   
该文根据1996~2006年土地利用变更调查数据和社会经济统计数据,针对雅安市的耕地面积变化趋势进行了分析,并用主成分分析和聚类分析方法,对引起耕地面积变化的驱动力因素进行了研究。研究结果表明,近11年来雅安市耕地面积总体呈线性下降,经历了缓慢减少→增加→急剧减少→缓慢减少的变化过程,且人均耕地面积也呈线性下降趋势。以第一、二主成分为自变量、耕地面积为因变量建立的回归方程表明,耕地面积变化与社会经济发展的综合实力和规模以及活跃度密切相关;指标型聚类分析的结果表明,影响雅安市耕地面积变化的驱动力因子为粮食产量因子、交通因子、油料产量因子和人口与经济因子。  相似文献   
脆弱性分析和制图系统在中国扶贫项目的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
介绍了联合国世界粮食计划署在选择粮食援助项目受援地区和人群时,采用的脆弱性分析和制图系统(Vulnerability Analysis and Mapping)及其在中国扶贫项目区选择中的应用,特别是在确定了项目县后,通过脆弱性分析,进一步进行了项目乡镇的选择,对于提高扶贫资源的效率、扶助最需要帮助的人群起到了重要的作用。  相似文献   
采用入户实地实验的方式,从贫困农户风险态度的影响因素入手对"穷人思维"进行解读。在广西、贵州两个少数民族聚居乡(镇)进行的抽样调查和实验发现,贫农普遍厌恶风险,特别在面临可能的损失时风险厌恶程度显著上升,但也有部分风险偏好者,在面临可能的损失时却更为偏好风险;越是厌恶风险者获得的实验收益越低,相反越是偏好风险者获得的实验收益越高;配偶、母亲受教育水平的增加显著降低了贫农的风险厌恶程度;家庭承受的教育负担越重,贫农的风险厌恶程度越高。扶贫政策的开展和实施应考虑贫农的风险态度,完善针对风险偏好者的多样化的金融支持和针对风险厌恶者的低息金融扶持,能覆盖更广泛的贫农群体。长期来看,教育扶贫应当成为一项持续的重点扶贫政策,降低家庭教育负担、提高女性的受教育年限、加强成人继续教育培训都将产生长期、积极的显著影响。  相似文献   
建设社会主义新农村是我国改善和发展农村面貌,发展和谐社会的重大举措。由于我国东西部发展的不平衡,西部农村经济发展相对东中部落后,如何建设西部地区新农村是一个值得探讨的问题.而要实现西部新农村建设这个目标的重要因素就是解决资金问题。  相似文献   
鲁丹萍 《国际商务研究》2009,30(6):71-75,78
从国内外经济发展的现状与趋势来看,建设海峡西岸经济区顺应了时代发展的趋势。经济全球化和区域经济一体化,已成为当今世界经济发展的两大潮流。在区域经济一体化浪潮的推动下,我国区域经济得到了长足的发展。本文分析了海峡西岸经济区的基本情况,根据温州经济发展的特点,提出了温州对接海峡西岸经济区的思路。  相似文献   
This paper uses data from household surveys to contribute to the urbanization-poverty nexus literature by assessing the effect of urbanization on income, expenditure, and poverty in rural households in Vietnam. We find that the urbanization process stimulates the transition from farm to non-farm activities in rural areas. More specifically, urbanization tends to reduce farm income and increase wages and non-farm income in rural households. This suggests that total income and consumption expenditure of rural households are more likely to increase with urbanization. Finally, we find also that urbanization helps decrease the expenditure poverty rate of rural households, albeit by a small magnitude.  相似文献   
C1‐class interpolation methods that preserve monotonicity and convexity and are thus suitable for the estimation of the Lorenz curve from grouped data are not widely known. Instead, parametric models are usually applied for such estimation. Parametric models, however, have difficulty in accurately approximating every part of income/expenditure distributions. This paper proposes two types of C1‐class shape‐preserving interpolation methods. One is a piecewise rational polynomial interpolation (proposed independently by Stineman and Delbourgo) that enables consistent interpolation of the concentration curves for income/expenditure components, attaining approximately the same accuracy as that of the existing methods when applied to decile‐grouped data or to more detailed aggregation. Another is a Hybrid interpolation that employs pieces of curves derived from parametric models on end intervals. Empirical comparisons show that the Hybrid interpolation (with the assistance of parametric models for class‐boundary estimation) outperforms the existing methods even when applied to quintile‐grouped data without class boundaries.  相似文献   
Indonesia has made well-documented and drastic progress in raising average incomes and reducing poverty. This article adds to the literature by providing a complementary perspective of poverty between 1984 and 2011. We discuss the evolution of poverty in Indonesia using international poverty lines—$1.25 per person per day (in 2005 purchasing power parity dollars) and $2.00 per day, and we add $10.00 per day. We generate estimates of poverty since 1984 and make projections based on various trends in growth and inequality. We find that Indonesia has the potential to become a high-income country by around 2025 and end $1.25-per-day and $2.00-perday poverty by 2030, but this will require strong economic growth and favourable changes in distribution. Looking ahead, the end of poverty in Indonesia may mean that a large proportion of the population will remain vulnerable to poverty for some time to come, suggesting that public policy priorities will need to balance insurance and risk-management mechanisms with more ‘traditional’ poverty policy.  相似文献   
This paper studies the pro‐poor bias of trade policy in India by estimating the household welfare effects of removing the current protection structure. The elimination of a pro‐poor trade policy is expected to have a negative differential welfare effect at the low end of the distribution. The paper first constructs trade restrictiveness indexes for household consumption items and industries using both tariffs and non‐tariff barriers. The results indicate that Indian trade policy is regressive through the expenditure channel as it disproportionately raises the cost of consumption for poorer households, while it is progressive through the earnings channel. Based on the net welfare effects, the elimination of the current trade protection structure is estimated to reduce inequality. These results indicate that a trade policy that is progressive through the earnings channel may induce a price effect that is regressive through the expenditure channel.  相似文献   
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