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本文结合开源软件开发了基于WebGIS的洞庭湖湿地资源信息共享系统,使公众、湿地资源管理者和决策人员可以通过Web浏览器访问洞庭湖湿地资源信息,进行湿地空间信息的叠加显示、放大、缩小、漫游、信息查询等操作。  相似文献   
浅析城市生态系统特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
系统阐述了城市生态系统的特征,城市是一个复合的生态系统,具有人工化倾向,是一个不完整的,不能完全实现自我稳定的生态系统,并受社会、经济等多种因素制约的生态系统,容易导致严重的城市生态环境危机。  相似文献   
黑龙江省湿地资源及管理的景观生态学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了科学解决黑龙江省湿地资源的管理问题,将黑龙江省湿地资源分为西部松嫩平原区、东部三江平原区、南部长白山区及北部大小兴安岭山区等四大湿地生态区,利用景观生态学的原理分别对四大湿地生态区进行景观格局的分析,提出进行生态管理的办法。  相似文献   
We argue that to support agriculture–environmental policy decision making, stakeholders need ‘quantitative back‐of‐the‐envelope’ analysis that is timely and sufficiently accurate to make informed decisions. We apply this concept to the analysis of the supply of ecosystem services from agriculture. We present a spatially explicit production model and show how it can be used to derive the supply of ecosystem services in a region. This model shows that the supply of ecosystem services can be derived from the spatial distribution of opportunity cost of providing those services. We then show how this conceptual model can be used to develop a minimum‐data (MD) approach to the analysis of the supply of ecosystem services from agriculture that can be implemented with the kinds of secondary data that are available in most parts of the world. We apply the MD approach to simulate the supply of carbon that could be sequestered in agricultural soils in the dryland grain‐producing region of Montana. We find that the supply curve derived from the MD approach can approximate the supply curve obtained from a more elaborate model based on site‐specific data, and can do so with sufficient accuracy for policy analysis.  相似文献   
生态经济系统优化不仅是现代市场经济发展的客观需要,而且是我国步入经济国际化的客观要求,它对于我国用新经济代替传统经济,融入经济全球化是一个巨大的推动。要加快生态经济系统优化,就必须在对生态经济系统优化的含义、原则、特征以及与传统生态经济系统区别的科学认识和把握下,对生态经济系统进行新的建构。  相似文献   
Disruption in human resource management (HRM) practices necessitates processes of mutual adjustment within the organization that seeks to address these changes properly, overcome tensions, and fit strategic needs. In our single longitudinal case study of a new HRM practice development concerning blue-collar worker talent management, we examine how HR professionals and managers interact and develop new HRM practices as a response to disruptive work transformation. Considering these interactions from the perspective of HR ecosystem alignment dynamics, we find that both managers and HR professionals engaged in fruitful collaboration processes along three differentiated steps to provide value for the whole organization. We propose a grounded theorizing of HR ecosystem alignment that is based on the progression of successive convergent and divergent phases and introducing collaborative spaces of work.  相似文献   
赵发兰  杨红云 《价值工程》2010,29(17):128-128
城市生态系统是个复杂的大系统,城市化的发展过程不断影响着人类自身,城市化创造了高度的物质文明,同时其造成的环境污染也影响了人类的健康,为了维持城市这个生态系统的平衡,本文从城市规划的角度出发运用生态理论为城市的大气污染问题和水问题提出了几点解决措施。  相似文献   
We consider firms in the context of their business ecosystems and explore how differences in the ways in which firms are organized with respect to complementary activities affect their decision to invest in new technologies. We argue that, in addition to creating differences in incentives and bureaucratic costs, firm‐complementor organizational form plays an important role in the firm's ability to coordinate accompanying changes in complementary activities so as to shape the benefits from investing early in the new technology. We test our predictions in the U.S. healthcare industry from 1995–2006. The study makes a strong case for viewing firms' competitive strategies in the context of their business ecosystems and for the existence of an important link between firms' coordination choices and their strategic investments. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
顾客价值链探析   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
顾客不仅仅是“经济人”、“消费人”,更是“生活人”,消费行为是其生活活动中的一个环节。研究顾客需求、顾客价值,制定有效的营销战略应该从顾客生活角度出发。生活价值追求形成顾客生活价值链;往往某一生活活动由若干种消费活动组成,各相关消费形成顾客追求生活价值的一个“组合消费价值链”;而某一消费行为是其中一个基本组成单元,单项消费的各有关环节组成“单项消费价值链”,与其他相关生活、消费行为紧密关联。企业的产品经营可以通过顾客价值链营销,提升顾客有关生活价值体系的整体价值水平,来营造良好的产品生态环境,提高顾客满意度和产品营销水平。  相似文献   
近十五年来,在品牌关系理论研究的热潮下,Munizεt&O’Guinn提出的全新概念"品牌社群"(brand community)受到广大实践工作者和学者们关注,成为西方品牌理论研究的新前沿。本文在对为数不多的品牌社群理论进行综述分析的基础上,提出了从生态学生态位角度研究品牌社群的全新视角。通过对品牌社群生态位内涵进行界定,以及对前人有关品牌生态系统层级构建进行完善的基础上,从生态位宽度和生态位重叠度层面构建品牌社群生态位测量模型,即运用一维生态因子轴来分析品牌社群对资源变量的占用幅度以及共享状态,表征该类社群处于生态系统环境中的相对地位,目的在于对生态位重叠态势下的竞争格局预先作出有效判断,从而在提升品牌社群决策科学性的同时,提升企业顾客资产以及品牌资产的价值。  相似文献   
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