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保加利亚有一名女子,拥有5个硕士学位,智商高达200,等同于居里夫人。该国智商机构将她评为“最聪明的女人”,预计至少可以拿两个诺贝尔奖。可出乎意料的是她却要靠政府救济金度日,甚至连一份保洁员的工作都找不到。  相似文献   
The thesis resulting from the research on the "costs-effects" relation is the principle of economic efficiency of defence capabilities. At first glance, the arguments in this direction are well-known and popular in crisis situations of various nature, including the current financial and economic crisis in the country, and the question about the cost of public welfare-security and defence is debatable. This cost is manifested through the defence capabilities of a country. In the new security environment, the compilation of a national defence strategy is a priority of the Defence Ministry, which has more and more limited resources. This means that they should be treated as an economic activity. An economic activity is considered as any purposeful activity, allocating and combining scarce resources among alternatives, making it possible to maximize the outcomes and minimize costs. The ratio between the costs and benefits of a given resource or combination of resources to achieve a pre-defined objective is pushed to the forefront and the rationalization of management decisions is based on it. This necessitates a cost effectiveness analysis, hence the evaluation of the outcomes (benefits) is manifested in the "cost-effect (benefit)" analysis. Defence as a product has the basic features of any commodity or service, i.e. it is designed for exchange, is useful, and meets certain needs. But due to the fact that it meets very specific needs (,preservation of the territorial integrity of the country and improving its national security), it is distinguished by certain features which may be summarized as follows: collectivity of production and consumption of defence as a product necessary to the public, expressed by its consumption indivisibility; lack of market valuation of the price of defence as a product upon its consumption (as a monetary expression of its value); the usefulness of defence as a product is reflected in its capacity to meet the system's needs for security and defence, which dete  相似文献   
李钰 《走向世界》2014,(48):58-61
北纬37度的独特气候和地理环境,造就了烟台"苹果之乡"的美誉,红富士、红星、乔纳金、嘎拉、国光品种声名远播,远销世界。而在地球的另一边,以农业闻名的保加利亚,蔬果飘香,苹果同样久负盛名。13年来,来自保加利亚国家果树研究所的阿塔纳斯·布拉高夫教授与烟台市农科院就苹果新品种选育、栽培新技术等领域,展开了不断深入地互访交流,小小的苹果牵起了一段深厚的异国情缘。果蔬会上引来洋专家2001年,第三届果蔬加工技术与产业化国际研讨会暨展览会(烟台)举行,  相似文献   
ERA房地产联盟日前公布的年度调查报告认为,2008年欧洲各国的房地产市场或增速大幅放缓,或陷入停滞状态甚至大幅萎缩。ERA房地产联盟通过对欧洲19个国家的房地产市场进行调查,认为2008年英国、爱尔兰和西班牙的房地产业将迎来拐点;德国、法国、奥地利、意大利和瑞典的房地产市场将萎缩;塞浦路斯、保加利亚、罗马尼亚、捷克和土耳其的市场则将陷入停滞状态。  相似文献   
马其顿共和国(TheRepublicofMacedonia,RepublikaMakedonija),面积25713平方公里,人口 2048万。位于欧洲巴尔干半岛中部。西邻阿尔巴尼亚,南接希腊,东界保加利亚,北部与塞尔维亚接壤。气候以温带大陆性气候为主,大部分农业地区夏季最高气温达40%,冬季最低气温达-30℃,西部受地中海气候影响,夏季平均气温为27%,全年平均气温为10℃。  相似文献   
自2005年起,保加利亚对6类产品暂停征收关税,包括生产所需、而保加利亚不生产或稀少的原材料、半成品或元器件。这6类产品是:  相似文献   
在西方,乐观豁达,充满斗志的鲁滨逊依靠自己的智慧与劳动离开了荒岛,成功回到了主流,投入了大不列颠共和国的怀中;在东方,少年"派"的经历尽管奇幻,却也是一场不虚此生的"漂流"。"漂流"是一种离家在外闯荡四方的经历,在"漂流"中尝试、努力、成长、退缩、失败亦或成功。在身边嘈杂的烦扰中,利益、名声等外部因素的干扰下,漂流看似变得举步维艰,但却又势在必行。  相似文献   
位于欧洲东南部巴尔干半岛的保加利亚,被誉为"玫瑰之国",人口797.4万,国土面积11.091万平方公里。日前,应保加利亚共和国外交部邀请,香港豪都国际有限公司董事长、上海豪都房地产开发经营有限公司董事长屠海鸣访问了保加利亚保加利亚副总统安格尔·马林会见了屠海鸣,双方就投资发展、经贸合作和文化交流等,进行了深入探讨。保  相似文献   
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