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《德国保险合同法》和我国《保险法》的最新修改都集中体现了对消费者的保护。《德国保险合同法》订立原则放弃了保险单模式,采取申请模式或邀请模式;全面改进了保险人和中间人的指导义务和信息义务,增强了保险透明度;统一规定了书面的义务履行方式和保险人与中间人的文献资料义务,有助于减少证明困难;确立了投保人的撤回权,在归责原则上放弃了全有全无原则,采取比例规则,极大地提高了对消费者的保护。我国新《保险法》虽然改善了对消费者的保护,但不尽如人意之处仍然很多。《德国保险合同法》的具体制度规定给我们提供了很好的借鉴。  相似文献   
天津滨海新区产业集群在经过多年的发展后急需分析、归纳出其演化规律,总结出其发展中存在的问题。天津滨海新区产业集群成长的直接动力源于大量的外资进入,而根本动力是跨国公司与当地企业之间产业链的融合。天津滨海新区应加快调整产业结构,提高经济辐射力;积极打造相对完整而又合理的产业链条,完善分工协作网络;进一步密切产、学、研联系,完善技术创新体系;整合行政区和功能区资源,以推动滨海新区产业集群的进一步发展。  相似文献   
The practice of the Japanese court in case of a dispute between the employer and employee regarding the amount of remuneration for an employee invention has been to order that the additional profit from the invention be divided proportionally to their respective input contributions. We show that, if the employer’s investment and employee’s effort are weakly complementary, this rule causes the share effect (excessive incentives on the part of each party to expend investment or effort in order to increase his/her share of the surplus) to dominate the probability effect (insufficient incentives arising from the fact that each party obtains only part of the increase in the expected surplus), and thus leads to excessive investment and effort relative to the joint-payoff-maximising levels. If the court cannot capture the employer’s investment as fully as the employee’s effort, the employer’s investment may be too low compared to the joint-payoff-maximising level.  相似文献   
以制度经济学和法学相结合的方法,从规制俘获理论和寻租理论出发,研究我国土地流转过程中失范的行政行为的法律治理问题。分析了我国土地所有制、用途管制背景下的地权逻辑,以及此种背景下的俘获与寻租行为产生的条件。在综合分析的基础上提出地权寻租行为产生的根本原因并非是地权的二元化,而是行政权力的过渡渗透的结论。最后,从立法、执法、司法和国家监督四个环节提出了破解地权寻租行为的法律思路。  相似文献   
从一般无形资产的研究理论出发,结合建筑施工企业的行业特点对建筑施工企业的主要无形资产进行归类,提出关于建筑施工企业无形资产与核心竞争力的关系,阐述各类无形资产的价值变动规律,为建筑施工企业提供一个更广阔的视野进行管理决策。  相似文献   
I. Chatterjee 《Applied economics》2013,45(25):3215-3227
While much of the existing literature on corruption looks at the effect of corruption on macro variables such as growth rates and income distribution, this study provides a departure by focussing on victims of corruption by using microdata to compare civilian and business corruption. This study finds that businesses face a stronger incidence of bribe demands than individuals. Though there are several differences between the determinants of the two forms of bribe victimization, there are also some similarities. Policies to combat corruption need to take into account both the differences and the similarities.  相似文献   
Our analysis sheds light on the issue of whether the monetary policy contributed to the recent housing boom and bust. We have estimated and analysed a model that allows a comparison between the actual policy and several alternative Taylor rules. When the Taylor rule path was computed using revised data and the deflator for the GDP, we found a notable impact on key housing market variables, supporting Taylor’s critique of the Fed policy. However, the bulk of our evidence suggests that the policy as it would have been conducted under our real-time Taylor rules would not have had any significant impact on the housing market variables. This conclusion is robust with regard to the price index used as well as the relative weights used on the inflation and output gaps.  相似文献   
中国社会正处于传统社会向现代社会、农业社会向工业社会、乡土社会向信息社会、熟人社会向陌生人社会转型的时期,社会转型决定了当代中国的法治结构是二元的,即乡土社会的法和现代社会的法并存与对立。现阶段的法治建设的理念和路径选择都要立足于转型社会或社会主义初级阶段这个最大的国情,既不能墨守成规、裹足不前,也不能好高骛远、一蹴而就,而是要在坚持法治基本理念、价值、规律---法治之道的基础上,探索法治实现的独特策略、方法、技术---法治之术。  相似文献   
自吴思的《潜规则》一书面世以来,"潜规则"已经成为家喻户晓的词汇。潜规则是区别于正式制度和非正式制度的第三种制度,它既依附于正式制度又逾越正式制度,造成多元规则并存,又腐蚀着非正式制度。尽管它增进了实施者的利益,却损害了经济效率和社会公平正义。为了压缩潜规则的运行空间,必须减小公权力所涉领域,充分发挥私权的作用,同时促进制度代理人与公共利益的共容。  相似文献   
当前在我国农村信用社发生异化、农村合作基金会被取缔后,农民专业合作社的蓬勃发展促使农村资金互助社这种新型农村合作金融组织得到了快速的发展,但由于农村合作金融组织天然的草根性特点,使得其在拥有社员基础广、社员互信度高、管理成本低等优势的同时,不可避免地也存在着合作组织松散化、资产弱、合作凝聚力不强的问题。文章在分析国外成熟的草根性规制经验的基础上,提出了规制我国农村合作金融组织草根劣势的“正反向规制模式”,以期达到维系和激发我国农村合作金融组织强大活力的目的。  相似文献   
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