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The widespread use of partitioned pricing by marketers may be the result of perceptions that it enhances the perceived value of the offer. This research identifies boundary conditions for the effectiveness of partitioned pricing by examining the role of the reasonableness of a surcharge and the need for cognition in consumers’ processing of pricing information. Three studies, each consisting of two experiments, examine the effectiveness of partitioned versus combined pricing and show that for high need for cognition persons, partitioned pricing has a more favorable effect than combined pricing when the surcharges are reasonable; these effects reverse when the surcharges are unreasonable. The studies indicate no differences between partitioned and combined pricing across surcharge conditions for low need for cognition consumers. A fourth study incorporating both reasonable and unreasonable surcharges in one experiment substantiates the conclusions of the first three studies. Finally, detailed process measures provide evidence that high versus low need for cognition persons evaluate partitioned pricing information differently in distinct surcharge conditions.  相似文献   
Economists in the neoclassical tradition do their best to avoid using the word “need.” Social economists have traditionally been more open to discussions of need. Philosophic discussions of need are also scarce but nevertheless helpful. This essay will argue that need is “a word we cannot do without” in economics, and not only in social economics. Need is objective, satiable, and absolute, by contrast with want or preference as it is defined in neoclassical economics. With this clarification, 1) it is reasonable that public policy should consider need as well as want and aim to satisfy some needs, and 2) for some purposes, such as the economics of health care, conventional demand cannot be understood without the concept of need. Thus, even the narrower purposes of neoclassical economics cannot be achieved without clarifying and using the concept of need, in addition to the more usual motivational assumptions of neoclassical economics.  相似文献   
商业医疗保险是医疗保障体系的重要组成部分,至今在我国还处在发展的初级阶段,但总体上发展速度很快。在高增长的同时也伴随着发展不平衡。本文从需求的角度,运用灰关联分析法,探求各种需求因素对商业医疗保险的影响程度。将有助于合理地认识我国医疗保险市场不平衡的发展现状,并为我国的商业医疗保险的改革与发展提出政策建议。  相似文献   
均等化转移支付规模的研究首先需要确定"均等化"目标的含义.义务教育均等化不应仅仅是财政经费占用量的均等,而应是产出或结果的均等.这意味着生均经费支出总水平不能有太大的差异.在此目标下,我们以全国省级2000-2004年数据为样本,利用双固定效应回归技术,寻找义务教育需要的决定机制.并在回归模型确定的决定机制基础上,根据变量性质与农村人口学统计特征、农村物价水平等特征,具体计算了合意的均等化目标下农村所需的义务教育均等化转移支付规模.实证研究表明,均等化转移支付需求较大,而且,地区间的差异较为明显.  相似文献   
李艳  孟凡强 《南方经济》2015,33(12):104-114
结合马斯洛的需求层次理论,文章拟用佛山数据研究新生代农民工需求层次变化及其劳资冲突行为选择。研究发现生存、发展和精神三个层次的渐进需求均对珠三角地区新生代农民工劳资冲突行为选择存在显著影响:对生存需求和发展需求的满足程度越低,珠三角地区新生代农民工越倾向于选择集体停工等激烈的劳资冲突行为;具有精神价值需求的新生代农民工倾向于选择合法维权等温和的劳资冲突行为。对三大需求的比较分析发现,生存需求中的工资收入变量对劳资冲突行为选择的影响最为显著,其次是精神价值需求中的法治平等意识变量,而发展需求变量组的影响系数最小。这说明基本的生存需求对新生代农民工的劳资冲突行为选择依然具有最大影响力,但与上一代农民工不同的是,法治平等等精神价值需求在新生代农民工劳资冲突行为选择中的作用正在凸显。  相似文献   
本文在简要介绍西方行为科学所揭示的人的“生存行为规律”、“消费行为规律”和“精力变化规律”的基础上,论述了如何借鉴行为科学做好企业中人的管理工作和实现销售促进的几点浅见。  相似文献   
通过对2005-2018年中国老年人健康长寿影响因素调查数据的分析,评估失能老人的照料需要满足状况及其变化,探讨什么因素会影响未满足的需要,并重点比较这些因素对部分未满足与完全未满足的需要的影响的差异。研究的主要发现是:截至2018年,超过一半的失能老人的照料需要部分未满足,照料需要完全未满足的比例约为3%,并且2005-2018年间照料需要未满足的比例始终维持在50%以上;照料资源倾向于中重度失能老人,轻度失能老人是照料盲区;虽然中重度失能老人几乎都有人照料,但他们仍需更多照料。据此提出,关注长期照料服务与一般养老服务之间的空白地带,构建从重度失能到健康的连续性健康养老服务体系;为功能严重衰退的失能老人建立以专业长期照护为主、家庭照料支持为辅的服务模式。  相似文献   
From information recipient’s perspective, this paper proposes a research model examining the antecedents and outcomes of online tourism information confusion faced by consumers. Three individual characteristics that are likely to influence information receivers processing capabilities are included as antecedents of information confusion, while five confusion reduction strategies derived from consumer confusion literature are regarded as the outcomes of information confusion. Data for this study were collected from 427 tourism website users and proposed hypotheses were tested utilizing structural equation modeling and regression analysis. Findings of this study provide important managerial implications for online tourism marketers.  相似文献   
Despite the growth of luxury markets during the last decade, luxury brand management is facing tremendous changes and challenges. In previous research, the focus has largely been on the appeal of luxury brands to represent status and prestige. However, this study argues that luxury consumption is highly individualistic and is a means through which consumers pursue personal goals.This research examines the influence of consumer goal attainment (extrinsic and intrinsic) on intention to purchase luxury products (explicitly versus subtly marked). Study 1 examines the moderating role of consumer need for uniqueness. Study 2 examines the moderating role of self-monitoring of expressive behaviour. This research resulted in three major findings. Firstly, this research shows that all respondents were more willing to buy a luxury product when it was subtly marked rather than explicitly marked. Secondly, extrinsically motivated respondents showed a greater preference for the luxury product, irrespective of signal type, than did intrinsically motivated respondents. Thirdly, for the intrinsically motivated respondents, Study 1 showed that individuals whose needs for uniqueness is high are predisposed to inconspicuous consumption. This effect was observed for respondents who were intrinsically motivated, but not for those who were extrinsically motivated. Study 2 demonstrated that low self-monitors were more disposed to inconspicuous consumption. Again, this effect was observed for respondents who were intrinsically motivated, but not for those who were extrinsically motivated. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   
Previous research has found evidence that, due to the lack of sensory experience, shoppers are reluctant to purchase a garment online. Despite the importance of identifying possible compensatory cues for touch information, a lack of attention to this issue has been recognized in the literature. On this premise, this study addresses this research agenda to explain the mechanism by which information presentation influences customers' cognitive evaluations and behavioral responses and the role of individual differences in terms of need for touch (NFT). Specifically, drawing on the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S–O-R) paradigm, the study hypothesizes a model investigating whether verbal and pictorial information presentation affect haptic imagery, which in turn is supposed to influence behavioral responses (purchase intention), through a customer's cognitive evaluation (perceived product quality). To validate the research framework, a task-based online experiment was performed. Participants were requested to simulate a purchase experience on an online apparel retailer, after which they completed a questionnaire; 264 valid responses were received. The results support verbal haptic rather than pictorial information as a mechanism influencing haptic imagery and consequently behavioral responses. With regard to NFT, however, the expected moderating effect between haptic imagery, perceived product quality, and purchase intention was not supported.  相似文献   
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