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合法性对于权威、机构或者制度化组织的成功是至关重要的,因为仅仅依靠对权力的占有和使用而对他人施加影响是十分困难的。在资源匮乏、危机和冲突时期,能够在大多数时间里得到大多数人的自愿服从可以提高组织的有效性。合法性的概念在社会思想和社会心理学领域有着悠久的历史,而最近在关于政治、法律和社会系统的作用机制的研究中,它变得越来越重要。  相似文献   

The Anthropocene is fundamentally a social imaginary that is both shaped by and is reshaping tourism practice. In this article, we enroll the concept of the anthropocenic imaginary to describe how the Anthropocene is symbolically and materially produced as well as the ways in which it draws on the historical separation of Humanity and Nature. As the structural roots from which the anthropocenic imaginary has grown, this binary co-produces new and old forms of political and ecological inclusion and exclusion. We demonstrate how core themes in tourism studies have fertilized the seeds from which the theoretical branches of post-humanist, capitalist and ecological imaginaries in tourism have taken shape. These anthropocenic imaginaries, we argue, are appropriated in market-based solutions to environmental degradation that emanate from neoliberal contexts internal to the problem. Thus, we question the reconciliation of capitalist accumulation and environmental limits in sustainable tourism. This article and the papers in this issue push forward emerging approaches in the political ecology of tourism that recognize the Anthropocene as both a geological epoch and conceptual regime. In doing so, the issue contributes to emerging conversations on the relationship between politics, ecology and tourism in the so-called recent age of man.  相似文献   
随着我国外汇储备规模不断扩大,设立主权财富基金成为我国政府寻求积极外汇管理的一种重要方式,同时也牵涉到诸多复杂的政治经济问题。2007年9月成立的中国投资责任有限公司标志着我国主权财富基金的成立,但成立之初公司定位尚不明确,同时面临着全球范围内的投资策略选择及西方国家的"主权基金威胁论"等诸多挑战。本文从国际经济和国际政治的双重角度讨论了我国主权财富基金在当前国际关系格局中面临的挑战,并提出定位于商业化和市场化运作、坚持多元化投资策略、坚持经济收益和政治收益的统一、广募贤才与投资外包并施、多拳出击打消国际政治阻力等发展对策。  相似文献   
加强对跨界民族的研究不仅可以促进边境地区经济文化各项社会事业的全面发展,巩固团结稳定的社会局面,而且对发展国家间睦邻友好关系,共同解决好存在的一些问题,抵制西方敌对势力的渗透,维护民族团结和国家统一都有着深远的意义。本文对改革开放以来我国跨界民族问题的研究状况进行了一系列的综述,分析了我国学术界对跨界民族问题研究存在的问题,并在此基础上提出了一些有针对性的对策。  相似文献   
谢海东 《特区经济》2009,(12):135-136
中国非公有制企业的劳资冲突已成为企业界和理论界关注的热点问题。本文在描述非公有制企业劳资冲突的表现形式和基本特征的基础上,运用经济学和管理学的分析工具,从劳资利益对立、劳动力市场、家族管理、心理契约等方面对劳资冲突的根源进行了初步探讨,并提出了预防和治理冲突的政策措施。  相似文献   
随着中国经济进入新常态,产学研协同创新在创新驱动中的地位越来越突出,从理论和实践角度深层次探讨产学研协同创新,有利于科技成果向现实生产力转化。产学研协同创新的实质是打造科技生产关系,在科学技术成为第一生产力条件下形成的科技生产关系具有二重性特点,即生产关系的共性(内容构成)与科技生产关系的特性(功能构成)。其中,明确知识产权保护、形成协同效应和互补效应、建立成员贡献与收益对等的分配机制等,是打造科技生产关系的内容构成;合理选择产学研协同创新模式、按照产业发展配置创新链、加快产业创新,是打造科技生产关系的功能构成。  相似文献   
移民问题是当今欧美国家所共同面对的难题。历史上,欧洲移民塑造了美国,欧洲对美洲的殖民化是美洲历史的一个重要特点。进入新世纪后,美国"9·11事件"在欧洲引发了移民族群的文化、种族和宗教差异而导致的混乱,并开始影响欧盟的政治格局。由于移民问题,美国外交政策在土耳其"入盟"和伊拉克战争问题上激化了欧美矛盾,也导致了新老欧洲的更深的裂痕。  相似文献   
Summary  Corporate social responsibility has been an area of economic research for a long time. The contribution presented here empirically deals with this issue. The German agribusiness is analysed, given their relative lack of experience with opposing groups. The objective is to analyse the level of corporate sensitivity towards public demands. The study reveals general weaknesses of the agribusiness sector with regard to its responsiveness towards vigilant stakeholders. Taking into consideration the growing relevance of this group, the necessity for a professional management of public issues will further increase. The concept of public orientation offers a starting point for this purpose.
Zusammenfassung  Die gesellschaftliche Verantwortung von Unternehmen ist in der Managementlehre seit langem Forschungsgegenstand. Der vorliegende Beitrag setzt sich empirisch mit dem Themenfeld auseinander. Exemplarisch wird dafür die deutsche Ern?hrungswirtschaft herangezogen, die bislang über nur begrenzte Erfahrungen mit kritischen Stakeholdern verfügt. Ziel ist es, den Grad der Sensitivit?t von Unternehmen gegenüber Ansprüchen der Gesellschaft zu untersuchen. Die Studienergebnisse zeigen eine eher gering ausgepr?gte ?ffentlichkeitsorientierung des Agribusiness. Aufgrund der zunehmenden Relevanz gesellschaftlicher Stakeholder wird eine Professionalisierung der PR-Arbeit jedoch immer relevanter. Das im Weiteren entwickelte Konzept der ?ffentlichkeitsorientierung bietet hierfür hilfreiche Ansatzpunkte.
Katrin J?ckel
Abstract This paper is an attempt to theorize changing employment relations in capitalist development, drawing upon Taiwan's experience of industrialization within the context of global economic competition and undertaking case studies in the textiles industries. It aims to investigate changes in the nature of employment relations, with special reference to authority relations, by examining how they have been shaped by changes in Taiwan's textiles industries. It argues that a transformation of paternalistic capitalism is under way in Taiwan. The study also examines how changes in economic activities have profoundly affected people's lives and experiences. It is suggested that the underpinnings of traditional authority are being shaken. Loosened personal ties and claims for statutory working rights have led to the emergence of different sources of industrial authority. Here is a crucial 'ideological break' in terms of workers' consciousness. Moreover, the 'communal paternalism' or 'enterprise paternalism' of labour regimes in Taiwan propounded by Deyo (1989, 1998) is now called into question.  相似文献   
This study examines the degree to which enterprise reforms in the PRC have affected human resource management practices over the 1990s. A comparison is made between state-owned enterprises and joint venture firms, involving a national sample of sixty-two companies ranging from those in the North to those in the South. Our main findings show how organizational inertia has obstructed the change of the mind-sets associated with the 'iron rice-bowl' that characterized Chinese state-owned enterprises (SOEs) before economic reform. The main conclusions of the research point to ownership, location and size of the firm as the main factors affecting the evolution of HRM in Chinese enterprises.  相似文献   
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