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There is increasing emphasis on innovation as a driver of continued prosperity in the rural economy. Globalisation poses challenges to rural areas given technological advances and intensified competition in agricultural markets, ageing rural populations and expansion of urban areas. However, in recent years, the conception of rural areas has shifted from places of production to places of consumption. In line with an increasing urban demand for consumption of products and services close to nature within the rural landscape, we observe the emergence of experiential offers based around non-wood forest products (NWFP) where the consumer is closely connected to the harvesting and use of the products. In this paper, we examine how such intersecting demands have created new forms of market for NWFP, by analysing in-depth four innovative examples in Austria and the United Kingdom. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the managers of these businesses, and cases were analysed through application of both the experience economy and the innovation systems approach. We found that all four businesses were on the one hand derived from traditional, regional cultural skills and values and, on the other hand, directly connected to new consumers’ demands. The apparent success of these emerging business models lies in the accretion of new social values onto traditional products. Thus creative approaches blending offers designed to enhance cosumers’ experiences into traditional sectors, such as forestry, would have potential in the future. However, our results indicate that there is a lack of institutional support for the development of such businesses in both countries. Better suited innovation policies and support structures would be important for mainstreaming or encouraging the development of similar businesses, innovations and knowledge.  相似文献   
Payment for ecosystem services schemes (PES) are lauded as a market-based solution to curtail deforestation and restore degraded ecosystems. However, PES programs often fail to conserve sites under strong long-term deforestation pressures. Underperformance, in part, is likely due to adverse selection. Spatial adverse selection occurs when landowners are more likely to enroll parcels with low deforestation pressure than parcels with high deforestation pressure. Temporal adverse selection arises when parcels are enrolled for short time periods. In both cases, financial resources are allocated without having a sizeable impact on long-term land use change. Improving program performance to overcome these shortcomings requires understanding attributes of landowners and their parcels across large scales to identify spatial and temporal enrollment patterns that drive adverse selection. In this paper, we examine these patterns in Argentina’s PES program in Chaco forest, a global deforestation hotspot. Our study area covers 252,319 km2. Results from multinomial logistic regression models showed that large parcels of enrolled land and parcels owned by absentee landowners exhibit greater evidence of spatiotemporal adverse selection than smaller parcels or parcels owned by local landowners. Furthermore, parcels managed under land use plans for conservation and restoration are more likely to be associated with adverse selection than parcels managed for financial returns such as harvest of non-timber forest products, silviculture, and silvopasture. However, prior to recommending that PES programs focus on land uses with higher potential earnings, a greater understanding is needed of the degree to which these land uses meet ecological and biodiversity goals of PES programs. We suggest that increased spatial targeting of enrollment, along with enrollment of local landowners and further incentives for land uses that support conservation and restoration, could promote long-term conservation of forest lands.  相似文献   
Drought is a complex natural hazard with social and environmental implications. Satellite information is increasingly used to support decision-makers in preventing or coping with the negative impacts of drought. The integration of local and scientific knowledge to support drought monitoring is still far from being the main procedure in the development of drought monitoring and early warning systems. This study aimed at assessing the degree of convergence between satellite information on the effect of droughts on rangeland vegetation, from time series analysis, and farmers’ perception of drought in North-West Patagonia, Argentina. We characterised the scientific evidence of drought in terms of duration, spatial distribution, most severe years and recovery for the period 2000–2018 by identifying inter-annual NDVI changes. Farmers’ perceptions and experiences of drought were studied with open-ending interviews, with respect to occurrence, duration and recovery for that period. Satellite information matched farmers’ perception of drought at a regional scale, emphasising the value of remote sensing tools in supporting regional policy decision-making. However, farmers’ perceptions and recall of past drought impacts were more diverse than satellite information at a local level, highlighting the need for knowledge integration at finer scales.  相似文献   
Using spatial panel data comprising a cross section of 1,461 continuously active Airbnb listings obtained from AirDNA, as well as time series data from NYC and Company and the OECD covering the time period September 2014 to June 2016, the present study quantifies own price, cross price, and income elasticities of Airbnb demand to New York City within an empirical tourism demand framework. The particular goal of the study is to establish whether the relationship between Airbnb and the traditional accommodation industry is of a substitutional or of a complementary nature. Employing a one-way fixed-effects spatial Durbin model, it can be concluded that demand is price-inelastic for Airbnb accommodation in New York City, which is a luxury good, and that the city's traditional accommodation industry as well as neighboring Airbnb listings are substitutes for the investigated Airbnb listings. The estimation results are robust against several alternative specifications of the regression equation.  相似文献   
城乡公共服务均等化视角下地方公共财政体制改革   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
城乡公共服务均等化高级阶段实现城乡人均公共支出均等化,实质是保证普遍公平。城乡公共服务均等化初级阶段实现城乡基本公共服务均等化,实质是保证最低公平。我国目前处在实现城乡公共服务均等化的初级阶段。为此,地方公共财政体制改革的框架,是建立以城乡公共服务均等化为目标的公共预算体制,建立以实现最低公平为条件的农村公共服务内容体系,建立以平衡政府间公共财力为原则的转移支付体制,建立主体合理、机制完善的农村公共产品供给体制。  相似文献   
我国传统中学体育教学延续的是老苏联模式,早已跟不上时代的步伐。本文对传统中学体育教学特点与新课标下中学体育教学特点的比较分析显示出新课标下的中学体育教学的优点。  相似文献   
把加强企业管理纳入转换机制的轨道王永波国务院发布《全民所有制工业企业转换经营机制条例》时明确规定,贯彻《条例》必须遵循“坚持深化企业改革与推进企业技术进步,强化企业管理相结合”的原则,这样才能收到转换企业经营机制,改善经营管理,提高经济效益的效果。现...  相似文献   
朱副总理致信刘淇部长相信钢铁工业今年迈入健康和持续发展的轨道19%年1月14日,中共中央政治局常委、国务院副总理朱基写信给冶金工业部部长刘淇,对当前冶金工业的工作作了重要指示。他指出,去年是冶金工业历史上宏观条件最困难的一年。但是,在冶金部党组的领导...  相似文献   
加强本钢投资资金管理的思考毛齐武加强投资资金管理,有利于提高投资效益,加快企业改造步伐,促进企业生产发展。就本钢而言,每年投资的资金主要包括三个方面:一是企业内部的工程投资;二是对外长期投资(独资);三是对外联营投资。目前,本钢在投资资金管理上存在着...  相似文献   
1994年冶金经济运行情况及1995年财务工作思路编者按:最近一个时间以来,本刊编辑部陆续收到企、事业单位电话、信函,提出许多人们所关心的冶金经济问题。最近,本刊记者带着这个问题,采访了冶金部经济调节司司长单亦和同志。现将采访录全文发表,以飨读者。记...  相似文献   
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