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Pre-Famine Ireland is a byword for market failure and path dependence.Production of flax yarn and linen cloth was highly regulatedand coordinated by the market rather than by firms. Contemporarypolitical economists suggested that these institutional featuresprovided evidence of organisational inefficiency. The historicalevidence suggests that they were a rational response to transactionand production costs. The Irish case provides a test of thehypotheses that firms emerge to reduce the cost of market transactions.It suggests that institutions other than the firm can modifytransaction costs, coordination of production can affect bothtransaction and production costs, and that agents choose betweenmarket and firm coordination given technology and factor prices.Finally, centralisation of production was driven by technology.  相似文献   
In addition to highlighting improvements in the availability and speed of broadband as a national priority, the National Broadband Plan also includes several recommendations for improving access and use of broadband by small businesses. The plan also recommends economic development officials include broadband in their local development strategies. While these are certainly import goals, more research is needed to evaluate how broadband impacts the regional business environment, and regional capacity to retain and attract businesses in particular industries. In order to further our understanding about the linkages between broadband and businesses, and the ability of places to retain and attract businesses in particular industries, this study will develop and estimate econometric models to better understand the linkages between broadband and firms in the knowledge intensive sector. Specifically, 54 metropolitan area specific models will be developed to examine regional variations in the linkages between broadband and firms in the knowledge intensive sector in 2004. Model results highlight the importance of broadband to knowledge firms in all but five metropolitan areas across the U.S. They also reveal variations in the impact of broadband on knowledge firm presence related to metropolitan area size and industrial legacy.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the problems and processes of developing economic knowledge by a selective historical treatment of ideas about the firm. Coase thought it necessary to explain firms as organizations, but not as distinctive productive units; neither did he explain why markets exist. Chamberlin's attempt to introduce product differentiation and selling costs is compared with Allyn Young's process theory and Marshall's treatment of the firm, and inter-firm relations, as means of organizing the growth of knowledge. The firm is a decision-making system in a context of Knightian uncertainty, and Simon's concept of quasi-decomposability applies to human brains and human organizations.  相似文献   
本文主要讨论产业集聚中公司选址问题。首先以Pontes(2003)非对称区域中公司选址研究为基础,建立了一个考虑运输成本因素的两区位公司选址模型。在考虑产品运输成本的情况下,生产最终消费品的下游公司将在具有较大消费者市场的地点集聚,在考虑原材料运输成本的情况下,生产原材料的上游公司将会选择与下游公司集聚。文章最后阐述模型的实践意义和政策含义。  相似文献   
方明月  孙鲲鹏 《金融研究》2019,463(1):91-110
本文使用1998-2013年中国工业企业数据库,采用国际前沿方法识别出僵尸企业,然后比较了国企控股、国企参股以及转制民企这三种混合所有制改革策略治疗僵尸国企的效果。实证结果表明:相对于纯国企,混合所有制改革对僵尸国企具有显著的治疗效果;在多种混合所有制改革策略中,转制民企优于国企参股,国企参股优于国企控股,这形成了一种“国企混改类啄序”现象;然而,上述“啄序”现象并非对所有国企都适用,对于那些所处行业垄断程度高、企业政治级别高的国企,单纯民营化导向的混改对僵尸企业治愈的效果较差;最后,混合所有制改革治疗僵尸国企的主要渠道,是降低了国企的期间费用(主要是管理费用)。本文的结果为处置僵尸企业和渐进式改革提供了重要的理论依据。  相似文献   
通过对5.12汶川地震后我国A股上市公司捐款数据的实证分析,我们发现公司捐赠行为存在提高声誉以获取广告效用的经济动机。其产品直接与消费者接触的公司比其他公司捐款数额平均多出50%。并且该经济动机也影响到公司的捐赠方式。由于捐赠现金能够引起更大的社会反响和更高的关注度,其产品直接与消费者接触的公司比其他公司捐赠更多的现金,平均多捐赠现金约1.8倍。其次,我们还发现公司捐赠行为是由自身能够承担社会责任的经济能力所决定的,业绩好的公司捐款总数和现金捐款数量更多。此外,公司规模及控股人类型等公司特征也对捐赠行为有影响。总的说来,公司出于广告效用的经济动机来选择捐赠数量和方式。本文建议对公司捐赠行为应该利用市场规律按照符合公司经济动机的方式引导和管理。  相似文献   
研究了价值网络内企业创新能力、企业间关系、企业创新能力与企业间关系交互对价值网络内企业资源利用战略的作用,以及资源利用战略对绩效的影响。研究结果表明:①企业创新能力显著正向影响自主式资源利用战略;②企业间关系显著正向影响整合式资源利用战略;③创新能力与企业间关系的交互作用显著正向影响自主式资源利用战略,但并未显著正向影响整合式资源利用战略;④自主式战略显著正向影响企业绩效;⑤整合式资源利用战略显著正向影响企业绩效。  相似文献   
制造业企业技术进步可以通过自主研发与国际技术转移实现。商业服务贸易是包括专利、研发在内的知识密集型服务贸易,是国内企业获得国际技术溢出的主要渠道。利用WIOD数据库计算出我国制造业对商业服务进口的依赖程度,并基于我国工业企业数据库2001-2007年企业面板数据,对商业服务进口和企业自主研发是否促进制造业企业技术进步进行实证研究。结果发现:自主研发和商业服务进口对全要素生产率有显著促进作用;商业服务进口可以促进国内企业自主研发,二者共同促进制造业企业全要素生产率提高。  相似文献   
中国上市公司智力资本对并购绩效的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以2006年A股市场发生并购的184家主并公司为样本,利用分位数回归方法分析主并公司智力资本对并购长期绩效的影响。结果表明:包括智力资本等资本要素在内的主并公司并购前特征对并购绩效的影响存在期限性。在发挥作用的期限内,人力资本对并购绩效存在总体显著为正的影响,而且这种影响随着绩效的提高而增强。物质资本对并购绩效存在正向影响,但其却随着绩效的提高而减弱。  相似文献   
周方召  姚晶  王雷 《特区经济》2013,(11):76-79
自"融资啄序"理论提出以来,众多学者针对中国企业的经验研究存在着很大的争议,既有支持这一理论的文献,也有"股权融资偏好"观点的证据。而从国外已有理论方面来看,高新技术类上市公司由于其自身特点,会更倾向于权益融资。那么中国的情形是否如此呢,本文以沪深两市的物联网板块上市公司为研究样本,实证分析了企业融资方式趋向及其影响因素。基于Order Probit模型的结果,本文发现:中国物联网概念上市公司在融资过程中仍然总体上符合"融资啄序"理论,权益融资方面的成本因素可能阻碍了企业发行新股融资;此外,风险投资的存在对于企业融资方式有显著影响。  相似文献   
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