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This paper performs a plot-level analysis of the impact of land rental market participation and off-farm employment on land investment, input use, and rice yields for 215 plots cultivated by 52 households in three villages in Northeast Jiangxi Province. Our findings show that households that rent extra land are relatively more productive, but contradict results of earlier studies which found that tenure status of plots affects the level of land investments. We further find that off-farm employment does not significantly affect rice yields. This result contradicts those of earlier studies which found that the negative lost-labor effect of off-farm employment dominates the positive income effect. Another novel finding is that people working locally off-farm tend to switch from green manure planting towards the use of organic manure on their rice plots. We conclude that policies that will further stimulate the development of land rental markets, which is still in its infancy, can contribute significantly to higher rice production in Southeast China. Another implication of our results is that worries about the negative impact that the continuously growing off-farm employment may have on China's goal to remain self-sufficient in grain production are less relevant at the moment for the region examined in our study.  相似文献   
自成立之日起,中国邮政储蓄银行依托强大的邮政网络,励精图治,其中间业务迅速发展,呈现出品种丰富、效用增强、规模扩大的趋势。该行在中国作为"草根银行",的确为区域经济的发展做出了应有的贡献,但和金融同业相比,其中间业务发展仍凸显产品研发滞后、业务收益不高、操作风险尚存等问题。本文以邮政储蓄银行安徽分行为例,结合其中间业务发展现状的分析,对邮政储蓄银行特色化发展战略进行设想,提出要通过审时度势、东学西渐、内外联动和左右开弓的系列措施助力其中间业务发展。  相似文献   
浅议高职专业英语教学策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过调查学生实习状况阐述高职学生学好专业英语的必要性,并从与基础英语的关系、实际运用以及教学方式方法等几方面提出高职专业英语的教学策略,最后指出了专业英语教学中应注意的几个问题。  相似文献   
高校院系二级教代会在教职工参与民主管理过程中发挥了巨大的作用,但随着教育改革的不断深化,院系二级教代会民主管理原则存在着一些现实,带有普遍性的困难和矛盾。只有正视这些工作难点,从理论和实践上加以认识和解决,才能使二级教代会民主管理的精神得到极大的发扬。  相似文献   
中国发展模式的背景与影响:重庆例证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国发展模式是指立足中国的特殊国情,以建设一个富强、民主、文明、和谐的社会主义现代化国家为目标,并在实践中逐步形成的一种有自己特色的发展模式。重庆实践科学发展模式是我国中西部地区科学发展模式的代表。科学定位、用好政策、发展载体、激发活力、创新体制机制等是其基本内涵。同时,这一发展模式也将随着重庆经济社会的发展而不断赋予新的内涵。基于重庆实际,推进重庆实践科学发展模式的研究和运用,应该在理念上强化、内容上完善、操作上拓展。  相似文献   
中印边界问题是历史遗留问题,中印边界战争结束后,两国关系长期处于僵局状态。近来,印度在中印边界动作连连,导致中印关系局势越发紧张。2009年8月中印两国举行的第13次边界会晤,谈判虽取得了一定的进展但仍然未有实质性突破,中印边界谈判任重道远。  相似文献   
文章基于中国上市企业2008-2015年对外直接投资数据,分析东道国金融发展在扩展边际和集约边际上对企业对外直接投资决策以及投资所需生产率水平的影响。研究发现,在不同生产率的企业中东道国金融发展的影响是异质性的。较高的金融发展水平会系统性地降低投资所需的生产率水平,进而促进中国企业对外直接投资的概率、次数和规模。进一步的研究还发现,在经济发展水平比中国高的东道国金融发展的生产率效应更显著,投资所需生产率下降得更多。尽管如此,高经济发展水平东道国的最低生产率门槛仍然高于低经济发展水平的东道国。控制了金融发展指标和企业全要素生产率的内生性后,结果依然稳健。  相似文献   

We explore whether investors earn profits through the use of stochastic oscillator indicators (SOI) for trading stocks. The results reveal that investors might use momentum strategies when trading constituent stocks of SSE 50 as the overbought trading signals emitted by SOI. We infer that the results might be caused by herding behaviors of Chinese investors since overoptimistic moods are likely to exist as evidenced by the 80 percent trading volume traded by individual investors in the Chinese stock market.  相似文献   

Using a cross-regional analysis of China, this article shows that the China model view is factually false and the universal model view is factually true. It is the marketization and development of non-state sectors, rather than the strong power of government and the state sector, that have driven the Chinese economy to grow fast and to be increasingly innovative. If China wants to sustain its economic performance, it must stay on the way to continuing marketization. Otherwise, China will fall into stagnation.  相似文献   
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