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We study the conditions for the emergence of cooperation in a spatial common-pool resource (CPR) game. We consider three types of agents: cooperators, defectors and enforcers. The role of enforcers is to punish defectors for overharvesting the resource. Agents are located on a circle and they only observe the actions of their two nearest neighbors. Their payoffs are determined by both local and global interactions and they modify their actions by imitating the strategy in their neighborhood with the highest average payoffs on average. Using theoretical and numerical analysis, we find a large diversity of equilibria to be the outcome of the game. In particular, we find conditions for the occurrence of equilibria in which the three strategies coexist. We also derive the stability of these equilibria. Finally, we show that introducing resource dynamics in the system favors the occurrence of cooperative equilibria.   相似文献   
共同遗嘱上的两难抉择及其立法应对   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共同遗嘱,作为两个或两个以上的遗嘱人共同设立的同一份遗嘱,具有主体的复数性、撤销变更的非自由性以及生效时间的不等同性等特点。共同遗嘱是一种优劣互现的遗嘱形式,就我国而言,似以承认共同遗嘱为较优选择。构建我国共同遗嘱制度应针对其缺陷,在共同遗嘱主体、客体、内容、形式撤销与变更等问题上做专门性设计。  相似文献   
“五四”时期,湖南报刊呈现出勃兴局面,其原因主要是:(一)社会动荡,政局不稳;(二)局部地区经济的繁荣与发展;(三)国内外革命潮流的影响及推动;(四)先进知识分子对报刊活动的重视。  相似文献   
作为美军情报接收、处理和分发的主要系统,近年来,分布式通用地面站系统(DCGS)在全球信息栅格(GIG)、云技术、大数据等新兴信息技术推动下取得了显著建设成果。简要介绍了美军各军种DCGS系统的项目进展,重点总结了空军DCGS-AF系统和陆军DCGS-A系统的发展现状及技术特性,包括DCGS-AF Block 10.2和DCGS-A 3.0 Griffin软件基线的架构和能力等,结合DCGS系统在伊拉克和阿富汗战场的作战应用分析了系统的未来发展趋势,以期为相关人员提供参考。  相似文献   
学界对旅游经济发展是否推进了共同富裕尚存在争议。文章运用中国1999-2019年省际面板数据,采用动态空间杜宾模型,采用地理和经济特征双重视角构造4种空间权重矩阵,考察旅游经济发展对共同富裕的影响和空间溢出效应。研究发现:(1)地理特征和经济特征均会对旅游经济发展促进共同富裕的空间效应产生影响,其中经济特征影响更大;(2)旅游经济发展显著促进了共同富裕,既提升了总体富裕水平,又具有“分好蛋糕”的共享效应,但目前“做大蛋糕”效应更强,而且旅游经济的溢出效应在缩小地区经济差异方面尚有较大提升空间。(3)旅游经济发展水平会影响产业结构合理化对共同富裕的作用系数,呈倒“U”型的双门槛特征,旅游经济发展水平较低时,要积极推进产业结构转型升级,但当旅游经济发展到一定水平后,要注重产业结构转型的合理化,避免产业空心化。  相似文献   
This study examines the relation between earnings management and block ownership of same‐industry peer firms by a common set of institutional investors (common institutional ownership). This relation is important given the tremendous growth of common institutional ownership and the significant influence of blockholders on financial reporting. We hypothesize that common institutional ownership mitigates earnings management by enhancing institutions' monitoring efficiency and by encouraging institutions to internalize the negative externality of a firm's earnings management on peer firms' investments. Consistent with our hypothesis, we find that higher common institutional ownership is related to less earnings management. Analyses of a quasi‐natural experiment based on financial institution mergers show that this negative relation is unlikely to be driven by the endogeneity of common institutional ownership. Cross‐sectional tests provide evidence that the negative relation is stronger among firms for which common institutional ownership is likely to generate a greater reduction in institutions' information acquisition and processing costs, and among firms whose severe financial misstatements are more likely to distort co‐owned peer firms' investments, supporting both mechanisms underlying our hypothesis. Our findings inform the ongoing debate on the costs and benefits of common institutional ownership by highlighting an important benefit: the enhanced monitoring of financial reporting.  相似文献   
2013年11月份结束的又一轮关于我国遗产税开征的社会讨论,非常有必要进行梳理、总结和反思。在这次讨论中,我国普通民众对遗产税开征的普遍而强烈的反对声,实质是对我国改革中存在的众多问题和矛盾的紧张、失望、担心、忧虑、不安、不满、厌恶和愤怒等社会情绪的宣泄,但是,各种严重违反当代遗产税基本常识的传言实则起到了乘风放火、火上浇油的作用,而这样的传言之所以能有如此大的影响力,则是因为我国遗产税的开征缺乏坚实的共识基础。因此,必须重视反对我国遗产税开征的社会情绪,普及我国遗产税开征的基本常识,夯实我国遗产税开征的共识基础。  相似文献   
对于小区车位、车库的归属,《物权法》第74条确立的“约定归属”制度模式带来了法律适用上的困难,也不利于业主权利的救济。由此,建议对于共用部分车位、车库的利用,能否办理权属证书为直接依据,采用设定“专用使用权”方式加以处理。  相似文献   
国家富强是以实现中华民族伟大复兴为宏伟目标的"中国梦"的根本。中国所追求的国家富强的社会主义属性集中体现在对"富强"与"和谐"的内在统一上。以社会和谐为根本特征的中国富强梦离不开社会公正。要使中国富强梦真正变为基于社会公正的中国人民的富强梦,确立并实施全面财富观是一条根本途径。  相似文献   
1990年以后,许多普通法系国家(地区)引入了起源于美国的独立董事制度,以期加强公司治理,提高国家竞争力.这表明,在全球化背景下,不同国家的公司治理具有趋同的趋势.然而,从实施效果来看,这些国家(地区)的独立董事制度尚存在种种问题,其有效性与美国有一定差距.这又反映了公司治理制度移植以及全球趋同的困难性.  相似文献   
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