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绿色信贷通过资金形成、资金导向和资金催化三大机制的作用,促进我国产业结构优化和产业的高级化发展。然而分析表明,绿色信贷实施以来,我国产业升级的实际效应并不显著。主要原因是环境信息不对称、企业环境风险成本不合理以及民众监督缺位等导致绿色信贷的实施效果大打折扣。因此,解决环境保护的激励机制和完善环境风险管理体系,是提升绿色信贷对产业升级作用的关键。  相似文献   
诚信一般认为是道德范畴,是伦理问题,是立人之本,是做人做事的基本原则,是人类社会的基本道德规范。在当今社会,诚信不仅仅是道德问题,也是社会关注的经济问题。诚信是一种特殊资源,是经济发展的核心竞争力,具有降低交易成本的功能,是实现和谐劳动关系的必要条件。诚信是社会主义核心价值体系的重要组成部分。建设诚信经济是社会发展的客观要求,是市场经济发展的基本条件。我们必须以政府为主导,加强诚信的宣传教育,加大失诚缺信的惩治力度,建立、完善信用体系,促进社会经济的健康发展。  相似文献   
征信、征信体系与信用、信用行业、社会信用体系、信用评级等概念既有密切联系又有区别,厘清它们之间的异同是征信建设与研究的前提。信用是一个动态、多层次的概念。征信衍生于信用活动,但又服务于信用活动。服务于征信的一系列因素构成征信体系。征信是信用行业、社会信用体系的子集,不能与其等同。征信与信用评级同属于信用行业,但差别极大,不宜把信用评级纳入征信范畴。  相似文献   
从美国市场化运作的信用服务公司、完善的信用法律法规、有效的信用行业监管等方面,揭示现代征信业的发展方向。他山之石可以攻玉,我国征信体系发展的目标应当是通过健全法律法规在全社会范围内形成开放、透明和公平的信用信息共享机制,培育和鼓励市场化运作的征信企业的发展,强化政府对信用行业的管理等。  相似文献   
随着金融消费者权益保护工作进一步加强,金融消费者权益征信制度保护缺陷日益凸显:金融消费者权益立法尚需时日,征信法律法规配套制度缺乏、保护乏力,信息采集、信息共享缺少规范等。为此,需要构建征信业法律规范合理的效力体系,推进金融消费者权益保护进程;加快构建金融业统一征信平台,夯实金融消费者主体权益信息基础;加强监督管理提高征信数据质量,保障金融消费者知情权、异议权等权益;强化金融消费者知情权、异议权、救济权,进一步保障金融消费者权益。  相似文献   
我国货币政策传导机制中,由于利率市场化程度不高、货币市场不发达等因素,制约了利率传导机制、资产价格机制、汇率传导机制的有效性。在回顾货币政策传导机制各种理论的基础上,分析我国货币政策的信贷渠道,并通过实证检验,揭示出目前信贷渠道仍然是我国货币政策传导的主要途径。  相似文献   
针对信用评级机构在"次贷"危机等一系列事件中的非正常表现,从信用评级机构自身的视角对信用评级提供的信息价值、评级结果公正性和问责机制等争议问题进行剖析,得出以下结论:评级程序和信息来源不透明使得评级结果与事实不符,导致评级信息的价值大打折扣,提高评级透明度是大势所趋;发行人付费模式引发的利益冲突使得评级机构的公正性大受质疑,借着评级程序和信息来源的透明化以及禁止利益冲突的相关规定,加强监管,将有助于评级机构控管利益冲突;美国宪法第一修正案中对言论自由的保护使得评级机构免于民事责任,确立评级机构的民事求偿渠道成为未来的法制改革方向。  相似文献   
信用评级关系到一国的金融主权和国家经济安全。一方面,美国三大评级机构以美国国家利益为重,"恶评"他国信誉级别,严重损害他国利益,造成国际经济金融的动荡;另一方面,美国正在通过大规模收购中国信用评级机构,试图控制我国信用评级行业,严重威胁我国的金融主权和国家经济安全。重塑国际信用评级体系,构建我国自主信用评级体系已刻不容缓。  相似文献   
Wenzhe Li 《Economic Affairs》2018,38(1):106-124
Several major central banks have experimented with targeted monetary policy to improve credit resource allocation. This policy only applies to ‘eligible’ banks. For example, The People's Bank of China conducted seven targeted reductions of reserve requirements during 2014–15. This article documents the phenomenon of targeted monetary policy and evaluates its effects. The results show that, in the case of China, this policy has generated an extra significant, positive return on the stocks of eligible banks, amounting to 1.2–1.3 per cent in a four‐day treatment period. This substantial return gives commercial banks an extra incentive to align with the policy goals of central banks.  相似文献   
Research summary: This article explores the relationship between corporate social irresponsibility (CSI) and financial risk. We posit that media coverage of CSI generates risk by providing conditions that increase the potential for stakeholder sanctions. Through analyzing an international panel of 539 firms during 2008–2013, we find that firms receiving higher CSI coverage face higher financial risk. We show that the reach of the reporting media outlet is a critical condition for this relationship. Once the outlet has a high reach, the severity of CSI coverage is a boundary condition that further reinforces the effect. Our findings complement existing theory about the risk‐mitigating effect of corporate social responsibility by illuminating the risk‐generating effect of CSI coverage. For executives, these insights suggest complementary strategies for corporate risk management. Managerial summary: This article examines the effect of negative news on financial risk. It shows that negative media articles regarding environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues increase a firm's credit risk. It also provides a detailed analysis of the impact of an article's reach and severity, i.e., how many readers are exposed to the article and how harshly it criticizes the firm. The results allow to quantitatively assess the risk that emanates from negative ESG news. For executives, three strategies are derived for limiting a firm's exposure to this risk: balancing corporate social responsibility programs with operational safety programs, reporting suboptimal environmental and social performance transparently and proactively, and avoiding acquisition targets and markets with a legacy of negative news. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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