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袁凌云 《价值工程》2012,31(22):104-105
以贵州地理的实际情况为基点,针对岩溶地区不同的地质情况,根据笔者多年的从业经验,从勘探方面、施工的原则、及地基处理以及效益方面做出了论述,给出了一些处理方法。  相似文献   

Subsequent to the first-ever Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) censure of a US Big 4 firm (Deloitte) in December 2007, there were two other PCAOB US Big 4 firm censures as of 2016 year-end. We examine whether these two post-2007 PCAOB censures of US Big 4 firms conveyed new information to the audit market. For both censures, we find little or no evidence of any change in the factual audit quality of the censured firm over a three-year window surrounding the censure. Our findings suggest that the quality control deficiencies (identified during inspection of specific audit engagements) that triggered the PCAOB censure were isolated occurrences rather than systemic to the firm at large, i.e., the censures do not imply an impairment in the US Big 4 firm's overall factual audit quality. We also find that the negative response of investors and audit committees documented in prior research for the 2007 Deloitte censure disappeared for the later US Big 4 firm censures. Given that the PCAOB inspects (and can censure) non-US auditors who audit US-listed foreign companies, our findings are of potential interest to regulators, investors and audit committees outside the US.  相似文献   
The risk of non‐indigenous plant pests entering the UK via international trade in fresh produce is increasing. The objective of this article is to identify existing and emerging supply sources for UK fresh produce importers and examine the extent to which they could provide invasion pathways. We tested the hypothesis that increased imports of fresh produce from new sources outside the European Union could increase the risks of non‐indigenous insect pests. We use a bio‐economic model approach in which the number of species arrivals is a function of the volume of imports, whereas the volume of imports itself is a function of gross domestic product, relative import prices and seasonality. The study has identified clear trends, which show import volumes of fresh produce and species detections increasing from new supply sources. If this trend continues in the future, then the UK inspection agency should expect to confront species from new suppliers in much greater numbers, given that import volumes of fresh produce are income elastic.  相似文献   
本文对中国转轨背景下民营企业的政治关系与民营企业的首次公开发行市场准入关系进行了实证分析,实证研究结果发现:在股票发行核准制下,一方面,第一大股东的所有权属性对拟发行人是否通过发行审核没有显著影响,我国资本市场准入的"所有制歧视"有所缓解;另一方面,民营企业的政治关系影响民营企业首次公开发行市场的准入,具有政治关系的拟发行人更可能通过股票发行审核。  相似文献   
Food Safety     

Food safety in the foodservice industry is an issue that is a priority at the federal level. In 1999 the National Food Safety System formed the Coordinating Committee to combat the problem. Since the formation of this group, outreach programs have extended globally to assist other countries with this issue. According to Susan Alpert, national leader on the Food Safety Initiative, many states are experiencing the same food safety challenges. Programs and standards have been established for each state; however, the problems of state implementation of a high quality food safety program is becoming a growing issue. This study investigated the importance of food safety training for food handlers and compares the current training and inspections for those who manage foodservice establishments. Data is presented from one high tourism state serving as an example of the violations to and the training given on food safety. The study presents the food safety training program required, inspection form used, and categories of violations most often experienced. Issues related to combating food safety are presented as well as suggestions for improving food safety training and inspection process.  相似文献   
This paper examines the allocation of entitlement rights for the management of common property resources. In particular, the case of allocating a Total Allowable Catch quota for the Mediterranean swordfish is examined as a case study. The proposed approach comprises three steps. First, there is a bargaining procedure between the European Union (EU) and the rest of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) countries. As soon as an initial agreement is possible, the EU considers various equitable rationing methods to allocate its share to the European Member States. These rationing methods draw upon two different streams of the literature, bankruptcy and ‘burden sharing’. Finally, the European Member States reach a fair agreement through minimising an envy‐free index. The allocation rule which is defined as the weighted average of equal proportion and equal share rationales represents the best compromise solution.  相似文献   
针对初始排污权配置方案评价过程中存在的模糊性与不确定性问题,构建基于区间直觉模糊集的流域初始排污权配置方案综合评价模型。首先,引入区间模糊数来表达专家判断信息,通过多个专家的群体决策综合量化影响配置的社会、经济、资源、环境等因素;其次,结合MYCIN不精确推理模型和灰色关联方法构建推理决策模型,利用证据推理决策对已知信息进行挖掘和融合,并根据实质确定性因子最大化原则选择最佳方案;最后,以太湖流域初始排污权配置方案综合评价为例进行分析,结果表明该方法具有可行性与有效性。  相似文献   
In the aftermath of Enron and the collapse of Arthur Andersen, new “independent” institutions were created to oversee financial auditing. Based on a modified version of Lukes’ multidimensional model of power, we first investigate how the creation of the Canadian Public Accountability Board (CPAB) has affected the dynamics of power among the main players enlisted in Canada’s regulation of public accounting. Our findings strengthen the view that a “form of allegiance” was, at the time of data collection, developing between CPAB and the largest Canadian accounting firms. Through a second analytical movement, we extend the boundaries of our argument, showing that patterns of resistance against the logic of arm’s length regulation operate in a variety of audit regulatory sites. Our conclusion points, in particular, to the spatial gap - and incidentally the limitations - of any attempt to control and supervise a globalized industry from a national or regional perspective.  相似文献   
在"强县扩权"背景下,2009年3月神木县启动"全民免费医疗"政策,实现了基本医疗服务的城乡一体化。这一制度与其在教育、就业、养老等方面的新政一样,不断探索着资源型城市实现基本公共服务均等化的新思路。本文通过对神木县"全民免费医疗"实施以来的居民满意度及制度运行状况的调研,指出神木医改中存在的主要问题:(1)神木县农村三级卫生服务网络不健全,乡镇卫生院作用发挥有限,医疗资源浪费与短缺并存;(2)为解决过度医疗问题而出台的控制医疗费用的细则在实际运行中效果欠佳。基于此,我们建议实行"守门人"制度,引入强制首诊和双向转诊制度,并设计出双向转诊和费用报销的程序及其配套制度,以期为神木医改出现的问题提供解决方案,同时为其它地区实现基本公共卫生服务均等化目标,提供一个有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
This paper examines an optimal underwriter participation model and develops testable hypotheses regarding the influence of certain factors on the degree of underwriter participation in initial public offerings (IPOs) of common stock. The issue of underwriter participation is important primarily due to the tradeoff between foregone underwriter compensation and underwriting risk reduction. The results of this paper indicate that factors related to the issue, issuing firm, underwriter, and IPO market conditions all are important determinants of the participation decision. Interestingly, the results also show that the importance of these factors is not consistent across underwriter prestige groups. In particular, factors external to underwriters (e.g., the issuing firm and market characteristics) are more important for explaining nonprestigious underwriter participation, while factors related to underwriters themselves play a more important role for explaining prestigious underwriter participation.  相似文献   
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