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基于耕地发展权价值的东北粮食主产区耕地保护补偿机制研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
研究目的:通过建立耕地保护补偿机制,促进区域耕地保护与经济发展相协调,为合理确定国家征地补偿标准提供科学依据。研究方法:基于假设法、比较研究法和文献法,通过建立耕地发展权价值测算模型,测算耕地发展权价值大小,进而建立耕地保护补偿机制。研究结果:(1)巴彦县耕地总面积约1/5可以满足该区域的自身粮食需求,其余约4/5为耕地盈余面积,耕地发展权总价值最高为303.72亿元;(2)为保障国家粮食安全而限制区域耕地转为他用,国家应给予失去发展权的权利主体相应补偿;(3)对无法完成耕地“占一补一”,委托区域代为落实耕地占补平衡任务的地区,应购买区域耕地发展权;(4)对确需满足国家建设需要占用区域耕地,国家或用地单位应给予失去发展权的权利主体相应补偿。研究结论:耕地保护补偿实质是向农民或农村集体经济组织购买耕地发展权权力的价值。在满足区域自身粮食需求、保障国家粮食安全前提下,以耕地发展权价值为载体,应建立集粮食安全补偿、区域性差别补偿以及因建设占用耕地等补偿为一体的耕地保护补偿机制。 相似文献
水权交易建设是改善水资源紧缺、提升水资源利用效益的重要水资源治理措施。基于绿色金融视角探究水权交易机制现代化建设,推进绿色金融在水领域的深化应用,是解决水权交易难题的新思路。在梳理绿色金融发展现状及功能的基础上,分析了我国水权交易机制的现状和现存问题;针对存在的问题,提出了包含作用机理、体系设计、实施路径的绿色金融支持水权交易机制现代化建设的设想,以资金支持、技术创新和严格监管3条作用机理为支撑,设计相应的绿色金融支持体系,并提出从优化顶层设计、拓宽融资渠道、激发市场活力以及强化风控监管4条路径落实绿色金融支持水权交易的机制建设。研究结果表明:当前我国水权交易建设存在顶层设计不完善、项目融资困难、市场机制不健全、监管不严的问题,需要绿色金融的功能优势协助解决水权交易的发展中难题;绿色金融可以资金支持、技术创新、严格监管渠道缓解水权交易融资难、市场建设不完善以及监管乏力难题。 相似文献
We provide explorative insights on how farms which manage strong and successful growth affect farms in their neighbourhoods through spatial competition for land. The study is based on an exploratory analysis of repeated framed experiments within the business game FarmAgriPoliS (Appel & Balmann, Ecological Complexity, 40, 2019). In particular, we analyse the spatial influences of different behavioural clusters of farm managers. Our analysis finds that farms which manage strong growth substantially affect the development of farms in a spatial neighbourhood of some 10 km. Although the influence on the neighbourhood decreases with distance, the functional correlations of farm growth as well as exits are neither linear nor exponential, but eventually rather wave-like. We further discuss the spatial interdependence of farms and the related overlaps of the predator–prey phenomenon with the phenomena of farms' path dependency and agricultural structural change. We conclude that along with farmers' strategies and their abilities, the characteristics of their neighbours and the distances between neighbouring farms also determine who is ‘predator’ and who is ‘prey’. 相似文献
Fungicide resistance is a serious problem for agriculture today. This analysis provides additional insight into the strategic behavior of farmers when their fungicide use generates a negative intertemporal production externality in the form of fungicide resistance. We find that when farmers encounter this type of externality, they choose fungicide levels that exacerbate fungicide resistance. We examine a compensation mechanism in which a farmer reduces fungicide use in exchange for a transfer. This mechanism reduces fungicide use; however, misinformation about the severity of fungicide resistance generates distortions. We find that one-sided misinformation could lead a farmer to choose socially optimal fungicide levels, which makes the compensation mechanism less necessary. In addition, we show that when both farmers are misinformed, the mechanism could lead farmers to choose fungicide levels below the socially optimal level depending on their pessimistic beliefs about the severity of fungicide resistance. 相似文献
我国灌溉面积位居世界第一,主要矛盾由总量不足转变为结构性矛盾,深入推进供给侧结构性改革提上议程。针对存在的主要结构性矛盾,研究提出系统解决方案,即调整结构、去除库存、提升品质、降低成本、补齐短板。调整结构重点是严格落实"以水定地",着力以水资源、水生态、水环境承载能力倒逼灌溉面积调整;去除库存重点是依法实施"僵尸"工程降等报废,及时办理注销登记;提升品质重点是大力发展高效节水灌溉,提升灌溉服务质量;降低成本重点是深化国有灌区管理体制改革,创新"最后一公里"管理模式;补齐短板重点是坚持统分结合、重点在统的原则推进农田水利产权改革,深化农业水价综合改革,建立准确补贴机制。 相似文献
Regulation of relationships between heterogeneous farmers and an aquifer accounting for lag effects 下载免费PDF全文
Cyril Bourgeois Pierre‐Alain Jayet 《The Australian journal of agricultural and resource economics》2016,60(1):39-59
Many environmental problems are due to damage caused by pollutants that accumulate with a time lag following their emission. In this study, we focus on nitrates used in agriculture, which can pollute groundwater many years after their initial application. A dynamic optimal control problem with heterogeneous farmers is proposed. The usual structural parameters such as the discount rate, the natural clearing rate and the lagged time interval between the occurrence of soil‐level pollution and the impact on groundwater are taken into account. We also examine pollution as caused by a continuous set of farms characterised by their individual performance index and by their individual marginal contribution to the pollution. The issue is further investigated by taking account of change in the information context, successively related to perfect information and to asymmetric information. As a result, when the delay between the spreading of N‐fertilizer and the impact on the aquifer increases, that is, the longer the lag, the steady‐state pollution stock and the steady‐state shadow price of the stock both increase. Moreover, we show that the optimal regulation may require a decreasing amount of fertilizer over time, even in the case of initial underpollution. 相似文献
刘孟飞 《湖北商业高等专科学校学报》2011,(6):26-32
近年来,国内外学者运用各种方法探讨了收入不平等与经济增长的关系。大部分研究结论显示,收入差距对经济增长存在间接的负面影响,两者之间存在一个多因素的传导过程,包括人力资本积累机制、政治经济决策机制、社会冲突机制、需求传导机制以及其他传导机制。总的来看,这些研究加深了对于两者关系性质和相互影响的认识,但研究结论的分歧和研究方法的局限性仍然存在,有必要对两者关系进行更深入的研究。 相似文献
对近年来国内学者在“资源诅咒”存在性的实证检验、传导机制以及对策建议方面的研究成果进行了综述,并在此基础上提出目前因内的研究还缺乏对其传导机制进行全面、深入的分析,国内学者应该在这一领域加大研究力度,促进我国资源富集地区的经济发展。 相似文献
郑添火 《商业经济(哈尔滨)》2008,(9):107-109
我国企业廉政文化创建活动已取得了一定成效,但目前整体上还处于起步阶段,还不同程度地存在缺乏主动性、针对性、计划性、表率性等问题。应坚持科学发展观,通过体嗣改革,建立结构合瘦、配置科学、制约有效的权力运行监督机制和企业廉政文化可持续发展的长效机制,从源头上防治腐败。 相似文献
机制设计理论作为现代经济学研究的重要主题,主要包括激励相容、显示原理、实施理论等内容。在完善我国国有资本营运机制过程中,机制设计理论对我国建立有效的国有资本营运体系、加强国有资本营运制度建设等方面有重要的借鉴意义。 相似文献