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针对人脸面部特征提取技术是自动视觉翻译和人脸识别中的关键技术之一,介绍了基于统计的人脸形状模型建立原理。利用有标志点的图像训练集变化模式的先验知识而建立模型的方法能够将人脸形状的变化限制在合理的范围内,并能够充分表征人脸特征,实验证明该方法是有效的。  相似文献   
Products with a superior environmental performance, such as a high level of energy efficiency, are typically subject to information asymmetries. Therefore these product attributes are often undervalued in purchase decisions. Signaling, e.g. energy labeling, can overcome these asymmetries, with positive implications for effective consumer decisions, competitive advantage for suppliers of energy‐efficient goods, and for societal goals such as mitigating climate change. However, there is a scarcity of research investigating how energy labels actually influence consumer choice. The recent revision of the European Union energy label provided a unique opportunity to investigate the effectiveness of energy labeling in a quasi field‐experimental setting. We show that the proposed extension of the seven‐point A–G rating scale by adding new classes A+, A++, etc. will result in a lower perceived importance of energy efficiency in consumer decision‐making. Based on a stated preference survey investigating 2244 choices by German consumers, we conclude that the revision actually undermines the label's ability to overcome information asymmetries, hence potentially contributing to market failure. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd and ERP Environment.  相似文献   
发展节能环保汽车和低碳汽车是北京降低机动车能源消耗和尾气排放的重要技术经济措施。北京新增私家车中如果70%为节能汽车,全年可节油4.64至4.89万吨。如果按照欧Ⅴ排放标准修订环境标志汽车污染物排放限值标准,可使环境标志汽车NOX排放量较目前水平降低25%。低碳汽车应具有更先进的节能和环保特性。政府可通过财政补贴和税收优惠手段促进消费者优先购买使用节能环保汽车和低碳汽车。  相似文献   
转基因食品标签管制方式的经济学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
耿向平 《经济经纬》2004,7(5):105-108
目前各国对转基因食品采取了“不加贴标签”、“自愿加贴标签”以及“强制性加贴柝签”等三种标签管制方式。本文应用消费者拟线性效用函数模型,对强制性加贴标签管制方式对消费者福利的影响进行了深入探讨。在此基础上通过对现有三种标签管制方式的比较分析,确定了各种标签管制方式实施的条件与影响,并认为在我国现有条件下,只要检测成本不高到难以承受的地步,对转基因食品应采取强制加贴标签管制方式。  相似文献   
The food incidence of polychlorinated biphenyls in farmed Atlantic salmon in Canada and its subsequent effects on the demand for farm-raised salmon has induced policymakers and stakeholders to develop new policies on food safety. This article analyzes consumer attitudes toward mandatory traceability and labeling systems for farmed Atlantic salmon in Newfoundland and Labrador. It identifies factors affecting consumers' decisions to purchase the product. Results show that consumers, on average, perceive the benefits of traceability and labeling systems on farm-raised Atlantic salmon in spite of its driving up the product price.  相似文献   
方承和 《价值工程》2014,(29):231-232
针对目前国内通信机房的实际情况,结合国外一些电信运营商对机房内光尾纤、跳纤的管理经验,进行了一些研究并提出建议,希望能提高国内机房的管理水平。  相似文献   
本文探讨绿色标签的价格效应和环保效果。采用的市场结构为:消费者和生产者各分为两类:一类是环保者,另一类是非环保者。生产者是价格接受者。本文的结论如下:由于绿色标签类似于公共产品的供给,存在外部性,它的环保效果依赖于市场中环保消费者的比例和他们的环保意识。若该比例大且消费者的环保意识强,则环保产品增值大且环保效果好,否则反而刺激非环保产品的需求增加,污染环境。此外,绿色标签不是帕累托改进管理工具,总有一部分人的福利受损;在国际贸易中,和贸易禁止、高环保标准等制度相比,自愿的绿色标签制度能缓和贸易冲突,提高社会福利。  相似文献   
This study examines consumer preferences and willingness to pay (WTP) for organic wheat products exhibiting single labels, as well as multiple labels, including organic. The additional labels considered are related to the organic label (non-genetically modified organism [non-GMO]) or perceived as health-promoting (gluten-free, low-carb, sugar-free). Study data were collected using a consumer survey conducted online in 2017 across 16 U.S. western states and analyzed using random parameter logit models. Findings show that organic-labeled wheat products with additional claims were valued equally or less than the organic only version. Overall, consumer higher objective and subjective knowledge of organic standards, as well as preferences for gluten-free products, increased their WTP for organic wheat products. Consumers unfamiliar with organic standards valued the non-GMO label over the organic label. Additionally, consumer WTP for health-related claims on hedonistic products was low or even negative. Hence, multiple labels on organic products generally provide no additional consumer benefit and are likely ignored. Study findings suggest that using the claim that most distinguishes the product, or is most salient, may improve product pricing. Also, non-GMO certification rather than organic certification should be considered for some markets. Finally, consumers with preferences for gluten-free products represent a potential market for organic wheat products.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, ecodesign has emerged as a new guiding principle for integrating environmental aspects into product design and development, with the aim of reducing adverse environmental life-cycle impacts. For China, the concept of ecodesign is becoming important in advancing Chinese industrial development while mitigating the rise in national energy consumption and emissions. We reviewed 28 existing ecodesign labels and supporting programs adopted globally to identify lessons learned and best practices for the development of potential ecodesign labeling programs in China. We find that systematic framework and process and inclusion of various stakeholders in developing criteria, certification requirements and supporting policies in the form of green procurement, small local pilot subsidies, and active outreach and communication are key success factors of international programs. Based on international experiences and by leveraging existing Chinese frameworks for labeling and policies, China has an opportunity to lead in developing broader environmental criteria for a new ecodesign labeling program.  相似文献   
There are various risks associated with incorrect preparation and storage of infant formula, including microbiological hazards. Preparing and storing reconstituted infant formula correctly can reduce potential risks. The product label on infant formula is often the main source of information for caregivers on the correct handling of infant formula. Caregivers’ ability to understand and follow preparation and storage instructions is, therefore, of high importance in the safe use of infant formula. This study aims to increase understanding of how Australian caregivers perceive, interpret and use mandatory and voluntary “on-pack” label information when preparing and storing infant formula. An eye-tracking task requiring caregivers (n = 30) to prepare an unfamiliar infant formula product while wearing Tobi Pro 2 Glasses revealed that almost all caregivers look at the preparation instructions (93%), though fewer look at the warning advice (43%) and storage instructions (27%). Findings from retrospective think-aloud and in-depth interviews conducted immediately after the eye-tracking task, revealed that while preparation instructions are generally understood, they are not always adhered to, with most caregivers making modifications for convenience. Lack of awareness and low perceived risk to the infant’s health were other reasons for non-adherence. These findings suggest that mandated food-safety elements on infant formula products need to be more noticeable, clearer and more specific with respect to potential infant health risks associated with non-adherence, to ensure safe preparation and storage by all caregivers. These findings will be used to inform a review of the labelling requirements for infant formula products.  相似文献   
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