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This paper aims to provide a new and practical approach called ‘Legislation-Check’ to identifying shortcomings in national legislation in terms of how well it implements sustainable development, and ways of improving the legislation. National legislation was chosen as it represents a sort of ‘skeleton of society’ and defines the status quo, as well as setting the main environmental, societal and economic directions of the population covered.The approach presented is based on a new concept called ‘3-D Sustainability’, which focuses on the precautionary principle. 3-D Sustainability provides criteria in a flexible hierarchy for solving conflicts of interest between economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainability. In this paper, these criteria and dimensions are applied to various sectors of Austrian national environmental legislation to identify the shortcomings of the legislation and ways of addressing these shortcomings.This paper shows, by way of quantitative data, a significant increase in the use of sustainability related terms in generally applicable legal instruments (both federal and provincial) in Austria since 2003. In qualitative terms the results of the paper further indicate, using national environmental legislation, several hierarchical disorders between different legal acts and opportunities for improving them. Furthermore, inadequacies in the way that the legislation handles sustainable development and a total lack of overall objectives and targets in terms of sustainability are highlighted, which can jeopardise sustainable development.The concept of ‘3-D Sustainability’ has not previously focused on national legislation, despite the practical importance of the legal implementation and enforcement on this geographic level. Hence, this paper contributes, through scientifically-based decision support, to practical pathways for the innovation of institutional, procedural and substantive arrangements in existing legislation.The approach presented in this paper is not restricted to environmental issues, but is applicable to all thematic areas. It is also not geographically limited, but could be implemented in any country and also beyond national borders. Furthermore, the approach can be easily replicated and provides systematically gained results for global governance change towards sustainable development.  相似文献   
This paper provides empirical and conceptual insights in analysing the factors that determine the prices of farmland within Protected Natural Areas that are close to densely populated urban areas, the changes in land use experiences as well as the additional control policies needed to curb this unsustainable trend.The Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve nearby the metropolitan area of Bilbao (Basque Country, Spain) is the case study considered and its bordering non-protected rural area is used as a reference for comparison. A spatial hedonic farmland price model is estimated and the willingness of land purchasers to pay for different farmland characteristics quantified both inside and outside the Urdaibai Biosphere Reserve. The main results are that: (1) residential development is taking place in all categories of farmland, (2) aside from neighbouring prices, farmland prices depend on different factors depending on whether the marketed plots stand inside or outside the Protected Natural Area, (3) the “reserve effect” on land prices is less powerful than the “proximity to the metropolitan area (and motorway) effect” observed from villages of the non-protected area located in the 3rd crown of Bilbao, (4) the reasons for farmers non-compliance with policy regulations is the necessary knowledge base for the farmland conservation policy design and (5) in the light of the results, three development-control policy instruments such as Payments for Ecosystem Services, Tradable Planning Permits and development-taxes are discussed considering the factors that could improve compliance.  相似文献   
林业是国民经济的基础,这不是空泛的理论之争,而是如何进行经济建设及农业建设的实践之争。我国国土天然形成的大格局,决定了惟有实施林农牧共同发展的大农业战略,使山区、牧区、农区成三足鼎立之势,相互依持,共生共存,我国农业才有出路。这个大农业战略简称为"林草兴邦"。林草结合,也是国有林场建设的新思路。  相似文献   
王元 《改革与开放》2011,(12):42-43
中美贸易关系历来受多种因素影响,美国国内劳工组织在中美贸易摩擦的两个典型个案中起到了一定的影响。其行动的一般规则及目的需要进一步研究及分析,从而利用这些规则来为中美贸易关系润滑,减少不利因素最终提高贸易关系成功的可能性。  相似文献   
随着全球经济的飞速发展,富人文化越来越成为人们崇尚的文化,而今"奢侈"就是富有最具代表性的形容词。据英国《金融时报》称,到2015年前后,中国市场上奢侈品销量将占到全球总销量的29%左右,中国将成为继日本之后最大的世界奢侈品市场。本文从网络环境下奢侈品消费的盈利模式为出发点,提出了针对白领阶层和80后这个特殊的奢侈品消费群体,提出相应的营销创新策略。  相似文献   
浙江外贸增速迅猛,长期存在贸易顺差,其发展轨迹具有地域性和集群性的特点。究其原因,浙江外贸在制度安排、市场主体、交易方式和产业组织形式等方面有其独特之处,“浙江外贸现象”是民营企业追逐利润的必然结果。  相似文献   
为了解决供应链中下游零售商的成本和需求预测信息是私有信息的情况下,上游供应商的回购决策问题,运用委托-代理模型研究了供应商的最优回购策略,得到了供应商的最优决策方案。利用最小承诺驱使零售商传递真实的需求预测信息,并证明零售商总是传递真实的成本信息。在此基础上进行公式的推导,并进行数值分析与模型验证,得出最终结论。  相似文献   
庄磊  高光锐 《科技和产业》2011,11(10):113-115
以战略管理中的动态竞争思想为主线,利用博弈论工具对吉利汽车进入市场、通过与夏利进行价格战而占得一席之地这一互动过程进行了分析,从在位者角度指出了夏利汽车在战略上的不当之处,为企业进行战略决策提供参考。  相似文献   
周超 《特区经济》2011,(11):196-198
本文以河南省1991~2009年经济数据为样本,从投资产业结构的角度利用实证方法研究投资对经济增长的拉动作用,得出分产业投资时第二产业投资对经济增长的贡献率最大;借助邹至庄检验发现:第一产业投资在1991~2009年间对经济增长的拉动作用发生了结构性变化,第三产业投资对经济增长的贡献率在不断上升,但投资产业结构中还存在第一、二产业投资不足,第三产业投资过剩的问题,应依据河南省经济发展实际情况加以调整。  相似文献   
2010年是我国提出西部大开发伟大战略的第十个年头,2010年5月20日中央召开了新疆工作会议,决定设立喀什经济特区,这不仅标志着国家对西部少数民族地区政策由"稳定压倒一切"向"稳定与发展并举"的战略转变,也为西部地区从大开发到大开放奠定了基础。本文从喀什经济特区建立的意义和策略对经济特区的前景做出展望。  相似文献   
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