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宁夏主体功能区划初步研究 总被引:8,自引:3,他引:8
主体功能区划是促进我国区域协调发展的重大举措,是一项有别于以往所有区划的创新性任务。文章简述了主体功能区划的相关理论和方法,参照部分省市实践方案及主体功能区的划分原则,以宁夏19个县市为基本研究单元,基于资源环境承载力、现有开发密度、社会经济发展潜力建立三级评价指标体系,其中指标层包括17个具体指标。运用SPSS13.0中的主成分分析法和聚类分析法进行定量分析,划分出四种类型区的县市范围,结合主体功能区划的内涵及宁夏实际情况,确定出各类型区的修正范围,并利用ARCVIEW软件显示其空间分布,及从不同层面构建四大区域的建设管制模式。 相似文献
Se presenta un análisis contextualizado de las resoluciones judiciales dictadas en Côte d'Ivoire entre 1971 y 2013 en el marco del código general del trabajo. La jurisprudencia y las entrevistas cualitativas con actores institucionales muestran que las prácticas innovadoras derivan de la aplicación del código por inspectores y jueces que equiparan el trabajo doméstico a cualquier otro, lo que impide abordar su especificidad. Tras reafirmar que la regulación del trabajo doméstico debe englobar su dualidad (trabajo como otro cualquiera, pero diferente de todos los demás), se aboga por la creación de una comunidad internacional de aprendizaje sobre trabajo decente para los trabajadores domésticos. 相似文献
Jean‐Philippe Colin 《Journal of Agrarian Change》2017,17(1):144-165
This paper tackles the broad issue of agrarian contracts, property rights and conflicts in the context of rural Côte d'Ivoire. Since the beginning of the 2000s, a new type of contractual arrangement has been developing rapidly: the ‘Plant & Share’ contract. Through such a contract, a landowner provides the land to a farmer who develops a perennial tree crop plantation; when production starts, the plantation, the plantation and the land, or the product is shared. The aim of the paper is to discuss the conflictive features of the arrangement. I argue that this contract, in spite of its potential for tensions and conflicts, constitutes an alternative to the much more conflictive land sales that currently dominate extra‐familial land transfers in the country. 相似文献
Michael E. Odijie 《国际农业可持续发展杂志》2018,16(2):214-227
In cocoa farming forestland is a production factor. Cocoa planting is easiest and production costs are lowest in tropical forest. Historically, therefore, once forestland has been exhausted in a given geographical area planters tend to diversify into other production systems to avoid the poverty (induced by increasing factor cost) of post-forest cultivation. In modern times however cocoa planters exist in a value chain and post-forest diversification could threaten multinational companies relying on rural planters for their raw material. In 2014 ten of the world’s largest chocolate multinationals combined, with more than $500 million in funding, to introduce a cocoa sustainability scheme called CocoaAction. In principle, CocoaAction and similar sustainability schemes sponsored by western multinational chocolate companies are interventions to empower cocoa planters and planting communities in West African countries. But in practice, as this article will show, these schemes are a response to diminishing returns in cocoa-producing communities and the prospect of diversification, and the resulting projection of a shortage in raw material. There are signs that diversification away from cocoa will be beneficial to cocoa planters and their communities. Cocoa sustainability schemes are therefore designed for the benefit of multinational chocolate companies and at the expense of diversification in West African countries. 相似文献
Youjin Baik Hyojin Kim Young‐Ryeol Park 《Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences / Revue Canadienne des Sciences de lu0027Administration》2021,38(1):68-79
The person–environment fit theory posits that the term “environment” can be defined at different levels. This study delineates two environmental dimensions (strategic and organizational) and empirically examines the potential moderating effects of two strategic factors (intra‐ and inter‐regional diversification) on the relationship between two organizational factors (subsidiary ownership and host‐country experience) and MNE subsidiary staffing composition. The results indicate that strategic and organizational dimensions have impacts on subsidiary staffing composition. This study also finds that the interaction effects between strategic and organizational factors are significant only when there is congruence between demands from different environmental dimensions. 相似文献
在物理化学课程教学中,笔者针对材料学专业特点,因材施教;结合物理化学特点,适当引入英语教学;结合现实生活,强化物理化学内容的应用;不断吸收现代科学发展的新成果,将学术研究的最新成果转化为教学内容,激发了学生的学习兴趣,培养了学生的逻辑思维能力和创新能力。 相似文献
Shawna Weingartner 《Accounting Perspectives》2019,18(1):39-42
This two‐part case allows for maximum student engagement through preparation, in‐class discussion, and through a Part B case that is part of the Teaching Note. Through this case, students work to identify possible fraud schemes, plan an investigation, and perform horizontal analysis calculations. Students will learn about the concept of ethical hacking, red flag identification, internal control weaknesses, and investigation considerations for fraud schemes. Further, in‐class planning for next steps and investigation can occur, providing an opportunity for group work and in‐depth learning. This case offers flexibility for instructors in that it can be covered over one class or multiple classes, or can be assigned as an independent or group assignment. This teaching note provides an overview of the case along with guidance for teaching this case. 相似文献
滇西北地区耕地利用存在的问题及对策 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
滇西北地区山高坡陡,区位特殊,耕地总量少,坡耕地多,陡坡种植面积大,农业生态环境脆弱。随着滇西北地区保护与发展行动计划在该区域实施,必须加大投入力度,加快基本农田建设步伐,彻底改善农业生产条件,提高耕地单位面积产量。同时要加快退耕还林还草,改善区域生态环境。 相似文献