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当大病的自付医疗费用支出占家庭非食品支出的比例超过一定门槛值时,灾难性医疗支出发生,会增大因病致贫或返贫的概率。本文基于中国家庭追踪调查数据库(CFPS)2014年数据,利用A-F多维贫困测量方法有效识别贫困家庭,探究因病致贫发生率。大病冲击使贫困发生率增加15%,总财富减少6.9%。我们还发现医疗保险、社会资本及民间借贷对因病致贫都具有缓冲效应。这三种缓冲垫具有各自比较优势:医疗保险对中低收入家庭或中高疾病风险家庭缓冲效应显著;社会资本的缓冲效应只存在中高收入家庭或高风险疾病家庭;民间借贷只对低收入家庭具有缓冲效应。因此,家庭尤其是低收入家庭应合理利用缓冲垫,提高大病冲击的抵御能力,降低因病致贫的发生率。  相似文献   
Knowledge about the existence and source of national differences in willingness to take risks plays a vital role in ensuring successful communication, collaboration, and understanding across countries, from the personal to the organizational and political/social domain. The current study investigates differences in financial risk-taking willingness between countries as a function of social and state ‘cushioning’, i.e. the extent of a person’s social support network and the state’s social-safety support network. The study compares large-scale household data and self-reports on willingness to take financial risks across three countries differing in their state support networks: Austria, Italy and the United States. Results show that personal social support network size influences risk-taking willingness (social cushioning). Furthermore, and most notably, we find evidence of an interactive relationship between social and state cushioning. High state cushioning renders the influence of social cushioning on financial risk-taking willingness less important. Contributions to management and business practice as well as theory on the influence of personal distance to financial support on risk-taking willingness are discussed.  相似文献   
金鸡桥水电站泄洪闸为低溢流坝的折线型实用堰,堰高仅2.0m,具有水头低、单宽流量大、上下游水位落差不,入池水流佛氏数低、尾水水位变幅大等水力特点,通过对该电站消力池的设计选型和水工模型试验,合理确定消力池的结构尺寸,达到了既满足消能防冲,又节省工程投资目的。  相似文献   
根据走马垅水库溢洪道实际存在的问题,提出了该溢洪道加固设计方案,有效的解决了溢洪道存在的问题,确保了工程的安全行洪.  相似文献   
当大病的自付医疗费用支出占家庭非食品支出的比例超过一定门槛值时,灾难性医疗支出发生,会增大因病致贫或返贫的概率。本文基于中国家庭追踪调查数据库(CFPS)2014年数据,利用A-F多维贫困测量方法有效识别贫困家庭,探究因病致贫发生率。大病冲击使贫困发生率增加15%,总财富减少6.9%。我们还发现医疗保险、社会资本及民间借贷对因病致贫都具有缓冲效应。这三种缓冲垫具有各自比较优势:医疗保险对中低收入家庭或中高疾病风险家庭缓冲效应显著;社会资本的缓冲效应只存在中高收入家庭或高风险疾病家庭;民间借贷只对低收入家庭具有缓冲效应。因此,家庭尤其是低收入家庭应合理利用缓冲垫,提高大病冲击的抵御能力,降低因病致贫的发生率。  相似文献   
Previous studies have reported a positive association between the cultural dimension of individualism and bank risk-taking. We hypothesize that this association is likely to be confounded by the omitted effects of corporate governance. Given the indicative evidence that such confounders are less likely to affect listed banks, we test this association for a global sample of 467 commercial listed banks from 56 countries. Our results show that the association between individualism and bank risk-taking is negative. This result is consistent with the cushioning hypothesis, the idea that people take on more risk in collectivist societies because they expect to receive help from the members of their social networks in the case of failure.  相似文献   
本文主要通过改变褥垫层的设计参数,对水泥粉煤灰碎石(CFG)桩与水泥土搅拌桩多元复合地基进行三维有限元模拟分析,其结果完善了多元复合地基的设计计算理论,可用于指导工程实践。  相似文献   
根据中洲水库溢洪道存在堰基严重渗漏、堰体质量差、底板和边墙衬砌失去功能,无消能设施,无尾水渠,不具备安全泄洪条件等问题,按照因地制宜的原则,溢洪道平面布置维持布置格局不变,进行了溢洪道水力设计的泄洪能力复核及堰体、边墙、消力池、出水渠等加固设计.  相似文献   
阐述止水破坏情况下消力池护坦受到脉动上举力的作用,并初步探讨止水破坏情况下消力池护坦抗浮稳定计算原则,对比止水有效及破坏情况下消力池护坦抗浮稳定安全性,提出应重视脉动上举力对消能工稳定的影响,并结合脉动上举力的产生机理及对板块的破坏形式提出消力池护坦防护措施.  相似文献   
通过工程实例,从理论上分析了溢洪道底板发生失稳揭底破坏的原因与机理,阐述了现行规范消力池护坦抗浮稳定计算公式的适用条件,给出了陡槽底板与消力池护坦分缝止水破坏工况下的抗浮稳定计算式.  相似文献   
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