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生态足迹方法在土地利用总体规划实施评价中的应用——以常德市鼎城区为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
生态足迹作为一种可持续发展状况的定量测度.反映了人类对各种自然资源的利用程度。文章以鼎城区1998年和2006年统计年鉴的数据为依据.计算分析了鼎城区规划实施期问1997年和2005年的生态足迹。结果表明1997年人均生态足迹赤字为2.032hm^2;2005年人均生态足迹赤字为2.644hm^2。土地利用处于不可持续状态。针对目前的情况提出了新一轮土地利用总体规划编制的建议。 相似文献
甘肃省阿克塞哈萨克族自治县夏季鸟类调查 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
1997-05-08在甘肃省西部阿克塞哈萨克族自治县境内进行了野外鸟类调查;调查的生境类型包括山区,沙漠,戈壁,草原,湖泊;采用路线观察和定点观察的方法统计鸟类种类和数量;共记录鸟类67种,分属10目,22科。 相似文献
陕北石油产区气候敏感,自然环境恶劣,是我国生态建设重点区。近年来化石能源的大力开采导致当地本来脆弱生态环境发生了显著的变化。为准确对石油产区近年来生态环境变化情况进行定量研究,文章选取陕北石油产出重地靖边县为例,运用生态足迹模型对其2001~2008年的生态足迹变化进行了计算分析。结果表明,8年内全县生态承载力下降了0.223hm2,生态足迹增加了15.775hm2,生态赤字增加了16.0hm2,生态压力指数增长近6.5倍。对6种生态生产性土地的生态赤字/盈余的计算表明,除了林地和水域有少量生态盈余之外,耕地、草地、化石能源地和建筑用地均存在不同程度的生态赤字。同时得出,石油开采是造成靖边县生态赤字的最主要影响因素,2008年石油开采生态赤字已占当年总生态赤字32.5%。大量的化石能源开发使得靖边县生态已处于严重不可持续发展状态。 相似文献
安徽省庐江县小城镇土地利用结构及其效益分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
随着我国城镇化步伐加快,土地利用问题逐渐成为区域经济发展不可忽视的制约因素,经济欠发达地区土地问题更为突出;以经济欠发达地区安徽省庐江县为例,运用多种数学方法对土地利用现状及其结构效益进行定量分析,找出目前存在问题,提出一些对策建议。 相似文献
旅游资源的捆绑开发--以湘西凤凰县为例 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
龙祖坤 《国土资源科技管理》2004,21(6):176-178,175
凤凰县旅游资源丰富多样,特色鲜明,且资源配合好并相对集中,具有很大的旅游发展潜力。但与周边地区的旅游资源存在一定的趋同性,因此如何立足资源的优势,进行资源的合理捆绑开发和利用,是凤凰县旅游业健康持续发展的关键。 相似文献
Lorena A. Bearzotti Enrique Salomone 《International Journal of Production Economics》2012,135(1):468-478
Organizations have made a significant effort to implement software for planning and scheduling, but disruptive event management is still a problem to be solved. Since a disruptive event can affect the overall performance of the supply chain, SCEM (Supply Chain Event Management) systems presenting different automation levels such as monitoring, alarm and decision support have been proposed. However, the management of disruptive events, taking into account the distributed nature of the supply chain, the members' autonomy and the ability to exert corrective control actions, has been identified as a problem that requires further research. This work presents an agent-based approach for the SCEM problem, which can perform autonomous corrective control actions to minimize the effect of deviations in the plan that is currently being executed. These control actions consist of a distribution of the variation between supply chain members, using the plan's slack in a collaborative way. An innovative feature of this approach is its focus on resources, which are affected by disruptive events in a direct way. Based on this approach, a SCEM system is designed as a net of control points defined on resources connected through supply process orders. Two novel aspects are the distributed collaborative inter-organizational architecture of the SCEM system and a Double Contract Net Protocol. This protocol allows a set of resource:representing agents to interact through an agent, representing a supply process order as a mediator. An application to a case study of the Multi-Agent SCEM system implemented with JADE is provided. 相似文献
Edward J. O'Boyle 《Review of social economy》2013,71(4):367-393
There are two reasons why personalist economics lies outside the mainstream. Personalist economics (1) rejects the premises of mainstream economics, and (2) takes exception to certain dominant values of today's culture whereas the mainstream is much more at ease with contemporary Western culture. This paper addresses both reasons and is organized accordingly. In it the author argues that the individualism and the autonomous individual of mainstream economics have their roots in the seventeenth-eighteenth century Enlightenment, that is well before the development of electronic means of communication. Personalism and the acting person of personalist economics emerged during the electronic stage of communication and, the author argues, are much better suited to the twenty-first century. The author calls for a reconstruction of economics which would replace the autonomous individual with the acting person. 相似文献