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通过比较洞庭湖区与藏南地区,发现两地自然环境有很大的相似性。如果能将洞庭湖垦区农民有组织、有计划地迁到藏南地区,不仅能保证藏南地区的安全与稳定,而且能真正贯彻“退耕还湖”战略,重现洞庭湖的秀美风光。  相似文献   
从"10+3"看东亚区域经济合作的方式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李恒 《经济经纬》2004,(6):31-35
东亚区域合作面临许多难题,贯穿“东盟方式”的“10 3”合作是东亚目前的主导形式,但这一合作的诸多缺憾使东亚区域合作很难沿这一方向深入下去。2002年初,小泉纯一郎在新加坡描述了一个称为“东亚共同体”的设想,实际是鼓吹以双边自由贸易协定网而非区域经济一体化的方式来实现东亚的区域合作。的确,双边自由贸易协定网的方式不但符合东盟强调自立的合作原则,也迎合了外部特别是美国在这一地区的利益,易为各方接受,却从根本上堵住了东亚通往更具机制化合作的道路。笔者认为东亚区域合作的必然选择是大国协调为基础的区域经济一体化,这虽然需要一个艰难的调整过程,但却是在全球化条件下保障东亚各国利益的惟一选择。  相似文献   
新型无机高分子混凝剂聚硅硫酸铝的混凝性能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作者对新型无机高分子混凝剂聚硅硫酸铝(PASS)制备的工艺条件进行了研究,制备出性能稳定,效果良好的产品。用该产品对不同水质进行混凝试验,结果表明PASS有良好的混凝效果和广泛的适用范围。  相似文献   
Water quality modelling facilitates our better understanding of the processes taking place in a lake system, and conservation plans to address them. The water quality analysis simulation programme (WASP) was used in this study to predict daily variations in water quality parameters, namely dissolved oxygen, nitrate, phosphate and chlorophyll‐a and biochemical oxygen demand concentrations in a tropical lake system. The lake was divided into eight segments with the respective morphological, environmental and flow details being model inputs. The monthly concentration of each water quality parameter also comprised model input. The model output was daily spatiotemporal variation in these parameters over a period of 476 days. This study also indicated that the occurrence of precipitation plays a major role in defining the water quality of a tropical lake. The heavy precipitation after a long gap, especially during the summer season, results in a large quantity of organic matter entering the lake through drains, thereby increasing the organic matter and phosphate in the water body, and subsequently resulting in high chlorophyll‐a concentrations in the lake. A reduced chlorophyll‐a concentration was observed during the heavy rains. The water quality fluctuations are more pronounced with precipitation, especially where polluted drains enter the lake. An improved water quality can be observed downstream, including increased dissolved oxygen and nitrate concentrations. Improved water quality was observed during the postmonsoon period, with increased salinity and dissolved oxygen concentrations, a finding that confirms generalized and specific conclusions can be achieved with the use of the WASP model.  相似文献   
Lake Malawi is the southernmost of the Great Rift Valley Lakes of Africa and boasts the world's greatest freshwater fish biodiversity. Along with its basin, the lake provides many benefits to the country of Malawi. Settlements, agriculture and fishing are some of the major uses of the lake basin, making community involvement a necessary component of its management. With the use of key informant interviews, questionnaire survey, document review and site observations, this study demonstrates the applicability of the Integrated Lake Basin Management framework in the Lake Malawi Basin in regard to stakeholder participation. The main objective was to assess the participation of stakeholders, especially local communities, in the management of the lake basin. The framework applied in this study is discussed. The study findings indicate strong to very strong stakeholder participation, with notably high levels of awareness and women's involvement. Enhancing the understanding of the complex nature of lake basin issues, especially those related to the linkages between the water body and the basin, is a topic requiring further attention.  相似文献   
基于总入流概念的鄱阳湖设计洪水计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于受到江河湖槽自然演变和人类活动的影响,鄱阳湖出湖控制站实测资料无法满足一致性和可靠性要求,再加上湖区水情复杂、观测资料匮乏,导致设计洪水计算面临较大困难。基于入库洪水理论,引入了总入流的计算方法,对于湖区各支流控制站和无控区间来水的流量过程,只考虑传播时间的叠加,避免了对各种自然、人为因素影响的定量计算,计算结果真实反映了洪水量级与时程分配过程,满足设计洪水计算规范要求。计算成果可为鄱阳湖区综合规划、水利枢纽设计提供依据。  相似文献   
洞庭湖区土地覆被对长江水位变化的响应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了研究长江水位的变化对洞庭湖区土地覆被的影响,基于洞庭湖区近26 a土地覆被遥感影像的解译成果,分别构建了东洞庭湖区和西+南洞庭湖区水域、泥滩、草洲、芦苇地、裸地和防护林面积与对应时段城陵矶水位之间的回归方程。分析结果显示:东洞庭湖区水域、泥滩、草洲面积和西+南洞庭湖区水域面积与城陵矶水位之间具有极显著的相关关系,而芦苇地、裸地和防护林等面积与城陵矶水位之间的关系并不显著;城陵矶水位变化对东洞庭湖区土地覆被的影响明显高于对西+南洞庭湖区土地覆被的影响。此外,依据所构建回归方程,预测长江上游大型梯级电站运行将导致洞庭湖区呈现泥滩和草洲挤占水域的态势。  相似文献   
"碟形湖"是指鄱阳湖湖盆区内枯水季节显露于洲滩之中的季节性子湖泊,具有特殊的地貌特征和水文特性、复杂多变的湿地景观和丰富的生物多样性等特征.在碟形湖及其周边,湿生与水生植物群落有序分布、季节性演替;静水水域有利于底栖动物和鱼类生长育肥;缓慢下降的水位、逐渐伸展的泥滩为越冬候鸟持续提供丰富的食物和歇息环境,全湖80%以上的水鸟在碟形湖区域越冬.高低不一、分布广泛的碟形湖群有效地缓解了干旱、洪水灾害对鄱阳湖湿地生态系统的冲击,对于维护全球生态系统的完整性和生物多样性具有重要作用.最后提出了加强碟形湖保护和管理的对策.  相似文献   
采用生物多样性指数方法,对2013年阳宗海湖泊的浮游生物群落结构进行研究。结果表明,阳宗海湖泊共检出浮游植物7门39属,蓝藻门的拟鱼腥藻和泽丝藻为优势种群;浮游动物鉴定出33种,轮虫为优势种;浮游植物和浮游动物的香浓多样性指数在1.10~2.83之间,均匀度指数在0.37~0.88之间,属于中度污染,阳宗海湖泊已处于中营养状态,并有向富营养化过渡的趋势。  相似文献   
An aerial distance sampling survey of double-crested cormorants (Phalacrocorax auritus) was conducted in the northern region of Lake Huron (North Channel; four largest lakes of Manitoulin Island; South Shore of Manitoulin Is. facing the main body of the lake) to assess the relative distribution, abundance and prey demand by cormorants on inland lake vs. coastal habitat. On a per area basis, the density (approx. 1-2 cormorants ? km− 2) and prey demand (approx. 1.2 kg ha− 1) of cormorants in the four inland lakes matched that of the North Channel. The South Shore had approximately half the density and prey demand as the other two areas. Cormorants on the inland lakes of Manitoulin Island represented 13% early in the season and a high of 33% of the total population for this region of Lake Huron later in the summer. Estimating regional distributions of cormorants within the Great Lakes basin is important because mapped nest colonies and nest counts are not representative of the actual distribution of foraging cormorants during and after the nesting season. There are two general conclusions to emerge from this survey. First, aquatic productivity from both Great Lakes coast and inland lakes contributes to trends in population and distribution of cormorants in the northern region of Lake Huron and perhaps elsewhere. Second, inland aquatic ecosystems are important throughout a season for foraging cormorants from the Great Lakes and may become more important as Great Lake productivity trends downward.  相似文献   
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