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In today's fast-paced competitive environment, firms face the need to be increasingly nimble and adaptive. While often able to establish a certain level of performance based upon existing technologies, firms are equally as often to be left flat-footed in the face of emerging, novel technologies. We discuss strategic entrepreneurship as the means through which firms simultaneously exploit their current competitive advantages while exploring for future opportunities. Achieving a balance between exploration and exploitation consists of more than merely allocating resources evenly between the two processes. As discussed, exploration and exploitation are operationally, structurally, and culturally distinct processes.  相似文献   
While ambidexterity has been identified as a critical prerequisite for new product success, synchronizing exploration and exploitation in practice represents a multifaceted enigma. Ambidexterity is not in reality limited to a single organizational level, or a specific functional area. Firms become ambidextrous when corporate-level exploratory and exploitative strategies interact with operational-level exploratory and exploitative capabilities across multiple functional areas. Data from a sample of technology-intensive industrial firms using a multi-informant design shows that operational-level exploratory and exploitative product innovation and marketing capabilities allow firms to implement corporate-level exploratory and exploitative strategies in the context of new product development (NPD). Further, the findings reveal that the integration of exploratory product innovation–exploratory marketing and exploitative product innovation–exploitative marketing is significant for the implementation of exploratory and exploitative strategies over deploying each capability in isolation. Finally, we show that the implementation of exploratory and exploitative strategies drives new product success through creating distinct positional advantages to customers in the form of both differentiation and cost efficiency. These positional advantages help to better explain the effects of exploratory and exploitative capabilities on new product market performance.  相似文献   
运用swoT分析法,对山东省鲁南地质工程勘察院近年实施可持续发展战略的一些探索与实践进行了分析。通过对近几年经营收入、经营利润、职工年均收入和产业结构的对比,指出国有地勘单位只有不断创新体制机制,合作共赢,增强核心竞争力,才能实现健康、创新及可持续发展。建议:制定科学发展战略,推进体制机制创新;积极融入地方经济社会发展,扩大地质服务领域。实施“走出去”战略,打造具有国际化视野的地勘队伍;肩负起社会责任,以品牌赢猕蟋,|  相似文献   
高校图书馆入性化管理初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前高校图书馆普遍倡导人性化的管理模式,这是图书馆管理发展的必然趋势。高校图书馆实行人性化管理,“服务育人”是目的,“服务”是宗旨,“制度建设”是保证,“员工素质”是基础。  相似文献   
通过对资源勘探工程专业(石油方向)实践教学环节的现状分析.提出了构建资源勘察工程专业实践教学体系,制定详实实践教学大纲与内容。把实践教学规范化、制度化;建设完善资源勘查工程教学实验标本库、完善教学实验项目.充分利用“油气藏地质及开发工程国家重点实验室”与能源学院石油地质及工程专业实验室仪器资源构建综合实践教学体系。以校外专家与校内师资(专业教师与实验老师)以及研究生辅助教学相结合的形式。加强实验教学师资力量。对学生采用基本教育与重点教育相结合的方式.在完成大纲规定的实践教学基本内容基础上,为“学术型”与“领导型”潜质的学生提供实践训练平台。  相似文献   
大同机场场址预选在大同县倍加皂镇以北 ,根据以往的地质信息资料 ,沿拟建机场的飞机主跑道线 ,横穿了七条第四系松散层断裂 ,这些断裂埋深 5~ 70m ,且与区域活动断裂走向一致。飞机主跑道是否会受到断裂引发的地裂缝破坏 ,是危险性评估的重点。为此 ,本次对飞机主跑道线进行深层地震勘探 ,勘探深度 1 0 0 0m ,完全穿透松散层的底界 ,并进入基岩 1 4 0~ 40 0m ,很好的控制了隐伏基底基岩面起伏的原始形态 ,准确判定了基底隐伏构造断裂的发育特征 ,为评价新构造活动对机场工程建设的危害提供了可靠的依据  相似文献   
In this study we examine how different approaches to exploratory search are used to generate an innovation influence appropriation of its technical value. Technical value is the benefit a firm derives from utilizing the underlying knowledge embedded in an innovation to stimulate and generate further innovations. Based on a sample of 772 patents from the ink jet printing field, we find that exploratory search that spans technical domains enhances appropriation of innovations’ technical value; conversely, exploratory search spanning industry domains diminishes appropriation of innovations’ technical value. These effects are further influenced by the age of the knowledge explored. In addition, we find that appropriation of innovations’ technical value enhances the market share of the innovators. We discuss the implications of these findings for both future research and for improving business practice.  相似文献   
Managing uncertainty effectively is perhaps one of the most significant challenges a firm's decision makers face today. Strategic entrepreneurship—defined as exploration for future sources of competitive advantage, combined with exploitation of current sources of competitive advantage—has been proposed as a means via which decision makers can manage uncertainty. In this article, we discuss the transition between exploration and exploitation activities within organizations as a vital part of strategic entrepreneurship; this transition process can involve various types of internal firm challenges. Additionally, we highlight various sources for these internal challenges and mechanisms through which firms can overcome them.  相似文献   
海外油气富集地区大部分社会文化背景错综复杂,矛盾冲突持续不断,石油公司进入海外区块的难度日益增大.同时资源国多变的政策法规、日趋苛刻的合同条款以及区块内难以确定的地质条件和作业环境等,也使得石油公司从事油气勘探开发活动的风险越来越高.本文从风险源的角度对海外油气勘探开发过程中的风险进行分类,从三个层面阐述了风险因素的识别方法;建立以经济收益为核心的风险因素关联关系分析模型,提出了基于预计最低收益的风险指数并给出了其计算方法;收集整理了中亚地区实际数据资料,通过模型计算,给出了各区块的风险-效益分析;结果表明,哈萨克斯坦大部分油气区块位于低风险区域,土库曼斯坦的油气项目多数属于高风险高收益,投资者在乌兹别克斯坦投资石油项目往往面临高风险低收益.  相似文献   
We consider how internal research and development (R&D) influences the use of corporate venture capital (CVC) and how this relationship varies across industries. We find that, in general, R&D investments increase the number of CVC deals in an industry. We also find that R&D investment has a particularly strong influence on the use of CVC in industries that are growing rapidly and changing technologically. Our analysis provides greater clarity on the relationships involving R&D and CVC in the presence of contingencies by integrating insights of absorptive capacity and real options reasoning.  相似文献   
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