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Transboundary air pollution is analysed as a dynamic game between Finland and the nearby areas of the Soviet Union. Sulphur emissions are used as the environmental control variables and the acidities of the soils as the state variables. Acidification is consequently considered to be a stock pollutant having long-lasting harmful effects on the environment. The state dynamics consist of two relationships: first, of a sulphur transportation model between the regions and, second, of a model describing how the quality of the soil is affected by sulphur deposition. The countries are assumed to be interested in maximizing the net benefits from pollution control as measured by the impacts on the values of forest growth net of the abatement costs. Cooperative and noncooperative solutions of the game are compared to assess the benefits of bilateral cooperation. Using empirical estimates of abatement costs, acidification dynamics and impacts on forest growth it is shown that cooperation is beneficial to Finland but not to the Soviet Union. Consequently, Finland has to offer monetary compensation to induce her neighbor to invest in environmental protection.  相似文献   
To support national environmental policy, it is desirable to forecast and analyse environmental indicators consistently with economic variables. However, environmental indicators are physical measures linked to physical activities that are not specified in economic models. One way to deal with this is to develop environmental satellite models linked to economic models. The system of models presented gives a frame of reference where emissions of greenhouse gases, acid gases, and leaching of nutrients to the aquatic environment are analysed in line with – and consistently with – macroeconomic variables. This paper gives an overview of the data and the satellite models. Finally, the results of applying the model system to calculate the impacts on emissions and the economy are reviewed in a few illustrative examples. The models have been developed for Denmark; however, most of the environmental data used are from the CORINAIR system implemented in numerous countries.  相似文献   
不同工艺对石油采出废水处理的对比试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用三种不同的工艺 (隔油 -破乳絮凝 -砂滤、隔油 -水解酸化 -SBR和隔油 -破乳絮凝 -SBR)对某油田采油废水进行了对比性试验研究。试验结果表明 :某油田采油废水经隔油 -破乳絮凝 -SBR处理后 ,COD及BOD去除率分别达到了 95 %和 90 %以上 ,出水指标达到了国家含油废水排放标准和回注水标准 ;经过隔油 -破乳絮凝 -砂滤处理后 ,COD和油去除率分别达到 85 %和95 %以上 ,COD没有达到排放标准 ,油达到了排放标准 ;经隔油 -水解酸化 -SBR工艺处理后 ,COD及BOD去除率分别达到 85 %左右和 90 %以上 ,BOD达到了排放水标准 ,但COD没有达到排放标准 ,仍需后续处理  相似文献   
处理汽水类饮料废水的水解酸化+SBR工艺   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了水解酸化+SBR处理汽水类饮料废水的工艺设计和运行效果。指出该工艺具有处理效果好、低能耗、易管理等特点,在进水ρ(CODCr)为2 000~4 000mg/L,ρ(BOD5)为1 000~2 000mg/L的条件下,经过该工艺处理,平均出水ρ(CODCr)保持在130 mg/L以下,ρ(BOD5)保持在25 mg/L以下,出水水质达到GB 8978—1996《污水综合排放标准》的Ⅱ级标准。  相似文献   
In this paper we consider two important aspectsin the complex problem of transboundary airpollution in Europe, namely (i) theinterdependence of the problems of troposphericozone and acidification and (ii) the dynamicprocesses related to soil acidification. Wedevelop an optimal control model to analyse theinteraction between acidification as a stockpollutant and tropospheric ozone as a flowpollutant for several countries. Using acost-benefit framework an analysis is performedto determine efficient emission paths fornitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide and volatileorganic compounds. The model jointly analysesacidification and ozone. The current Europeanreduction plans do not fully take into accountthe multi-pollutants multi-targets nature ofthe problem. In addition, the plans allow fortemporary exceedance of critical loads withoutconsidering the consequences for the temporaldevelopment of the soil quality. This papershows the complex relations and interactionswhich one should deal with while designingpolicies that are efficient with respect to thecross-effects between the differentenvironmental problems. It also shows howdynamic efficient abatement strategies wouldlook if the cross effects and the dynamicprocesses in soil acidification are explicitlyincorporated in the analysis.  相似文献   
模拟酸雨对不同施肥条件下土壤酸化的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用模拟酸雨淋洗试验,研究了不同施肥条件下酸雨对土壤酸化的影响。结果表明,虽然土壤对酸性降水的致酸作用具有一定的缓冲性能.但酸性降水仍能在短期内导致土壤潜在酸增加;施用化肥的处理不管是在酸性降水还是在非酸性降水淋洗土壤的条件下,土壤pH值均会降低,即使是与有机肥混施,土壤pH值也同样下降。  相似文献   
水解酸化在抗生素废水处理中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在抗生素废水处理中,水解酸化工艺替代厌氧消化工艺可改善水质,提高后续好氧生化处理效率,增强处理能力,同时可避免厌氧消化产生含硫沼气带来的二次污染。另外,水解酸化对温度适应性很强,具备很大的节能空间。  相似文献   
针对山梨酸生产废水中主要污染物的理化性质和山梨酸对微生物具有抑制作用的特点,首先进行石灰中和-沉淀处理,使部分污染物转为沉淀物得以去除,并将废水的pH值提高到7~8,减弱生化处理阶段山梨酸对微生物的抑制作用。在生化阶段,采用水解酸化-好氧工艺,利用厌气菌和乳酸菌分解废水中残留的山梨酸,同时兼性细菌(水解菌和产酸菌)可将废水中的大分子有机物分解为易生化的小分子有机物,BOD5与COD之比值从0.19提高到0.30,改善了废水的可生化性,为后续好氧处理创造条件,提高生化处理的整体效果。实际工程运行效果表明:中和-水解酸化-好氧-混凝气浮-吸附工艺可将废水的ρ(COD)从15 000 mg/L降至100 mg/L以下,主要污染指标均达到国家排放标准。  相似文献   
印染废水难以生物降解,传统的好氧生物处理方法效果不理想."水解酸化"在提高废水的可生化性、色度去除率以及后续好氧处理效果等方面具有独特的优越性.采用水解酸化-接触氧化-混凝工艺处理印染废水,有机物和色度能得到有效去除,处理后出水水质好,能达到《纺织染整工业水污染物排放标准》(Gb4287-92)中一级标准要求.  相似文献   
Lake ecosystems throughout the world are threatened by numerous chemicals. Most people have heard about the major chemical threats to aquatic systems, such as mercury, radionuclides, sulphur and acid rain, and nutrients causing eutrophication effects. How are these threats manifested in ecosystems? What is threatened and why? What can be done for remediation? The complexity of ecosystems has often led to the predictive failure of ecosystems models, and a decade ago these models were rightly regarded with suspicion. At that time, many lake models predicted target variables, such as mean concentrations of toxins in water, sediments and fish, within a factor of 10. There has been very rapid development in predictive modelling for water pollutants during recent years. Today, lake models for water pollutants predict as well as can be measured (i.e. within a factor of 0.25–0.5). One major reason for this rapid development is the Chernobyl accident. Large quantities of radiocaesium were released in a pulse during April–May 1986. In order to follow the radiocaesium along ecosystem pathways, the identification of fundamental transport processes and the structuring of models has been developed. To obtain a high predictive power in ecosystem models, it is crucial to include only the key processes (the optimal size problem). Effect‐load‐ sensitivity (ELS) models play a paramount role in the environmental sciences and lake management. The aim of ELS models is to provide quantitative predictions relating operationally defined ecological effect variables to load and environmental sensitivity variables. Validated ELS models provide a tool to simulate practically feasible remedial measures, and important concepts like critical load, natural load and guideline limits/values can be defined from ELS models. The first objective of this paper is to discuss some basic structures, principles and components of ELS models. Empirical (static) and dynamical (time‐dependent) ELS models exist for mercury, radiocaesium and phosphorus in lakes. These models have high predictive powers for a wide range of validation lakes. The second objective of this paper is to demonstrate what can actually be done in water management in terms of remediation of the effects asociated with acidification (lake liming), eutrophication and contamination by mercury and radiocaesium.  相似文献   
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