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姚斯洋  林妙丽  陈诚  何梦男  崔桢  陈求稳 《水资源保护》2023,39(1):200-207, 242
采用水动力水质模型模拟了鄱阳湖在极端退水年(2016年)和一般退水年(2017年)两种退水工况下拟建鄱阳湖水利枢纽建设前后的水动力水质过程,并构建湖区水环境容量模型评估了鄱阳湖拟建水利枢纽对湖区水质和水环境容量的影响。模拟结果表明:枢纽建设运行能显著增加鄱阳湖的水体体积,每月最大可增加77%;在退水初期主要降低湖泊中部的TP质量浓度,在极端退水年的退水后期会导致闸上TP质量浓度升高,在一般退水年则会导致闸上TP质量浓度降低,但对CODMn和NH3-N质量浓度空间分布无明显影响;在极端退水年,枢纽建设运行会导致CODMn、NH3-N和TP质量浓度增大,而在一般退水年则会导致TP的质量浓度降低;枢纽建设运行能显著提升CODMn和NH3-N的水环境容量,在一般退水年会增大TP的水环境容量,但在极端退水年TP的水环境容量可能降低。  相似文献   
针对内陆湖泊水质及光谱特性空间差异性大、支流水系结构复杂而导致的遥感影像水体提取精度低的问题,提出了结合光谱主成分分析(PCA)及支持向量机(SVM)的PCA-SVM水体提取算法。基于GF-1卫星遥感影像,对原始影像光谱波段特征进行PCA降维,从中优选熵、方差、差异性纹理特征向量,结合原始波段及归一化差分水体指数(NDWI),构建了8维特征向量,并基于SVM算法提取湖泊水体。以巢湖洪水期与非洪水期影像为研究实例,分别采用NDWI法、传统SVM算法及PCA-SVM算法对水体进行提取,并进一步基于PCA-SVM算法对2020年汛期巢湖洪水期淹没演变过程进行反演和跟踪,定量解析特征向量组合及SVM惩罚系数C对水体提取性能的影响。结果表明:PCA-SVM算法提取的湖泊完整、支流连续,显著改善了含蓝藻水体漏提、建筑物误提等问题;洪水期和非洪水期提取结果的F1分数分别为95.08%和97.95%,虚警率分别为5.43%和1.13%,提取精度显著高于NDWI法和SVM算法。  相似文献   
湖泊型水生态功能分区是以流域数字高程模型(DEM)为底图,通过水文分析划分出目标流域的自然水文单元和水系,借助流域综合调查资料确定水生态功能分区,也是地学分区面向生态环境领域的发展和应用。基于GIS技术,将研究区7大主要河流水系图、DEM、生态系统服务价值总量图、归一化植被指数(NDVI)图、土地利用类型图等进行统一处理为栅格单元相同的栅格图,使用GS+软件计算各指标要素的空间自相关距离,从而得到各因子之间的空间自相关距离,确定青海湖流域水生态功能一二级分区主导指标和影响指标,运用ArcGIS 10.0软件中的空间叠加法对选定的指标栅格图进行模糊叠加,修正分区边界,确定青海湖流域水生态功能一级分区为8个。以青海湖流域水生态功能一级分区图为底图,在一级分区的基础上确定青海湖流域水生态功能二级分区为27个。青海湖流域水生态功能一、二级分区有助于丰富青海湖流域分异规律研究,为青海湖国家公园的建设提供理论与方法指导。  相似文献   
本文基于鄱阳湖洪水特点,选取特定洪水特征指标,利用数理统计方法分析鄱阳湖洪水特征指标的趋势性、突变性和周期性,并分析演变特征和驱动因素,得到结论如下:1)未来高洪可能性仍然较大,未来6~10a鄱阳湖年最高水位仍处于丰水期;2)洪水在年内分配发生较大改变,变化过程从“矮胖型”向相对“尖瘦型”演变,水量在年内更加集中化;3)高洪持续天数显著增加,19.00m以上的高水位维持时间平均每10a延长2.2d;4)年最高水位及年平均水位周期性变化主要受“五河”入湖周期性变化所控制,同时会受到其他因素影响而改变原有周期性变化规律,年最高水位具有5a为第一主周期,40~49a为第二主周期的变化规律。  相似文献   
A complete annual cycle of the dynamics of fine-grained sediment supplied by the Omo and smaller rivers is simulated for Lake Turkana, one of the world’s large lakes, with the hydrodynamic, wave and sediment transport model Delft3D. The model is forced with river liquid and solid discharge and wind data in order to simulate cohesive sediment transport and resuspension. It simulates stratification due to salinity, wave generation and dissipation, and sediment advection and resuspension by waves and currents, with multiple cohesive sediment fractions. A comparison of the simulation results with remotely-sensed imagery and with available in-situ sediment deposition rates validates the model. By devising simulation scenarios in which certain processes were switched on or off, we investigated the contribution of waves, wind-induced surface and bottom currents, salinity-induced stratification and river jet, in resuspending and transporting fine sediments in the lake basin. With only the wind or river influence, most of the sediment deposition occurs in the first 10 km off the Omo River mouth and at a depth < 10 m. When waves are switched on, increased bed shear stresses resuspend most of the fine sediments, that are then deposited further and deeper in the first 30 km, in water depths > 30 m. This study sheds new light on sediment transport in Lake Turkana and in great lakes in general, favouring the view that wind-waves can be the main agent that transports sediment away from river mouths and to deeper areas, as opposed to river-plume or gravity-driven transport.  相似文献   
Lake Superior has four extant lake charr ecotypes including the ubiquitous lean (shallow-water form), the deep-water siscowet, and the less common, mid-depth redfin and humper forms. Stannard Rock is a distant seamount in Michigan waters that is a coveted recreational lean lake charr fishing destination. Lake charr at Stannard Rock were surveyed during 2011–2015 using gill nets set in waters <80 and ≥80 m to assess population status. All four ecotypes were found at Stannard Rock with leans being most abundant at depths <80 m and humpers and siscowets most abundant in waters ≥80 m. Few redfins were found. Total annual mortality was estimated to be 24% for leans, 18% for humpers, and 15% for siscowets. Population age and size structure of lake charr were broad with many fish older than 20 years and >700 mm. Asymptotic length was 891 mm for leans, 459 mm for humpers, and 938 mm for siscowets. Female length at 50% maturity was 547 mm for leans, 382 mm for humpers, and 453 mm for siscowets. Recreational fishery total harvest of leans peaked at 5,000 fish per year during 2011–2015. Overall, lake charr populations at Stannard Rock were healthy. Caution must be exercised because harvest levels were modest at Stannard Rock, which has a small area relative to nearshore lake charr habitat. These findings support the concept put forth by progressive recreational fishers that have advocated assigning Stannard Rock as a heritage fishery area with restrictive regulations to maintain its sustainability.  相似文献   
Knowledge of population-level relationships and how these relationships pertain to different life history forms is critical to developing effective management plans for native trout, char, and salmon. In the Lake Superior basin, identifying effective restoration strategies for coaster brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), a lake-inhabiting form of brook trout, is hampered by limited information on genetic connectivity and source-sink dynamics among brook trout populations. Here, we infer these relationships by surveying 8,178 single nucleotide polymorphisms in 234 brook trout from seven rivers along the Minnesota shoreline with Lake Superior, including from reaches above and below natural waterfalls that prevent upstream movement. We identified well-differentiated above-barrier populations that supply brook trout to below-barrier reaches. We also compared within-river brook trout to 26 coaster brook trout from Lake Superior. We identified at least four source populations for these coaster brook trout, three of which were located within rivers. Additionally, we estimated NE for within-river populations and detected a decline across recent generations, with the most recent estimates approaching critical thresholds. Finally, comparisons with 94 domestic brook trout representing nine hatchery strains revealed a lack of domestic introgression into wild populations, demonstrating the importance of natural reproduction to population persistence. Our results offer novel insights into sources of coaster brook trout and highlight the role of within-river populations in supporting the coaster life history. Management efforts focused on instream restoration may be more important to rehabilitating coaster brook trout than previously thought and are urgently needed given the population-level conservation status reported here.  相似文献   
国家自主创新示范区作为高新技术产业集群,其创新能力还受到产业集群发展程度影响。因此,以武汉东湖自主创新示范区为例,将产业集群程度纳入其创新能力的评价指标,在运用因子分析法测度东湖示范区创新能力和武汉市的经济发展水平的基础上,通过回归分析验证两者之间关联关系。结果发现,产业集群对示范区的创新能力有明显的促进作用,且创新能力与武汉市经济增长之间存在着显著正相关关系。  相似文献   
李晓丹  吴杨伟 《改革与战略》2009,25(11):122-125
增长极理论的提出由来已久,将增长极理论应用于区域旅游发展研究具有重要价值。界定环鄱阳湖旅游圈旅游业增长极的内涵,对构建环鄱阳湖旅游圈旅游业增长极的必要性与可行性进行实证分析,结合该区域具有的资源禀赋优势、区位优势、市场竞争力优势、政策经济环境优势和后发优势,提出应通过政府的经济计划和重点投资的方式来建立环鄱阳湖旅游圈增长极,应实施以政府为主导的、以旅游企业为主体的、以行业协会引导的复合协作发展模式。  相似文献   
践行绿色发展理念持续推进太湖水环境治理工程建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结分析了2007年太湖蓝藻爆发发生水危机后,实施调水引流、蓝藻打捞、湖泛监控、河湖清淤等水利项目所取得的明显成效和经验;针对目前太湖水环境治理中面临的新问题和贯彻新时期治水方针的要求,提出了用绿色发展理念引领新一轮治太水利工程建设,从加强河湖连通、河湖疏浚整治和城市"活水"工程建设的实践,阐述了这一方法论的科学性、有效性;系统思考了完善太湖流域水环境治理体系的建议。  相似文献   
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