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水利工程排涝减灾效益分析与计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在分析涝灾成因特点基础上对涝灾进行了重新定义,在研究涝灾损失及 排涝效益时引入了临界降雨量的概念,从而奠定了水利工程排涝减灾效益分析与计算的理论基础,并给了效益计算的一般计算模型。  相似文献   
Construction of the La Grande Complex in Eastern Canada called for complete or partial diversion of six rivers, the mean annual discharge of which varied from 60 to 1600 m3 s?1, and the transfer of water from two adjoining watersheds (1586m3 s?1) into La Grande Rivière. Three of these rivers with reduced flow, Eastmain (from 700 to 95m3 s?1), Opinaca (from 260 to 35m3 s?1), and Caniapiscau (from 1708 to 960m3 s?1) and the waterways with increased flows, Boyd-Sakami (from 1 to 811m3 s?1) and La Grande Rivière (from 1760 to 3400m3 s?1) were intensively monitored from 1978 to 1988, while the others were surveyed sporadically. Very few modifications were observed, compared to previous conditions, in banks stability, water quality, and aquatic fauna of the affected rivers: those which appeared can be explained by the water level fluctuations, the water quality of the tributaries of the residual drainage basin, and/or by the direct influence of the reservoirs. In James Bay, the areal extent of the Eastmain River and La Grand Rivière plumes varied with discharge in an exponential relation, mostly under ice cover; resources from the coastal environment had not yet undergone any major changes. Because of the very small population dwelling in the area, less than 3000 inhabitants, modifications in the hydrological regime of these rivers did cause relatively few impacts, the main being greater banks instability in specific locations, reduction of the thickness and ice cover on La Grande Rivière, enhancement of navigation constraints on Eastmain River, and higher mercury levels in fish related to operation of the reservoirs.  相似文献   
水文化研究的现代视野   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
周小华 《中国水利》2007,(16):12-16
水文化与人类文明同步。与水文化作为母体文化的传统优势相比,现代水文化研究的冲击力显得极其不足。应该在现代文化的视野下寻找水文化研究更为宽阔的出路。现代水利科技是水文化的主体,水资源短缺的危机为现代水文化提出了挑战;水与经济互动发展拓展了现代水文化的空间;农村饮水安全问题使水文化与人文素质相互渗透;农村水库生活与和谐社会建设为水文化提供了新的诠释。  相似文献   
贺建红 《中国水利》2007,(10):111-112
针对供水企业对供水管网阀门的使用要求,从供水的安全性、技术的先进性、水流的密封性、检验的真实性、质量的可靠性、操作的灵活性、价格的合理性、售后服务的保证性、订供货的一致性以及建立比较完善的检验与复验制度等方面。提出了对供水管网阀门的选择意见。  相似文献   
北京城市供水安全及对策研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
“十一五”期间是首都经济社会快速发展的关键时期,也是应对水资源紧缺、保障供水安全的关键时期。确保首都供水安全是北京水务工作的第一要务,北京市水务局针对城市供水存在的主要矛盾和问题,对城市供水水源、水质水量、水厂、管网、设施等情况进行了全面调查,确定了工作思路,并据此提出了保障城市供水安全的目标和措施。  相似文献   
景电高扬程灌区水价改革实践及思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周瑾成 《中国水利》2007,(22):54-55
水价是水商品价值的体现。由于多方面的原因,水价改革的进程与水商品生产经营的市场化供求关系还不相适应,致使现行水价不能体现水资源的市场需求价值。回顾总结景电灌区水价调整改革的实践,可以为西北高扬程灌区水价改革提供借鉴。  相似文献   
农村饮水工程根据不同的原水水质条件,宜采用不同的水质净化技术。对地表水浑浊度长年低于20NTU、瞬间不超过60NTU原水,可采用微絮凝直接过滤加消毒或慢滤加消毒净化工艺;浑浊度长年低于500NTU、瞬间不超过1000NTU的原水,采用混凝沉淀(澄清)过滤、消毒的常规净水工艺。对于特殊水质如氟超标的地下水、砷超标的地下水、苦咸水及其他污染水,根据不同情况,可分别采用活性氧化铝吸附法、混凝沉淀法、多介质过滤法、铁盐混凝沉淀法、电渗析法、反渗透法等不同方式予以处理。  相似文献   
李先维 《人民珠江》1996,(6):31-36,41
华隆公司拟在万顷沙西十二涌与十三涌之间兴十三涌3000T级油轮港口码头。本文分析了该河段水文泥沙的特性、河道演变趋势及河段稳定性,通过物理模型试验研究及对航道、港池的回淤计算分析,预测工程建成后引起局部水流流态的变化,对水道泄洪、潮排、潮灌的影响,以及港池、航道建成后的泥沙淤积情况。  相似文献   
Nutrient export from agricultural land to surface waters is a significant environmental concern within the Great Lakes Basin (GLB). A field-based watershed-scale study was completed to investigate spatial and temporal variations of phosphorus and nitrate to assess nutrient transport pathways and groundwater-surface water interactions in an agriculturally dominated clay plain system. This was conducted in the 127 km2 Upper Parkhill Watershed, near Lake Huron in southwestern Ontario, Canada. Data collection occurred from June 2018 to May 2019 via continuous sensor deployment and discrete sampling of stream water, groundwater, hyporheic zone, and tile drainage water. Samples were analyzed for various nutrient species (total, total dissolved, soluble reactive, and particulate phosphorus, and nitrate-N) to examine the hydrological dynamics of principal transport pathways of agriculturally-derived nutrients. Total phosphorus and nitrate concentrations in stream water ranged from 0.007 to 0.324 mg/L and 0.32 to 13.13 mg NO3?-N/L, respectively. Tile drainage water total phosphorous concentrations varied from 0.006 to 0.066 mg/L. Groundwater total dissolved phosphorus concentrations ranged from <0.003 to 0.085 mg/L. Transport of phosphorus through tile drainage was observed to be greater than through groundwater over the study period. No distinct relationship was observed between nutrient concentrations in the hyporheic zone and the vertical hydraulic gradient within this zone in the studied stream reach. Preliminary correlations were discerned between water quality observations and recognized land management practices. Given the elevated stream nutrient concentrations, these results are consequential for the continual improvement of strategies and programs devised to conserve water resources within the GLB.  相似文献   
提升水资源利用效率,减轻水资源短缺对经济社会发展产生的约束,是实现水资源与经济社会和谐发展的有力支撑。尝试将DEA视窗分析方法应用于水资源利用效率研究,结合超效率DEA模型,探究黄河流域九省区在全面小康社会建设进程中水资源利用效率时空演变特征,在此基础上,通过Malmquist指数分解效率变动的内在原因,并引用空间匹配度计算方法,研究水资源利用效率与全面小康相对水平匹配程度。研究发现:九省区2012—2018年水资源利用效率总体呈增加趋势,水资源利用水平具有显著空间差异性;九省区水资源利用效率的提升主要得益于技术进步TC,制约水资源利用效率提升的主要因素是综合技术效率EC;水资源利用效率与全面小康相对水平的匹配程度呈现出较强的地区差异,部分省区两者动态协同性较差,其中,宁夏需要同时提升水资源利用水平和经济社会发展水平,陕西需要提升水资源利用水平,内蒙古需要提升经济社会发展水平。  相似文献   
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