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蓝藻是引起水华暴发的主要藻类之一,氮磷比N∶P是影响水体中固氮蓝藻形成的重要参数。然而在水体不同富营养化程度下,N∶P对固氮和非固氮蓝藻的种间关系影响仍不清晰。通过构建氮磷摩尔比为2、16和64的培养体系,比较固氮蓝藻的水华鱼腥藻(Anabaena flos-aquae)和非固氮蓝藻惠氏微囊藻(Microcystis wesenbergii)在单培养和混合培养条件下的增长速率、最大环境容纳量和竞争系数,研究不同N∶P环境中固氮和非固氮蓝藻功能群的种间关系。结果表明:在三种N∶P条件下,纯培养和混合培养的微囊藻的生长速率和最大环境容纳量均高于鱼腥藻。纯培养中微囊藻在N∶P=16条件下细胞密度可达最大,为818×10~4cells/m L,而纯培养中鱼腥藻在N∶P=2条件下细胞密度最大,为113×10~4cells/m L。在不同N∶P条件下微囊藻在混合培养体系中的最大密度均高于纯培养体系,而鱼腥藻的生长趋势正好相反。这说明固氮和非固氮蓝藻在不同N∶P条件下均呈现偏利于非固氮蓝藻的种间关系。水华鱼腥藻的竞争能力较弱,但在其与微囊藻的混合培养体系中为微囊藻提供新氮,从而促进非固氮蓝藻微囊藻增殖。  相似文献   
The cyanobacteria Microcystis aeruginosa forms extensive summer blooms in the King Talal Reservoir, the largest water body in Jordan. The occurrence of the blooms is a function of the water temperature, light intensity and nutrient concentration, with the nitrogen and phosphorus levels being critical factors. This initial study indicated that the time of the seasonal maximum and intensity of Microcystis blooms in the King Talal Reservoir vary significantly from month to month, with a peak reached in summer. The low nutrient concentrations were observed prior to the summer season. There was a rapid, extensive proliferation of M. aeruginosa during the summer of the same year, especially from 1–30 June to 30 November. The LD50 of microcystin in Balb/c was found to be 50 µL kg?1. Additional studies will provide further information on various aspects of the identification and toxicity of the selected cyanobacterial species.  相似文献   
Colonization of the Laurentian Great Lakes by the invasive mussel Dreissena polymorpha was a significant ecological disturbance. The invasion reached Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron, in 1991 and initially cleared the waters and lowered algal biomass. However, an unexpected result occurred 3 years after the initial invasion with the return of nuisance summer blooms of cyanobacteria, a problem that had been successfully addressed with the implementation of phosphorus controls in the late 1970s. A multi-class phytoplankton model was developed and tested against field observations and then used to explore the causes of these temporal changes. Model scenarios suggest that changes in the phytoplankton community can be linked to three zebra mussel-mediated effects: (1) removal of particles resulting in clearer water, (2) increased recycle of available phosphorus throughout the summer, and (3) selective rejection of certain Microcystis strains. Light inhibition of certain phytoplankton assemblages and the subsequent alteration of competitive dynamics is a novel result of this model. These results enhance our understanding of the significant role of zebra mussels in altering lower trophic level dynamics of Saginaw Bay and suggest that their physical re-engineering of the aquatic environment was the major force driving changes in the phytoplankton community composition.  相似文献   
Long-term variations of phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (Chl-a), nutrients,and suspended solids (SS) in Taihu Lake, a large shallow freshwater lake in China, during algal bloom seasons from May to August were analyzed using the monthly investigated data from 1999 to 2007. The effective accumulated water temperature (EAWT) in months from March to June was calculated with daily monitoring data from the Taihu Laboratory for Lake Ecosystem Research (TLLER).The concentrations of Chl-a and nutrients significantly decreased from Meiliang Bay to Central Lake. Annual averages of the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), and Chl-a concentrations, and EAWT generally increased in the nine years. In Meiliang Bay, the concentration of Chl-a was significantly correlated with EAWT, ammonia nitrogen (NH4+-N ), TN, the soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP),TP, and SS. In Central Lake, however, the concentration of Chl-a was only correlated with EAWT, TP, and SS. Multiple stepwise linear regression revealed that EAWT, dissolved total phosphorus (DTP), and TP explained 99.2% of the variation of Chl-a in Meiliang Bay, and that EAWT, NH4+-N, and TP explained 98.7% of the variation of Chl-a in Central Lake. Thus EAWT is an important factor influencing the annual change of phytoplankton biomass. Extreme climate change, such as extremely hot springs or cold springs, could cause very different bloom intensities in different years. It is also suggested that both nutrients and EAWT played important roles in the growth of phytoplankton in Taihu Lake. The climate factors and nutrients dually controlled the risk of harmful algal blooms in Taihu Lake. Cutting down phosphorus and nitrogen loadings from catchments should be a fundamental strategy to reduce the risk of blooms in Taihu Lake.  相似文献   
Restraining algal growth by algaecide has been studied by many researchers, but the dosing time has not yet been studied. In this study, we examined the appropriate dosing time of algaecide through a series of experiments. In the experiments, the pH value of water is significantly affected by Microcystis aeruginosa, and the variation of the pH value is in favor of the growth of the alga. Therefore, using acid algaecide in the period with maximum pH values, i.e., the stable phase, would change the acidity-alkalinity of the water significantly, and would negatively affect algal growth. Acid algaecide does not eliminate the alga effectively if the acid algaecide is dosed in the logarithmic growth phase. Using acid algaecide in the decline phase after algal bloom not only is unfavorable for eliminating the alga, but also prolongs the decline phase, and even brings about next larger algal bloom.  相似文献   
于桥水库铜绿微囊藻上浮运动规律及其控制   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
对天津于桥水库中铜绿微囊藻竖向分布及其上浮速度进行了测定,在大约3倍透明度水深处藻类数量最多,向上或向下,藻类数量均减小.在无光条件下,上浮速度≤1 cm/min的铜绿微囊藻占77%,上浮速度1~1.5 cm/min的藻类占10%,上浮速度1.5~2 cm/min的藻类占6%,还有7%的铜绿微囊藻上浮速度大于2 cm/min.当向下的流速达到1.65 cm/min时,基本能阻止铜绿微囊藻的上浮.竖向水力混合能将表层藻类输送到下层,从而抑制藻类的生长.  相似文献   
利用室内模拟实验,以壳聚糖(Chitosan)和聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)为絮凝剂,采用絮凝法去除铜绿微囊藻。系统研究了壳聚糖和聚丙烯酰胺投加量、p H值以及沉淀时间等因素对絮凝效果的影响。并利用响应面法对铜绿微囊藻絮凝进行优化。根据统计模型发现投加量、p H值、沉淀时间均对铜绿微囊藻的絮凝效果有显著影响。通过响应面法优化得到铜绿微囊藻絮凝的条件在温度为27℃下,壳聚糖的投加量为3.59 g/L,聚丙烯酰胺的最佳投加量为0.26 g/L,沉淀时间为13 min,p H为8.02。在上述的最优条件下,铜绿微囊藻的去除率为98.03%,与模型预测值98.01%相近,表明采用响应面法对铜绿微囊藻絮凝沉淀条件进行优化是合理可行的。  相似文献   
Cyanobacteria often dominate eutrophic lakes, outcompeting green algae that are required by fish and zooplankton. This study was undertaken to ascertain the impact of the cyanobacterium, Microcystis, on algal biodiversity. Under laboratory conditions, we found that the presence of Microcystis decreased phyla richness by 58%, phyla evenness by 47%, genera richness by 66% and genera evenness by 51%. Analysis by mixed anova s demonstrated a significant interaction between treatment and time and confirmed a significant reduction in richness and evenness of phyla and genera. We also conducted a phosphate restriction assay on the algae in Mason Lake (Irvine, CA, USA) and found that the threshold needed for algal growth there was 0.02 mg L?1 PO4. A pilot study was then conducted to test the effectiveness of the Blue Pro? water treatment facility in removal of this colonial organism from Mason Lake, in addition to removal of dissolved nutrients required for its growth. We measured a 97% reduction in Microcystis cells, a 72% reduction in chlorophyll‐a, and a 96% reduction in phosphate after just one 10 min cycle through the unit. Our study demonstrated that removal of Microcystis colonies may allow green algae to increase in numbers. This may improve algal biodiversity, which will benefit zooplankton and fishes.  相似文献   
通过正交试验,研究了PO_4~(3-)-P分别与NO~-_3-N和NH~+_4-N两种无机氮形态共存条件下对铜绿微囊藻增殖和产毒素的影响。结果表明:在PO_4~(3-)-P和NO~-_3-N共存环境下,当ρ(PO_4~(3-)-P)≤0.10 mg/L时,藻类生长受到限制,ρ(NO~-_3-N)升高对藻细胞生长的促进作用不显著;在磷营养适宜后,ρ(NO~-_3-N)≤5.0 mg/L能有效控制藻类过度增长。在PO_4~(3-)-P和NH~+_4-N共存环境下,只有当ρ(PO~(3-)_4-P)≤0.05 mg/L时,NH~+_4-N对藻细胞生长的促进作用才能得到限制;在磷营养适宜后,ρ(NH~+_4-N)≤1.0 mg/L才能有效控制藻类过度增长。MC-LR是铜绿微囊藻产生的主要藻毒素。NO~-_3-N培养条件下,ρ(NO~-_3-N)≥10.0 mg/L时,ρ(PO_4~(3-)-P)对产毒量具有显著促进的影响;ρ(NO~-_3-N)10.0 mg/L时,ρ(PO_4~(3-)-P)的影响不明显。NH~+_4-N培养条件下,所有ρ(PO~(3-)_4-P)下的产毒量均在ρ(NH~+_4-N)=10.0 mg/L达到最大值。NH~+_4-N是富营养化防治过程中需要优先控制的氮形态,过高的ρ(NO~-_3-N)(≥10.0 mg/L)和ρ(NH~+_4-N)(≥5.0 mg/L)会大幅激发藻毒素的合成。  相似文献   
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