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大朝山水电站截流规划设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大朝山水电站于1997年11月10日成功实现大江截流。根据施工总布置,采用从右岸向左岸单戗堤立堵截流方式获得成功。采用以石渣混合料为主配合钢筋石笼等混合抛投,在大江上截流得到实现。利用上游已建成的漫湾水电站短期控泄发电,以减少下游大朝山工程截流难度,取得成功。大江截流成功,为大朝山工程2001年第一台机组发电提供了必备条件。  相似文献   
黄河上游龙、刘、盐、八、青梯级电站总装机容量324.4万kW,占西北电网总装机的30%左右,是西北的骨干电源,但在每年11月至次年3月份黄河宁,蒙河段防凌期间,由于刘家峡水库出库流量受到严格限制,使该梯级电站发电量大幅度降低,而本段时间正是西北电网用电高峰期,因此供需矛盾加剧,缓解这一矛盾的的一个可行办法就是本时段初刘家峡水库预留一定库容,以利龙羊峡水库在防凌时段内加大出库流量,增发电量。  相似文献   
First-Order Second Moment (FOSM) and Monte Carlo analysis were applied to characterize the uncertainty in selected water levels and velocities simulated by a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model of the Upper St. Lawrence River downstream from Lake Ontario. The analysis utilized an application of the Resource Management Associates’ RMA2 model. Both FOSM and Monte Carlo analysis provided similar estimates of uncertainty, with Monte Carlo analysis results being 15% less than FOSM. Based on the findings of this work, the FOSM is preferred. FOSM provides a conservative estimate of the uncertainty and it is simpler to apply than Monte Carlo analysis, requiring less information and fewer model executions. FOSM also provides an immediate indication of the primary contributors to the uncertainty in the output, where Monte Carlo analysis requires additional effort to do the same. Results indicate that the parameter describing bottom resistance using Manning's n contributed more to model uncertainty than other factors investigated. The uncertainty in and sensitivity in Manning's n is large which results in a significant amount of uncertainty in the model outputs is contributed by this parameter. The calculations described in this study show that uncertainty analysis is a practical addition to the two-dimensional hydrodynamic modelling process. It provides insight to the model developer, quantifying how good the model actually is. It also provides a measure of the accuracy of the model for future model developers or clients using hydrodynamic modeling outputs  相似文献   
通过对珠江三角洲地区涉外企业商务英语人才需求的调研分析,了解企业对商务英语人才在职业岗位能力和综合素质等方面的要求,以期为专业建设和改革提供一些指导性建议。  相似文献   
钱塘江涌潮前后水位、流速和含沙量等物理量存在突变,给数值模拟带来了很大的困难,传统的数值模型往往不能准确模拟涌潮作用下的泥沙输移。在已建立的二维涌潮数值模型的基础上,应用基于准确Riemann解的Godunov格式建立了二维泥沙数值模型,模型首先检验了纯对流问题,然后模拟了钱塘江涌潮作用下的泥沙输移,计算结果反映了涌潮到达时刻含沙量的突变过程以及涌潮对泥沙输移的影响,揭示了钱塘江河口高含沙量区成因,以及涌潮是钱塘江河口大冲大淤的机理之一。  相似文献   
介绍了叶尔羌河中游渠首的地理情况和水文地质条件,分析了导流堤存在的渗流问题,对防渗设计方案进行了具体比较,并论述了防渗处理措施的合理选择。  相似文献   
漳卫南运河流域水污染趋势与控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过调查,研究漳卫南运河20年来的污染历史和发展趋势,结合流域污染源监测,全面评价流域水污染现状和形势,提出了漳卫运河水污染控制对策:明确治理目标控制排污总量;严格执法;调整产业结构,治理污染源;加强城市污水处理厂的建设与运行管理;加强流域管理;加强监测;优化水资源配置及跨流域调水。  相似文献   
This paper examines ecosystem restoration practices that focus on water temperature reductions in the upper mainstem Willamette River, Oregon, for the benefit of endangered salmonids and other native cold‐water species. The analysis integrates hydrologic, natural science and economic models to determine the cost‐effectiveness of alternative water temperature reduction strategies. A temperature model is used to simulate the effects of combinations of upstream riparian shading and flow augmentations on downstream water temperatures. Costs associated with these strategies are estimated and consist of the opportunity costs of lost agricultural production and recreation opportunities due to flow releases from an up‐stream reservoir. Temperature reductions from another strategy, hyporheic flow enhancement, are also examined. Restoration strategies associated with enhanced hyporheic cooling consist of removal/reconnection of current obstacles to the creation of dynamic river channel complexity. The observed reduction of summer water temperatures associated with enhanced channel complexity indicates that restoring hyporheic flow processes is more likely to achieve cost‐effective temperature reductions and meet the total maximum daily load (TMDL) target than conventional approaches that rely on increased riparian shading or/and combinations of flow augmentation. Although the costs associated with the hyporheic flow enhancement approach are substantial, the effects of such a long‐term ecological improvement of the floodplain are expected to assist the recovery of salmonid populations and provide ancillary benefits to society. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
天津海河磷的分布特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采集海河干流重要断面、相应排污渠以及部分支流(北运河、子牙河、南运河)共29个监测断面的水样,对样品中的溶解性活性磷(SRP)、总溶解态磷(TDP)与总磷(TP)进行测定,并分析其分布特征。结果显示:海河干流各断面的TP质量浓度为0.4~3.5mg/L,已超出GB3838—2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅴ类水质标准,SRP质量浓度0.09~0.75 mg/L,TDP质量浓度0.24~1.42 mg/L;各排污渠(支流)TP质量浓度0.2~5.0 mg/L,SRP质量浓度0.01~3.63 mg/L,TDP质量浓度0.12~4.16 mg/L。排污渠(支流)多数断面的含磷量比相应干流的高。天津海河总磷以总溶解态磷为主要形态,这和海河悬浮颗粒物浓度较低有关。  相似文献   
南水北调中线穿黄隧道盾构注浆浆材试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为满足南水北调中线工程穿黄隧洞盾构施工工法要求,对研制开发的水泥-膨润土-水玻璃系双液塑性壁后注浆材料,通过室内模拟注浆试验,重点探讨了材料组分对注浆材料流动性、稳定性、凝胶特性、强度等性能的影响.结果表明:凝胶时间可控制在10 s左右;不同配比注浆材料1 h单轴抗压强度为0.08~0.12 MPa,28 d为7.81~8.52 MPa;渗透系数为2.0×10-8 cm/s;模拟注浆时浆液不被水稀释,充填良好;且不会对地层产生劈裂,也不会向开挖掌子面渗漏.  相似文献   
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