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隧道地表沉降变形时间序列是具有分形特征的非线性体系,以狮子山隧道地表沉降监测为研究对象,基于分形理论,使用R/S分析法和V/S分析法计算了累计沉降和沉降速率时间序列的Hurst指数,并评价了地表沉降的稳定性,结合V统计量评价了这2种分析方法的有效性和地表变形的非循环周期;最后,使用分形插值函数与回归函数对地表沉降值进行了预测评价。结果表明,R/S分析法和V/S分析法对分析地表沉降时间序列具有较好的有效性,R/S分析法受短期记忆影响大,计算结果偏于安全,而 V/S分析法评价地表变形稳定性更加保守,3个监测点将长期处于稳定状态,且其时间序列的非循环周期约为20 d。使用分形插值得到的预测值与实测值间误差较小,且能正确反映变形演化趋势,较传统的回归分析优越,可以为地表沉降预测提供一种参考。  相似文献   
现有边坡稳定性分析方法大多假定边坡滑面各部位的安全系数相等,既不能反映边坡潜在滑面上稳定系数的分布规律,也不符合工程实际情况。分别基于超载储备安全系数定义和强度储备安全系数定义研究了边坡局部稳定性变化规律,并分析了滑体条块数目以及滑面形状对边坡局部稳定性分布规律的影响。此外,还提出了由局部稳定系数求解整体稳定系数的加权方法。研究结果表明:滑体条块的划分数量对边坡局部稳定性的分布规律几乎没有影响,而滑面形状对其影响较大;取微段下滑力占各微段下滑力代数和的比值作为权重,是由边坡局部安全系数加权计算整体安全系数的最优加权方法。  相似文献   
为了研究软土固结等复杂的非线性本构关系,考虑超固结参数、潜在强度、硬化参数之间的相互影响,将基于Hvorslev面的超固结土的本构模型和大型非线性有限元计算软件ABAQUS结合起来,编写了相应的有限元本构模型子程序。通过用户子程序UMAT接口实现了该模型在软土结构分析中的应用,为正确评估和预测土体本构关系提供了一种简便有效的方法。以深隧洞的开挖为例,用此方法实现了土体结构的本构关系模型,使得计算结果更加接近实际情况,能够比较合理的模拟实际工程。  相似文献   
以南京某小区为研究区域,采用暴雨洪水管理模型,模拟研究区域进行下凹绿地和透水路面改造后对区域内地面径流情况的影响。模拟结果表明,下凹绿地和透水路面均可有效消减地面总径流量和峰值流量,减小径流系数,同时改善研究区域的地下水环境。通过进一步改变下凹绿地和透水路面在模型中的规模后可知:下凹绿地面积占小区总面积的比例不应低于30%;透水路面面积占总面积的比例不应低于20%。  相似文献   
船舶兴波问题面元法计算中自由面离散的稳定性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过多变量的连续及离散Fourier分析,研究了船舶兴波问题中面元法计算的稳定性,对于计及流体域外奇点分布的自由面面元离散方式建立了满足稳定性要求的准则,给出了以网格弗氏数F△及网格纵横尺度比α为参数的稳定性限界线。  相似文献   
An exact three-dimensional analysis based on the linear potential theory and the elaborated method of eigenfunction expansion in elliptic coordinates are presented to study the free coupled elasto-hyrodynamic characteristics of an upright non-deformable cylindrical container of elliptical planform with a flexible bottom plate, filled to an arbitrary depth with an inviscid incompressible liquid. Extensive numerical data are presented in an orderly fashion for the first few symmetric/anti-symmetric coupled hydroelastic natural frequencies as a function of fluid depth parameter for two plate aspect ratios. Also, selected hydrodynamic and structural deformation modes shapes are presented in graphical form. The effects of liquid level, bottom plate elasticity, and cross sectional aspect ratio on the sloshing frequencies and hydrodynamic pressure modes are examined. The validity of the results is examined through computations using a commercial finite element package as well as by comparison with the data available in literature.  相似文献   
Physicochemical relationships in the boundary zone between groundwater and surface water (i.e. the hyporheic zone) are controlled by surface water hydrology and the hydrogeologic properties of the riverbed. We studied how sediment permeability and river discharge altered the vertical hydraulic gradient (VHG) and water quality of the hyporheic zone within the Hanford Reach of the Columbia River. The Columbia River at Hanford is a large, cobble‐bed river where water level fluctuates up to 2 m daily because of hydropower generation. Concomitant with river stage recordings, continuous readings were made of water temperature, specific conductance, dissolved oxygen and water level of the hyporheic zone. The water level data were used to calculate VHG between the river and hyporheic zone. Sediment permeability was estimated using slug tests conducted in piezometers installed into the river bed. The response of water quality measurements and VHG to surface water fluctuations varied widely among study sites, ranging from no apparent response to covariance with river discharge. At some sites, a hysteretic relationship between river discharge and VHG was indicated by a time lag in the response of VHG to changes in river stage. The magnitude, rate of change and hysteresis of the VHG response varied the most at the least permeable location (hydraulic conductivity (K) = 2.9 × 10?4 cms?1) and the least at the most permeable location (K = 8.0 × 10?3 cms?1). Our study provides empirical evidence that sediment properties and river discharge both control the water quality of the hyporheic zone. Regulated rivers, like the Columbia River at Hanford, that undergo large, frequent discharge fluctuations represent an ideal environment in which to study hydrogeologic processes over relatively short time periods (i.e. days to weeks) that would require much longer periods (i.e. months to years) to evaluate in unregulated systems. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
李鹏 《人民长江》2012,43(6):61-63
在三里坪水利枢纽的混凝土浇筑施工中,通过对皮带机布置及数量进行优化,使其能用同时兼顾常态混凝土和碾压混凝土的输送,打破了以往碾压混凝土拱坝施工中,中、表孔常态混凝土输送用塔吊或泵送的惯例,使工程进度和质量得以提高。在皮带机不能达到的地方,通过架设串筒将混凝土垂直运至小皮带机或溜槽,进一步扩大了皮带机的覆盖范围。主要介绍了皮带机的布置及安装过程。   相似文献   
根据冰面热平衡方程并以大庆红旗泡水库冰面观测的气温、太阳辐射、风速、相对湿度、冰厚数据以及水库附近安达气象站记录的云量、湿度和海平面气压数据,求解了2009/2010年度冬季的冰表面温度,并分析了冰表面温度特征及其同太阳辐射之间的关系、同气温、风速之间的响应关系。在此基础上,就传统考虑的抗冰工程设计所需的设计冰表面温度进行了评估;就日益增加的安全用冰工程设计所需冰表面温度取值也给予定量讨论;对气候变化下的冰内和冰下水体生态适应问题所需的冰面温度日内变化速率和开河期冰凌爆破所需冰表面温度的取值也进行探索。尽管受国际气象资料观测规定的限制,历史资料的应用存在利用接近观测时刻资料的事实,但仍然期望这些分析和讨论能够推动科学地、更广阔地应用冰表面温度。  相似文献   
以苏北平原河网区的盐城市射阳县某个典型圩区(面积12.73km2)为例,通过连续15个月对圩区内沟渠河流水体采样分析,研究苏北平原河网区中小河流地表水氮磷赋存特征。结果表明:研究区域中小河流水体氮磷超标严重,水体处于富营养化状态。所有水样品总氮质量浓度均超过GB 3838—2002《地表水Ⅲ类水质标准》(ρ=1.0 mg/L),79%的总氮质量浓度超过Ⅴ类水质标准(ρ=2.0 mg/L);73%的总磷质量浓度超过Ⅲ类水体标准(ρ=0.2 mg/L),39%的样品超过Ⅴ类水质标准。地表水氮素和磷素主要以溶解态形式存在;硝态氮是溶解态总氮主要赋存形态,相应的比例约为60%,铵态氮比例最少,约为10%;溶解态活性磷是溶解态磷素主要赋存形态,约为80%。畜禽养殖相对集中区域地表水氮素和磷素浓度高于其他区域;中沟、干渠等小型河流水体在夏季存在水质分层现象。  相似文献   
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