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The construction of dams significantly alters flow and sediment regimes with subsequent deleterious effects on the morphological and ecological character of rivers. Effective experimental floods can ameliorate the downstream geomorphic impacts of dams. The traditional view is that large floods are required to perform effective geomorphic work, and the geomorphic outcomes of small floods are often overlooked. Many river restoration frameworks do not consider small floods. Yet, there is evidence that the hydrological characteristics that ameliorate specific geomorphic impacts in a river are unique to each river, and a customised approach to setting the right mix of floods (including small experimental floods) is needed. In this study, we modify an existing flood effectiveness model developed for large floods, for determining the geomorphic effectiveness of small floods in a highly regulated Australian river. Two flood classes were added to the model (medium peak stream power and moderate total energy expenditure), and the flood power characteristics were rescaled to reflect the relative difference in the magnitude of the small floods and the magnitude of the geomorphic work performed. Using a step‐wise approach, this customised model determined the geomorphic effectiveness of small floods. The best flood for ameliorating the geomorphic impacts of flow regulation had medium to long duration (10 to 51 days), high peak unit stream power (77 to 123 Wm?2) and moderate to large total energy expenditure (78,600 to 342,320 × 103 J). This approach to determining flood effectiveness for small floods is applicable to other geomorphically impacted river channels downstream of dams and can be used to inform experimental flood releases for geomorphic outcomes.  相似文献   
Water supply systems are critical infrastructure that provides food and energy security for developed societies. The operation of reservoirs (flow regulation) and water intakes (water diversion) has known negative impacts on aquatic ecosystems; however, quantification of ecological impacts and examination of these two types of flow alteration remain a developing area of research. We investigated the individual and combined impact of flow regulation and water diversion on stream ecosystem integrity, the freshwater macroinvertebrate community, and the population structure of flow‐sensitive insects. For 2 years, we monitored quarterly discharge, physical and chemical stream conditions, and benthic invertebrates of four high‐altitude tropical streams that are part of the water supply system of Quito, Ecuador. Flow regulation caused a loss of the hydrological seasonality of these streams, including a decrease in stream depth and biotic quality. Water diversion caused a decrease in dissolved oxygen and overall ecosystem integrity. Freshwater invertebrate density and richness decreased as a result of water diversion and flow regulation. The combined flow alteration in these streams decreased the density of nymphal stages of the widely distributed mayfly Andesiops peruvianus. Given the societal needs for food and energy security, water management for diversion (e.g., irrigation) and in‐line storage practices (e.g., hydroelectric dams) are anticipated to increase. This research suggests that the negative environmental impacts of flow alteration could be mitigated with discharge releases designed to approximate the natural hydrologic regime of undisturbed streams.  相似文献   
为科学地确定河流生态流量,保障流域水安全与生态环境健康,基于开都河大山口水文站1960-2018年的实测径流数据,采用Tennant法、典型水文频率年法、最枯月平均流量法和Qp法等4种水文学方法计算了河流的生态流量,通过对比分析确定基于Tennant法的计算结果最为适宜。计算结果表明:开都河大山口水文站10-翌年3月的平均生态流量应不小于15.60 m3/s,对应最小生态环境需水量为 2.47×108 m3;4-9月的平均生态流量应不小于46.15 m3/s,对应最小生态环境需水量为7.30×108  m3,全年生态流量平均不小于30.88 m3/s,对应最小生态环境需水量为9.77×108  m3。该生态流量目标可满足开都河大山口至博斯腾湖河段的河道径流损失,保证河流基本生态功能与水生态安全。计算分析结果可为开都河河流生态流量管理提供支撑。  相似文献   
九寨沟地震后,震区沟域内发生大量崩塌、滑坡灾害,为震后泥石流的发生提供了大量物源,严重威胁震区人民的生命财产安全。为防止九寨沟县漳扎镇双柳地再次爆发泥石流灾害,对其防治设计进行研究。本着防治工程与周边环境有机结合的理念,采取将泥石流防治设计与景观设计融为一体的技术方法。通过圆弧形停淤坝、主坝体两侧桩板围堤、排洪沟墙顶及墙体装饰、排洪沟底部肋坎、绿化等综合防治工程设计,实现对泥石流冲出物的水石分离,使其不具有形成大规模泥石流灾害的可能,既可以满足泥石流的治理目标,又将防治工程与周边环境及当地文化进行有机结合。  相似文献   
丹江是汉江的重要支流,水力资源较为丰富,在河南省境内丹江干流上建有两座小型水电站,水力发电效益较好,但对下游河道生态造成了不利影响。本文根据实测流量资料,采用水文学方法进行河道生态流量计算,提出丹江干流水电站下泄生态流量要求及保障措施,为丹江河南段的水生态保护提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   
为解决取水泵站预沉池内水流流态紊乱、曝气池及前池存在大面积回流区及旋涡等问题, 针对某一具体水源 地取水泵站, 基于三维不可压缩流体的有限体积法和标准 k2E 湍流模型, 采用 ANSYS CFX 软件对该泵站预沉池、 曝气池及前池进行数值模拟计算。通过对计算结果进行后处理, 分析了取水泵站所选横断面水流流态、流速云图以 及压力云图。在原方案基础上通过对曝气池廊道转角处设置倒圆角、廊道转角内设置/ U0 形导流墙与 1/ 4 弧形导 流墙、前池内设置八字形导流墩及泵机组间设隔墩来对泵站进行优化。优化后改进方案与原方案相比, 廊道转角处 脱流、回流现象得到改善, 曝气池及前池内大范围回流区域消失, 泵站整体水流不存在明显的不良流态。该研究成 果对于优化内水流流态, 预防泥沙沉淀, 提高泵站运行稳定性、高效性、安全性有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   
为研究跌坎在底流消能中的作用,依托某工程水力学模型,研究了跌坎对消力池内水流流态、临底流速及脉动压强的影响。结果表明:在来流量一定的情况下,随着跌坎高度的增加,消力池内流态会由底流依次演变为淹没混合流及淹没面流流态。加设跌坎可显著降低消力池前半段的临底流速,且跌坎越高,最大临底流速降幅越大,跌坎对消力池后半段的临底流速基本无影响;跌坎对脉动压强影响较大,随跌坎高度的增加,最大脉动压强先增大后减小;加设跌坎后,脉动压强和临底流速沿程先增大后减小,且脉动压力和临底流速的最大值位置基本在同一区域。  相似文献   
五种基流分割方法在长江螺山站的应用对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基流是枯水期河川径流的主要来源,稳定可靠的基流分割方法对基流研究具有重要作用。基于螺山站1965-2012年逐日流量资料,采用基流指数法、HYSEP法(固定步长法、滑动步长法、局部最小值法)和数字滤波法3类(5种)基流分割方法进行基流分割。研究结果表明:5种方法所得年基流指数相差不大,但年内基流过程差别显著。BFI法和局部最小值法计算结果较为合理,对不同年份BFI值年际变化有较好的辨识度,是长江中游干流区较为适宜的基流分割手段。  相似文献   
Economic literature on groundwater managementhas traditionally been split into two areas: there are papers that evaluate different schemes of dynamicaquifer management, considering that pumping costs vary with stock but ignoring water quality. On the other hand, there are papers that considercontamination problems caused by specificpollutants. This paper presents two alternative models for joint quantity-quality management, and it shows that existing models are in fact special cases of these. The framework isdynamic and considers both the stock of waterquantity and a stock measure of water quality. Optimal taxes are derived, and shown to be different from those in existing quantity-only or quality-only models. Implementationproblems are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
旅游客流量是衡量区域旅游业及旅游经济发展快慢的一个重要指标,也是反映旅游区景观质量好坏与综合服务水平高低的一个综合指标。文章依据福州市最近5年(1999—2003年)的旅游客流量及相关的社会经济数据,分年度、季度、月与黄金周等不同时段对近年来福州市区域旅游客流量的现状及其变动状况进行分析,并从旅游景区(点)内在的引力因素与外在的社会环境驱动因素两方面对影响福州市客流量的主要驱动因素进行了分析。  相似文献   
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