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主要介绍了汶川地震中唐家山堰塞湖应急处置过程中空间信息技术的具体应用。通过收集堰塞湖发生及处置全过程中所获取的有关基础地理信息、航空航天遥感影像、地质、水文气象、资源环境、人口社会经济以及应急决策等各类数据,并对上述数据进行处理,以使相同类型的数据能在统一的格式下进行组织、存储并进行有效的数据库管理。利用Web Services、空间数据库等技术建立数据库管理信息系统,实现基于网络的各类数据的查询检索和分析功能。该数据库的建设,可为今后类似应急处置提供快速、准确和直观的基础信息和经验指导。  相似文献   
曹波  康玲  沈定涛 《人民长江》2012,43(8):93-97
以汶川地震诱发的唐家山堰塞湖为研究区域,以下游各水文站点的实测水文历史数据为基础,采用模拟退火智能算法训练计算了该河段的马斯京根演算方程系数,并在给定初始条件下,快速预报了下游各个重要地区的流量变化过程。结合断面的水位流量关系得到水位变化过程。最后,使用空间信息技术得到了下游潜在淹没范围。结果表明:在溃决水位为690 m的条件下,洪水将全部淹没下游北川县城。  相似文献   
受资源性缺水和水质性缺水影响,白洋淀湿地生态系统逐步退化。近年来,虽凭借应急调水,多次避免了干淀危机,但长期的资源性缺水,使淀区生态功能受到严重影响。南水北调中线工程的建设实施,为解决白洋淀生态缺水问题带来了机遇。通过在南水北调总体规划与水资源调度原则的基础上,对利用南水北调水补充白洋淀进行了研究,提出了江水补淀初步方案。  相似文献   
杨兴 《西北水电》2012,(5):81-84
介绍了ADSS光缆发生电腐蚀的原理,通过分析电腐蚀发生的原因,对ADSS光缆的耐腐蚀措施进行了深入研究。文章以青海盐湖地区ADSS光缆电腐蚀现象为例,并针对盐湖地区特殊环境对ADSS光缆电腐蚀作出相应的防治措施,取得了较好的效果,为高海拔盐雾地区ADSS光缆耐腐蚀措施的推广具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
This study introduces the emerging integrated ecosystem management approach known as Payments for Watershed Services (PWS) as utilized for lake and reservoir basin governance. PWS is built on the central concept of providing economic incentives to watershed stakeholders to assist in management efforts. It channels conservation payments from downstream payers to finance conservation activities conducted by upstream payees. The upstream conservation activities are expected to enhance ecosystem functions, thereby improving water‐related ecosystem services desired by downstream stakeholders. Information on 163 PWS projects in 34 developing countries through the year 2008 was collected and analysed, including their common goals, processes, outcomes, scientific assumptions and socioeconomic rationales. This study recognized one unique PWS characteristic, namely the role of intermediary organizations (i.e. brokers) in integrating the economic incentives of upstream payees and downstream payers in order to facilitate their transactions by means of contracts. Although 75% of the reviewed PWS projects have focused on rivers, and only 10% have considered lakes and reservoirs, the similarity of the intermediary functions performed by lake management organizations and PWS intermediary organizations suggests a greater potential for the future application of PWS designs in lake basins. Drawing on components in the field of New Institutional Economics to interpret the intermediary function within the PWS framework, a three‐part PWS design with 15 steps is proposed in this study for lake basin governance, with a Costa Rican PWS scheme serving as an illustration. This study seeks to communicate the scientific and socioeconomic frontiers for developing locally suitable and integrated watershed governance structures to lake management organizations and other watershed stakeholder groups.  相似文献   
湖泊生态系统的健康是人与自然和谐相处及可持续发展理念的重要体现。通过建立湖泊健康评价物元分析模型,并改进其指标权重的计算,以离差平方和准则将层次分析法、熵值法及主成分分析法3种赋权方法取得的权重结合得到最优组合赋权,应用到某地5个湖泊进行湖泊健康评价。根据当地湖泊具体情况,选取12个详细指标建立评价体系与评价标准,通过模型计算得出结果显示5个湖泊中4个湖泊评价结果为优,一个评价结果为良,湖泊总体健康状况良好。因此该模型用于湖泊健康评价是非常有效的。  相似文献   
This study presents a methodology for the development of a water balance model that uses publicly available data in a manner useful to water scientists and managers who manage complex lake and reservoir watersheds. The approach was applied to Coeur d'Alene Lake, a naturally occurring lake that is controlled by a dam located on its outlet (Spokane River) in North Idaho, USA. As in many other areas, the region surrounding Coeur d'Alene Lake has experienced high rates of population growth in recent years, and there is concern that, as consumptive water use increases, the lake will eventually not be able to be managed to simultaneously maintain the federally mandated minimum flow requirements in the Spokane River and also maintain the target summertime elevation of 2128 feet (648.6 m) for recreation and hydropower purposes. The complexity caused by the competing uses at Coeur d'Alene Lake makes it an excellent case study for similarly characterized watersheds. Both a natural flow model and regulated elevation model were developed, and sensitivity analysis was conducted on both models to evaluate which lake processes have the greatest effects on lake elevation, thereby requiring the most attention. A ‘low‐flow’ scenario was modelled to demonstrate the usefulness of the model and to inform Coeur d'Alene Lake regional stakeholders regarding the interrelationship between current water policy and the lake's physical behaviour under stressed conditions that could result from climate change. Model result indicates that, while lake elevation may be maintained at the summertime elevation of 2128 feet (648.6 m) under a low‐flow scenario, the outflows in the Spokane River start to approach the minimum flow requirements in the month of August. The developed approach is useful where publicly available data exist and allows for economic, yet rigorous, water resources systems evaluation without requiring significant field data collection.  相似文献   
杨剑  彭勃 《人民长江》2017,48(14):27-32
运用GIS技术中的地图叠加法和因子等权求和法对2015年唐家山堰塞湖区域的土地质量、坡度、坡向、海拔、植被覆盖和水体等因子进行分析,进行生态质量评价。结果表明:坡度大于30°地区水土流失量较多,植被覆盖较少,干扰较重,生态质量较差;坡度在10°~30°地区水土流失量逐渐增多,植被覆盖逐渐减少,干扰适中,生态质量一般;坡度小于10°地区水土流失量较少,植被覆盖较多,干扰较轻,生态质量较好。东向、北向、东北及西北方向水土流失量较少,植被分布量较多,干扰较轻,生态质量较好;南向、西向、东南及西南水土流失量较多,植被分布量较少,干扰较重,生态质量较差。海拔低于800 m地区水土流失量最大,斑块分布量最大,干扰较重,生态质量较差;海拔800~1 600 m地区水土流失量逐渐增多,斑块分布量适中,干扰适中,生态质量一般;海拔高于1 600 m地区水土流失量较少,斑块分布量较少,干扰较轻,生态质量较好。距离水体越远的地区,干扰越轻,生态质量越好,越近的地区干扰越重,特别在距水体小于100 m范围内的区域干扰最重,生态质量越差。  相似文献   
涂月明  付湘  杨会娟 《人民长江》2017,48(16):38-42
鉴于传统的湖泊水位预测在输入因子选择时具有一定的盲目性,以西洞庭湖为例,利用基于互信息的输入因子选择法建立了日水位预测模型。按河流生态功能将水文年划分为枯水期、汛前涨水期、汛期、汛后退水期4个时期,然后分期计算影响湖泊日水位的自变量与日水位的互信息,并引入广义相关系数将互信息归一化,选出各时期互信息最大的自变量因子作为模型的输入变量。经过模型计算与数据分析可得:F检验结果显著,回归值与实测值的相关度高,剩余标准差小。由此证明用互信息筛选出的因子作为模型的输入变量能取得较好的精度并在实际中易于操作。  相似文献   
在全球气候变暖的背景下,研究中国西北内陆地区湖泊的面积变化不仅对水资源管理和可持续发展战略有着重要意义,也为评价气候变化与人类活动对湖泊的影响提供参考。以中国西北内陆区5个典型湖泊为研究对象,利用1970-2015年的Landsat MSS/TM/ETM+/OLI影像数据,利用归一化差异水体指数(Normalized Difference Water Index,NDWI)和改进型归一化差异水体指数(Modified Normalized Difference Water Index,MNDWI)分别提取5个典型湖泊边界并获取湖泊面积,同时利用5个典型湖泊周边的气象站降雨量、蒸发量等气象数据,尝试分析湖泊面积发生变化的原因。结果表明:红碱淖近30年来面积呈减小趋势,入湖河流拦蓄和煤炭地下开采等是导致面积减少的原因;博斯腾湖近40年来的面积呈先增加后减少的趋势,其面积变化主要受地表径流和积雪融水的影响;呼伦湖近40年来面积呈减少的趋势,其面积变化主要受入湖径流量的影响;贝尔湖近30年来呈相对稳定的趋势,其面积变化主要入湖径流量的影响;青海湖近40年来面积呈现先减小后增大的趋势,其面积变化主要受区域降水和入湖径流量的影响。  相似文献   
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