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河流泥沙是反映流域水土流失严重程度和河川径流特性的重要指标,是合理开发利用地表水资源,建设水利设施必须考虑的一个重要指标。河流泥沙不仅关系河流本身的发展演变,也反映了流域环境特性及人类活动的影响。木垒河是一条多沙河流,泥沙问题不太引起关注,研究也相对缺乏。本文就木垒河泥沙资料分析,对木垒河泥沙的主要来源、分部、年内变化等时空演变进行了初步分析,为木垒河流域水资源合理开发提供一定的参考。 相似文献
何挺 《水科学与工程技术》2015,(1)
分析了东洋河水文站60年的降雨、径流和输沙量资料,结果表明东洋河流域的年径流量和年输沙量都呈减小趋势。输沙量的年内分配与水量的年内分配密切相关,主要集中在主汛期7~9月。探讨了输沙量变化的影响要素,提出了防治水土流失的建议。 相似文献
茅洲河水环境综合治理工程规模大,水质污染成因成分复杂,有机质、营养盐、重金属污染重,治理区域人员、企业密度大,且需要跨界协同治理。本文通过分析该项目的治理技术路线,制定了双核驱动、多联协同的治理技术路线,并采取雨污管网、活水补水等六类工程措施,使茅洲河国考断面水质提前达到考核目标。在治理过程中通过技术创新,保证了工程质量、进度,可为国内类似城市高密度建成区水环境治理提供借鉴。 相似文献
文中通过对张启舜等人开发研制的“河流与水库冲淤计算模型”在汾河流域上游的应用,确定出不同水平年各调节水库的库容及纵向淤积形态,为汾河水库坝前取水口进水塔设计提供了依据。 相似文献
流域侵蚀产沙平衡研究进展 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
介绍了国内外流域侵蚀产沙平衡研究的主要成果。分析了流域泥沙的主要来源及国内外泥沙来源的主要研究方法;介绍了侵蚀泥沙的坡面~河道运移过程、坡面~河道耦合关系的研究现状;提出了当前河道泥沙存蓄与输移研究的主要问题,并分析了该领域目前研究的现状;对比分析了目前流域侵蚀产沙平衡研究中几个主要模型的适用范围与优缺点;提出了我国未来流域侵蚀产沙平衡研究中应注重发展的主要问题。 相似文献
Ulrich Förstner 《Lakes & Reservoirs: Research and Management》2004,9(1):25-40
Characteristic dynamic features of sediment‐related processes in rivers include dramatic effects of stormwater events on particle transport, rapid and far‐reaching effects of sulphide oxidation during resuspension, and biological accumulation and potential release of toxic chemicals. Pollutant mobility is the net result of the stabilizing and mobilizing effects in both hydraulic and chemical fields. In practice, emphasis has to be given to fine‐grained sediments and suspended matter as these materials exhibit large surface areas and high sorption capacities. Organic materials are highly reactive. Degradation of organic matter will induce oxygen depletion and might enhance formation of flocs and biofilms. Study of variations of sediment and water chemistry should predominantly include changes of pH and redox conditions, competition of dissolved ions and processes such as complexation by organic substances. Major questions relate to the potential reduction of sorption sites on minerals and degradation of organic carrier materials. All these processes will influence solution/solid equilibrium conditions and have to be studied prior to modelling the overall effects of pollutants on the water body and aquatic ecosystems. With respect to handling and remediation of contaminated river sediments, either in‐place or excavated, a chemical and biological characterization of the material, of the (disposal) site and of the long‐term processes is crucial. Passive techniques (e.g. in situ stabilization, subaqueous capping) provide economic advantages as there are no operation costs following their installation. However, the success of these ecological and geochemical engineering approaches is mainly based on an in‐depth knowledge of the underlying processes. 相似文献
We examined total suspended solids (TSS) and phosphorus (P) dynamics in the Upper Mississippi River (UMR) above naturally impounded Lake Pepin between 1994 and 1996, with attention to P loadings which may be contributing to impaired water quality conditions. The Minnesota River, located 97 km upstream of Lake Pepin, accounted for most of the annual and summer TSS and total P load while the Metropolitan Wastewater Treatment Plant, located 80 km upstream of Lake Pepin, accounted for much of the annual soluble reactive P (SRP) loading to the UMR. Lake Pepin retained 80% and 13% of the TSS and total P load, respectively, during the summer period. However, the lake was a source of SRP during the same period, exporting up to 130% of the summer SRP load it received. Diffusive P flux from profundal sediments averaged 7.5 mg m?2 d?1 during the summer, accounting for 41% of the net SRP export from the lake. Recently deposited sediments in Lake Pepin (originating primarily from the Minnesota River) also exhibited a high equilibrium P concentration (EPC=0.155 mg l?1) and linear adsorption coefficient (Kd=1043 l kg?1). Application of these P equilibrium characteristics to TSS loads entering the system resulted in a calculated potential P desorption flux from TSS of 2.0 mg m?2 d?1 during the summer. Potential P desorption flux to the system was driven by dilution of SRP concentrations in the Mississippi River below the EPC by SRP‐deficient inflows of the St Croix River, located 16 km upstream of the lake. P desorption was, thus, an important additional internal P flux that is not commonly included in P budgets of riverine systems. Published in 2004 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
通过改进蔡树棠两相流基本方程的相间阻力项,建立能够进行二维解析研究的水沙动力学基本方程.该研究给出沙相压力和沙相粘性切应力的学科定义,以及它们的本构关系.对于牛顿流体,当输沙稳定时,挟沙水流的能坡与清水并无差别.沙相压力的二阶导数不为零是泥沙扩散条件,也是凹岸冲、凸岸淤自然现象的力学本质.蔡树棠方程隐含着流体的粘性切应力按运动组成可以分解或叠加的物理性质.正是这个结构性特点,给了解答浑水粘性这个古老的力学难题的方法,使我们能够完整地推导出牛顿流体沙相运动学粘滞系数vs公式;推导并证明了浑水综合粘滞系数μm=εv+ svνs,而不是习惯使用的μm=v+svvs.探讨了影响vs值的一些复杂因素,如颗粒表面束缚水的影响.本文研究能够证明:对分散相应用连续介质原理不仅可行,且是遵从压力传递规律惟一的正确方法.而揭示粘性切应力的结构性,在多相流和流变学领域具有深远的意义. 相似文献
灌区不同空间尺度显热通量测定方法的对比分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
摘要:本文利用安装在山东省位山灌区典型农田内的大孔径激光闪烁仪 (LAS) 和涡度相关系统 (EC) ,测定了不同空度尺度上的显热通量,对比分析了两个系统测定结果在不同作物条件下的相关关系,讨论了造成二者偏差的可能原因。结果显示,在研究区域的农田下垫面条件下LAS和EC系统测定的显热通量之间存在较好的一致性;LAS的测量结果略大于EC测量值,这可能是由下垫面不均匀性、二者源区不一致以及EC测量值偏小造成的。研究证明,LAS是测定区域平均显热通量较为可靠的方法。 相似文献
为掌握三峡水库175 m试验性蓄水过程中库区水位、流量、含沙量变化过程,通过三峡库区寸滩、清溪场、万县、朱沱(三)水文站实测的水位、流量、含沙量、水面比降资料,分析了蓄水过程中三峡库区沿程水面比降、库区水文站的水位流量关系、含沙量变化、库区冲淤变化等。分析结果为认识掌握三峡水库175 m蓄水后库区水文泥沙的变化规律积累了资料,对探索三峡库区水文泥沙的监测方式和分析研究将具有积极作用。 相似文献