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Fine particle clogging and faunal bioturbation are two key processes co-occurring in the hyporheic zone that potentially affect hyporheic exchange through modifications in the sediment structure of streambeds. Clogging results from excessive fine sediment infiltration and deposition in rivers, and it is known to decrease matrix porosity and potentially reduce permeability. Faunal bioturbation activity may compensate for the negative effect of clogging by reworking the sediment, increasing porosity, and preventing further infiltration of fines. Although both processes of clogging and bioturbation have received significant attention in the literature separately, their combined effects on streambed sediment structure are not well understood, mostly due to the lack of a standard methodology for their assessment. Here, we illustrate a novel methodology using X-ray computed tomography (CT), as proof of concept, to investigate how, together, clogging and bioturbation affect streambed porosity in a controlled flow-through flume. By visualising gallery formations of an upward conveyor macroinvertebrate; Lumbriculus variegatus as a model species, we quantified bioturbation activity in a clogged streambed, focusing on orientation, depth, and volume at downwelling and upwelling areas of the flume. Gallery creation increased the porosity of the streambed sediment, suggesting a potential improvement in permeability and a possible offset of clogging effects. We illustrate the promising use of X-ray CT as a tool to assess bioturbation in clogged streambeds, and the potential role of bioturbation activity supporting hyporheic exchange processes in streambeds, warranting further studies to understand the extent of bioturbation impacts in natural systems.  相似文献   
为评估BIM技术对装配式建筑设计阶段协同能力的影响程度,基于协同论序参量原理,把软件协同、专业协同作为协同度测度模型的一级指标,在一级指标下选取22个序参量分量指标构建协同度模型。结合具体案例,以装配式建筑设计阶段为研究对象,运用专家打分法将测量指标进行更明确的量化,并借助功效函数对构建的指标体系的协同能力进行评估计算。结果表明:由于BIM软件之间数据共享与转换格式的不统一,仍出现了信息丢失、传递效率低的现象;专业协同与理想状态有一定的差距,BIM技术有待完善。  相似文献   
为研究氮肥污染对桂林红黏土物理力学性质的影响,使用氨水(NH3·H2O)溶液对具有代表性的桂林雁山红黏土进行浸泡,考虑氨水质量分数(0,4.5%,9.0%,13.5%,18.0%)和养护时间(1,7,14 d)双因子因素,通过室内试验,分析氨水污染对桂林雁山红黏土物理力学性质的影响规律。试验结果表明:随着氨水质量分数及养护时间的增加,桂林雁山红黏土的质量、含水率、相对密度和液塑限均增大,压缩模量减小,土体压缩性增强;碱-土作用是引起红黏土物理力学性质发生变化的主要原因,其相互作用导致红黏土颗粒间的胶结物被溶解后又重新生成絮状物,使其原本稳定的结构状态发生改变。  相似文献   
丰宁抽水蓄能电站地下厂房洞室群的施工期围岩变形具有量值大、时效特征明显、不同深度围岩均可能发生变形的特点。为研究该地下厂房围岩变形时效特征,基于工程地质条件和监测数据,开展围岩变形机制研究。分析结果表明:地下厂房围岩变形的分布特征和时效特性,既与围岩在开挖卸荷后所出现的岩体质量下降、围岩强度减小、岩体蚀变现象有关,也与围岩内存在节理裂隙或断层等不连续地质结构在开挖卸荷作用下易发生张开或错动有关。采用由伯格斯流变模型与带拉伸截止限的摩尔-库伦塑性屈服准则组合而成的复合黏弹塑性模型,进行围岩流变力学参数反演,获得了与监测值吻合较好的围岩变形和变形时程曲线计算结果。根据洞室群围岩开挖支护稳定性分析结果,可知截至主厂房第V层开挖支护完毕,洞周围岩局部变形和塑性区深度均较大,且塑性区贯穿主厂房和主变室洞间岩柱,围岩稳定性总体较差。因此,主厂房在第V层开挖完毕后暂停继续下挖,专门进行洞室群的系统性加强支护是必要的。  相似文献   
为探究不同时间尺度边界入流条件对平原感潮河网水动力水质模型模拟精度的影响,以典型平原感潮河网地区的张家港市中部为研究区域,结合野外同步监测数据、自动高频监测数据、常规监测资料等构建了水动力水质模型进行模拟分析。结果表明:时间尺度、开始取值时刻以及调度情况均会影响模拟精度;研究区域边界入流条件、水动力模拟结果和水质模拟结果可信的最大时间尺度为1 h,水质模拟精度优于水动力模拟精度。  相似文献   
利用闽江下游多年水文资料,分析了干流流量时空变化和北港分流比变化趋势,并借助EFDC模型研究水口水库下泄流量和北港分流比对闽江下游水体水龄的影响。分析表明:闽江干流径流量年际变化不均匀,北港分流比则经历了由小变大再变小的趋势。模拟的闽江水龄结果可知水龄与下泄流量成反比关系,北港分流比减小将增加北港水体交换时间,同时减少南港水体交换时间;水龄可以定量地描述污染物在北港河道的停留时间,为保障北港水源地水质安全,需要增大枯水期上游水口水库下泄流量和增大北港分流比。  相似文献   
An Econometric Estimation of Industrial Water Demand in France   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study investigates the structure of industrial water demand byestimating the derived demand for water on a sample of industrialestablishments located in the south-west of France. Productiontechnologies are represented by short-term variable cost functions andapproximated by a translog form. Industrial water use is modeled ashaving three components: the quantity of water bought to a waterutility, the quantity of autonomous water and the quantity of watertreated prior to use. We include in this framework water effluents,which are considered as a by-product of the production process, emittedby firms. Each of the three water components is treated as a separateinput and all are estimated as a system of simultaneous equations. Themodel is estimated on a sample of 51 industrial plants in the Girondedistrict observed from 1994 to 1996 using Seemingly Unrelated Regression(SUR) and Feasible Generalized Least Squares (FGLS). Results ofestimations show that industrial firms are sensitive to water priceinputs. Network water elasticity is estimated at –0.29. It variesfrom –0.10 to –0.79 according to the type of industryconsidered. Autonomous water price elasticity is not significant.Elasticity for treated water is evaluated at –1.42 at themean-sample and varies from –0.90 to –2.21 according to theindustry considered.  相似文献   
In this paper we introduce a complete duality theory based on directional distance functions. This duality theory parallels the duality theory based on radial distance functions in Färe and Primont (1995).  相似文献   
Economic reforms,efficiency and productivity in Chinese banking   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper analyzes the impact of banking reforms on efficiency and total factor productivity (TFP) change in Chinese banking industry. Using an input distance function, we find that joint-equity banks are more efficient than wholly state-owned banks (WSOBs). Furthermore, both WSOBs and joint-equity banks are found to be operating slightly below their optimal size, suggesting potential advantages in expansion of their businesses. Overall, TFP growth was 4.4% per annum for the sample period 1993–2002. Joint-equity banks experienced much higher growth in TFP (5.5% per annum) compared to the WSOBs (1.4% per annum).   相似文献   
Our main objective is to set out and apply a SEEA-based methodology to reflect the true value of forest resources in India's national and state accounts. We establish that a “top-down” approach using available national databases is both feasible and desirable from a policy perspective. In this paper, we address four components of value creation in forests: timber production, carbon storage, fuelwood usage, and the harvesting of non-timber forest products. The results of our analysis suggest that prevailing measures of national income in India underestimate the contribution of forests to income. The income accounts of the Northeastern states in particular are significantly understated by these traditional (GDP/GSDP) measures. We are also able to identify some states which performed poorly in the context of our sustainability framework, reflecting natural capital losses due to degradation and deforestation. Our results highlight the need to integrate natural resource accounting into the national accounting framework in order to generate appropriate signals for sustainable forest management and for the conservation of forest resources which are widely used by the poor in India, as well as being significant stores of national wealth.  相似文献   
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